UN Declares War On Grasshoppers


Sep 23, 2010
At first I couldn’t believe this:

A United Nations-based drug agency urged the United States government on Tuesday to challenge the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, saying the state laws violate international drug treaties.


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said last week that he was in the last stages of reviewing the Colorado and Washington state laws. Holder said he was examining policy options and international implications of the issue. Marijuana is illegal under federal law.


"The entire international system is based on countries respecting the rules, and there's a broad fabric of international treaties that are part and parcel to that," said David Johnson, the U.S. delegate to the Vienna-based board.

Originally published March 5, 2013 at 6:36 AM | Page modified March 5, 2013 at 9:46 AM
UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties

Associated Press

UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties | Nation & World | The Seattle Times

After I realized it was a serious report, I asked myself “What in hell is a United Nations-based drug agency?

The more I thought about it the more I saw that grasshoppers were in serious trouble. I did a quick bit of research, but could not find out if the US Senate ratified any of those international drug treaties; so I’ll assume the answer is no. No matter. Grasshoppers still have to fear the EPA which is a United Nations agency. I’m pretty sure a few million grasshoppers lighting up contributes to manmade global warming.

Aside from the EPA, grasshoppers have to fear the carte blanche Hussein gave to INTERPOL.

All is not rosy for the UN. This next one reminded me of the Canal Hotel bombing in Iraq in August 2003:

Terrorists Seize UN Peacekeepers In The Golan Heights Area
Joseph A. Klein Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Terrorists Seize UN Peacekeepers In The Golan Heights Area

UN Special Representative in Iraq, Sérgio Vieira de Mello, was killed along with 20 other UN employees. At the time the headlines screamed UN HQ Attacked in Baghdad, and variations on that theme.

UN-loving media liberals jumped on the bombing like bedbugs jump on a boarding house mattress. The press instinctively knew how to writeup the incident without any guidelines from the UN’s public relations office. At the time, I wondered how the press knew the truck bomb was aimed at UN personnel since a lot of foreigners were known to hang around the hotel?

The sickest reporting were clips of the UN flag flying (“fluttering” according to some) over the smoking ruins? Talking heads made the Canal Hotel sound like Fort McHenry. Give me a break on that one. The media did a lot of sorry things in recent decades, but that one was as sick as it gets. Were we all supposed to place our hands over our hearts and sing the Star Spangled Banner to the UN house flag?

What made it worse was the bombing took place about the time then-Senators Biden, Hagel, Kerry, and others began appearing on talk shows giving terrorists hope for a political victory à la Vietnam. None of America’s military people killed fighting Muslim fundamentalists in Iraq got one tenth of the tears the press and Democrats shed for UN personnel.

And let’s not forget Democrats covering up the attack in Benghazi. After all, nobody can wave the flag if the attack was triggered by a homemade video nobody saw.

It will be interesting watching the situation in the Golan Heights area. I can only hope there are no Americans among the peacekeepers.

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