Ukraine ‘peace petition’ backed by nearly half a million Germans


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Scholz, Berbock & Co don't care about the opinion even of eighty something millions Germans.
They serve Satan, Biden and Schwab only, they will never stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine until Germany becomes a nuclear desert after the Russian revenge
Lessons learned:
Vote for lefts ( commies, dems, socialists, woke, LGBTQ, insane etc ) and your country disappears.

BTW the initiators of the petition, both left, already began to be smeared by German presstitute MS 'media' ( the most left and lying in the world ) as antisemitic and Nazi, paid by Putin trolls

The document co-authored by prominent left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht suggests weapons deliveries should stop
Almost 500,000 Germans have supported a petition urging Chancellor Olaf Scholz to spearhead efforts for peace negotiations in Ukraine. The appeal is authored by journalist Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent member of Germany’s Left Party (Die Linke), and implores officials in Berlin not to provide Kiev with more weapons.
There are 82.9 million Germans in Germany. So half a million (500,000) is roughly 0.6% of the population.

So you came on here to boast about 0.6% of a countries population supporting something?

Of course, nothing for Scholz & Co
All of them are Putin trolls, antisemite and Nazis
Scholz, Berbock & Co don't care about the opinion even of eighty something millions Germans.
They serve Satan, Biden and Schwab only, they will never stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine until Germany becomes a nuclear desert after the Russian revenge
Lessons learned:
Vote for lefts ( commies, dems, socialists, woke, LGBTQ, insane etc ) and your country disappears.

BTW the initiators of the petition, both left, already began to be smeared by German presstitute MS 'media' ( the most left and lying in the world ) as antisemitic and Nazi, paid by Putin trolls

The document co-authored by prominent left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht suggests weapons deliveries should stop
Almost 500,000 Germans have supported a petition urging Chancellor Olaf Scholz to spearhead efforts for peace negotiations in Ukraine. The appeal is authored by journalist Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent member of Germany’s Left Party (Die Linke), and implores officials in Berlin not to provide Kiev with more weapons.
Everyone wants peace, but what do that entail? If an equally distributed poll with alternative options were circulated what do you think the results would be? Such polls are far too broad. What if a "peace" deal meant that Ukrane hands over their independent country to Russia, would these people still support it?
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Side stepping the math I see.
Probably because your figure work is not very useful maths .
For starters , you need at minimum to remove all babies , children and youngsters under 16 from your total , say.
Then you need to further trim your sample total by factoring the proportion who had the opportunity to see the petition details and therefore those that did not -- who must be excluded .

But more important , you need to have some sort of overall guide as to its likely strength by comparing it against similar types of past petition ( if any ) and versus other petitions regardless of subject matter .

Just simple top line considerations within a decidedly non scientific area , but possibly useful for obtaining a measure of total population strength of feeling .
Probably because your figure work is not very useful maths .
For starters , you need at minimum to remove all babies , children and youngsters under 16 from your total , say.
Then you need to further trim your sample total by factoring the proportion who had the opportunity to see the petition details and therefore those that did not -- who must be excluded .

But more important , you need to have some sort of overall guide as to its likely strength by comparing it against similar types of past petition ( if any ) and versus other petitions regardless of subject matter .

Just simple top line considerations within a decidedly non scientific area , but possibly useful for obtaining a measure of total population strength of feeling .

Alright Einstein, do the math then. I agree with you, but that number is still going to be relatively low. 500,000 in a country with millions in its population is going to be a very low percentage no matter how you slice it.
Everyone wants peace, but what do that entail? If an equally distributed poll with alternative options were circulated what do you think the results would be? Such polls are far too broad. What if a "peace" deal meant that Ukrane hands over their independent coiuntry to Russia? Would these people still support it?

Idiots can't grasp until now, Putin, Zelenskly, Scholz, Biden & Co are one team.
They do anything possible Russians butcher each other in the crazy civil war and clean the territory up at behalf of the project Khazaria 2.0 ( RElocating fake Khazari 'Jews' from Israel to Ukraine )
Russia doesn't need the poor and dilapidated Ukraine ( including Crimea ), it shall invest money into Russia and not into enemies

Alright Einstein, do the math then. I agree with you, but that number is still going to be relatively low. 500,000 in a country with millions in its population is going to be a very low percentage no matter how you slice it.
It gets technical .
How do you accurately determine how many people saw the petition ?
If it was only 2 million , say , the response is more like 25% than your 0.6% guess . Example only .

But overall I place very little store in petitions other than as a possible first step to getting them debated in parliament here or your equivalent .

And like opinion polls it is very easy to fix the results --- simply bias them by showing it mainly to groups whose past behaviour and known political beliefs will give you the result you wish to sell overall to the Sheeple and Gullibles .
That´s a lot considering the fact tat the media built a wall of silence around it.

500,000..... out of 80,000,000+....

Just looked at the German children population. The population of German children is at 10.5 million, or 12% of the German population. So that leaves 71,000,000 German adults.

500,000 out of 71,000,000 is 0.7% of the population. There, bumped you up a tenth of a percentage.

Let's assume that half of 71 million were unable to take the survey for some reason. That's 35,000,000. 500,000 out of 35,000,000 is 1.2%.

So if we only surveyed 35,000,000 Germans, that number would still be a very low 1.2%.
500,000..... out of 80,000,000+....

Just looked at the German children population. The population of German children is at 10.5 million, or 12% of the German population. So that leaves 71,000,000 German adults.

500,000 out of 71,000,000 is 0.7% of the population. There, bumped you up a tenth of a percentage.

Let's assume that half of 71 million were unable to take the survey for some reason. That's 35,000,000. 500,000 out of 35,000,000 is 1.2%.

So if we only surveyed 35,000,000 Germans, that number would still be a very low 1.2%.
That doesn´t mean the others are all for war. I means they are meaningless fucks without an opinion.
That doesn´t mean the others are all for war. I means they are meaningless fucks without an opinion.
Be fair .
They have an opinion and at the moment that is something we allow .Not assuming that our opinion is God given .

Good Lord . Even I got something wrong . Once . April 11 , 1998 .Got married .
That doesn´t mean the others are all for war. I means they are meaningless fucks without an opinion.

Even if we assume half of the 35,000,000 was of no opinion, that leaves roughly 17,000,000. That means 500,000 of 17,000,000 is 2.5% We can play these number games all day, but I don't want to. I want to go take a look at a friends M91 Carcano Carbine.
Be fair .
They have an opinion and at the moment that is something we allow .Not assuming that our opinion is God given .

Good Lord . Even I got something wrong . Once . April 11 , 1998 .Got married .
No, they don´t. They have no choice. There is always only one opinion promoted in politics and media. This opinion is being injected into the people. Then the people get polled by those who injected them an opinion.
Who gives a shit what the fuckin' squareheads think?

That question should be asked of the US citizenry who is footing most of the bill.

I don't think the Tater administration and gop neocons would like the result.....Neither would the MIC.

A peaceful partition should have already been on the table months ago.
Hey Germany,
The United States blew up your pipeline, punked you into giving up your tanks and is openly destroying your economy
Now smile for the camera!

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