Ukraine Launches Missile at NATO members. But US media doesn't report it. NATO fails to respond, proving it's a paper tiger.

Actual fact - verified by Croatia - Ukraine attacked Croatia with a type of "Soviet Era reusable cruise missile."

Keep it all very hush hush though, Ukraine's supposed to be the good guys.

There's no mistake about it. Ukraine is desperately trying to widen the war because they have lost over 40,000 soldiers, 10x the estimates that Russia has lost.

Actual fact verified by Croatia. You Russian Troll are so stupid.
Why would they do that?..... it doesn't add up...
So you’re unaware that Ukraine and Z have been desperately trying to escalate this war. Really? Do you get all your news from Fox News, because that would explain your post?

Do you also believe the Russians committed all the civilian killing they’ve been accused of by Biden and the western media?
Actual fact - verified by Croatia - Ukraine attacked Croatia with a type of "Soviet Era reusable cruise missile."

Keep it all very hush hush though, Ukraine's supposed to be the good guys.

There's no mistake about it. Ukraine is desperately trying to widen the war because they have lost over 40,000 soldiers, 10x the estimates that Russia has lost.

I personally think Zelinsky is more dangerous than Putin. I don't think that man is honest at all. Think about all the weapons and money going through his hands right now. And No, lefttards, I am not a fan of Putin.
I personally think Zelinsky is more dangerous than Putin.

It wasn't Zelinsky that invaded his neighboring country and is threatening others.

I don't think that man is honest at all.

Not a lot of honesty anywhere these days.

Think about all the weapons and money going through his hands right now.

I think his country needs those weapons to avoid being overrun. Would you want to go back to being Russia's bitch, like they were in the old days?
So you’re unaware that Ukraine and Z have been desperately trying to escalate this war. Really? Do you get all your news from Fox News, because that would explain your post?

Do you also believe the Russians committed all the civilian killing they’ve been accused of by Biden and the western media?
I go by provable proof...not by what I hear on the so called should give that a try.... by your judgement how do you know that you are right?....
It wasn't Zelinsky that invaded his neighboring country and is threatening others.

Not a lot of honesty anywhere these days.

I think his country needs those weapons to avoid being overrun. Would you want to go back to being Russia's bitch, like they were in the old days?
Zelinsky is no angel and I am no Putin fan. Zelinsky banned The Russian Language in all of Ukraine. He also banned all opposition political parties to his own. He also initially started attacking Russian speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine, which lead to The Separatists Movement there. He also tried to systematically exterminate them, take their homes, farms etc.

The two states Zelinsky was harassing started to defend themselves and then declared independence and asked Russia for support.

Ukraine also was caught stealing Natural Gas from the Russian Pipelines flowing in to Ukraine.

Then Faux Xiden told Puitn that he could make a minor incursion in to Ukraine and Joe would do nothing about it.
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So you’re unaware that Ukraine and Z have been desperately trying to escalate this war. Really? Do you get all your news from Fox News, because that would explain your post?

Maybe Ukraine and Z are trying to end this war rather than escalate it. Maybe he/they just want Putin to take his military and go home, and if Ukraine gets more backing from the West then a peace settlement might be possible.

Do you also believe the Russians committed all the civilian killing they’ve been accused of by Biden and the western media?

No, I don't believe much of anything I read or hear about what's going on over there. But I do believe that Putin did not and does not have sufficient cause to invade Ukraine.
He also initially started attacking Russian speaking citizens in Easter Ukraine, which lead to The Separatists Movement there. He also tried to systematically exterminate them, take their homes, farms etc. Then the two states declared independence and asked Russia for support.

How sure are you about these charges? Has anything been confirmed, and by whom? How much of that Separatist Movement is Ukrainians and how much is actually Russians?
Maybe Ukraine and Z are trying to end this war rather than escalate it. Maybe he/they just want Putin to take his military and go home, and if Ukraine gets more backing from the West then a peace settlement might be possible.

No, I don't believe much of anything I read or hear about what's going on over there. But I do believe that Putin did not and does not have sufficient cause to invade Ukraine.
More backing from the west is only going to get more of Ukraine destroyed. Russia wants NATO pushed back, period.
Zelinsky is no angel and I am no Putin fan. Zelinsky banned The Russian Language in all of Ukraine. He also banned all opposition political parties to his own. He also initially started attacking Russian speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine, which lead to The Separatists Movement there. He also tried to systematically exterminate them, take their homes, farms etc.

The the two states declared independence and asked Russia for support.

Ukraine also was caught stealing Natural Gas from the Russian Pipelines flowing in to Ukraine.

Then Faux Xiden told Puitn that he could make a minor incursion in to Ukraine and Joe would do nothing about it.
This is true.

Before Russia "invaded", Ukrainians were burning Russians in the streets of Odessa.

Maybe Ukraine and Z are trying to end this war rather than escalate it. Maybe he/they just want Putin to take his military and go home, and if Ukraine gets more backing from the West then a peace settlement might be possible.

No, I don't believe much of anything I read or hear about what's going on over there. But I do believe that Putin did not and does not have sufficient cause to invade Ukraine.
Lol. Z and Ukraine could have easily avoided this war. They chose war instead now you think they are trying to stop it. Lol. You must get all your news from CNN.

This answers a lot of your questions.

No, actually it doesn't.
How sure are you about these charges? Has anything been confirmed, and by whom? How much of that Separatist Movement is Ukrainians and how much is actually Russians?
No one can know that. But I have another theory. The Globalists put Putin up to attacking The Ukraine because COVID 19 was loosing steam, so they brought in Putin 22 to continue to push The World to The NWO.

Great Reset at all costs....

Am I right?
Russia wants NATO pushed back, period.


Nobody in NATO wants any trouble with Russia, most of those countries need Russian oil and LNG, so they ain't a threat. What we have here is pure Russian imperialist expansionism by a man who wants to restore the old USSR and has no scruples about doing so.
Am I right?

I don't think so, but that's JMO. I ain't a big fan or believer in Globalists and the NWO. I think there are some who do want that outcome, but I don't think they have anywhere near that kind of power or influence. Again, JMO.

For me, it's a lot simpler: Putin dearly wants to restore the old USSR to it's former power and glory.
No one can know that. But I have another theory. The Globalists put Putin up to attacking The Ukraine because COVID 19 was loosing steam, so they brought in Putin 22 to continue to push The World to The NWO.

Great Reset at all costs....

Am I right?
No urnot.

The is not push to a NWO. The idea is to maintain the order we established after WWII.

Nobody in NATO wants any trouble with Russia, most of those countries need Russian oil and LNG, so they ain't a threat. What we have here is pure Russian imperialist expansionism by a man who wants to restore the old USSR and has no scruples about doing so.
Boy you're naive as fuck. Why did Ukraine have tons of weapons BEFORE Russia invaded if NATO just wants to leave Russia alone?
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Nobody in NATO wants any trouble with Russia, most of those countries need Russian oil and LNG, so they ain't a threat. What we have here is pure Russian imperialist expansionism by a man who wants to restore the old USSR and has no scruples about doing so.
Lol. Dude you’re a dupe. NATO wants to destroy Russia. That’s it’s sole purpose. You buy this bs that it’s only defensive. It is provocative to Russia. Think!
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