Ukraine Launches Missile at NATO members. But US media doesn't report it. NATO fails to respond, proving it's a paper tiger.

I don't think so, but that's JMO. I ain't a big fan or believer in Globalists and the NWO. I think there are some who do want that outcome, but I don't think they have anywhere near that kind of power or influence. Again, JMO.

For me, it's a lot simpler: Putin dearly wants to restore the old USSR to it's former power and glory.
Where do you think the order to implement lock downs came from and forced vaccinations world wide?

That is NWO all the way.

Complete PsyOps job
Boy you're naive as fuck. Why did Ukraine have tons of weapons BEFORE Russia invaded if NATO just wants to leave Russia alone?

Geez man, you're crazy. First, if I was Ukraine and knowing Putin as well as they did, I'd have a shit-ton of weapons too. Everybody with a brain anywhere in the world knows that Putin wants to restore the old USSR, and Ukraine certainly knew it. And while Ukraine did want to join NATO, as far as I can tell they weren't going to be allowed to join for the basic reason that Russia leaned on the rest of Europe to prevent that from happening. That, and Ukraine didn't meet the minimum standards to get into NATO anyway. For one thing, they are/were far too corrupt; we saw that with the Trump and Biden fiascos.

There is/was no fucking way that NATO was ever going to invade Russia or start a war with them as long as Russia did not attack a NATO country. That's it dude, no fucking way does anybody in Europe want to start a war with the people that supply them with heating oil and LNG to get through the winter. To think that NATO had any ideas of aggression against Russia is dumb-shit stupid.
Actual fact - verified by Croatia - Ukraine attacked Croatia with a type of "Soviet Era reusable cruise missile."

Keep it all very hush hush though, Ukraine's supposed to be the good guys.

There's no mistake about it. Ukraine is desperately trying to widen the war because they have lost over 40,000 soldiers, 10x the estimates that Russia has lost.

Your title and OPost are deceptive and most likely wrong. First of all, THIS WAS COVERED in US and international media.

Second, there is no evidence that Ukraine HAS any of these huge drones as they require a massive constant presence at a central command center. And RUSSIA has that capacity. Ukraine -- not likely at all. So -- UKRAINE didn't attack Croatia. Until we HEAR that "they did". I would not WAIT for that to happen.

Thirdly, the most LIKELY scenario, since this was close to when Russia WAS employing land/ship drones in early March to BIG DEGREE -- is that "this one got away from them". The deployed CHUTE is a major clue with them trying to "soft land" the thing. And thru the general incompetence and delays in Russian military Command/Control, they waited TOO long to "soft land" it before it reached Zagrev,,, It was probably running out of fuel and WOULD have crash landed anyways.

YEAH -- this is dangerous. War is risky. The only chance of escalation here is that conspiracy theory folks will leap to conclusions and spread the lies...
I think the whole story is BS.
There were reports early in the war. Croatia was not happy because NATO either missed it or purposely ignored it.

Zelinsky is no angel and I am no Putin fan. Zelinsky banned The Russian Language in all of Ukraine. He also banned all opposition political parties to his own. He also initially started attacking Russian speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine, which lead to The Separatists Movement there. He also tried to systematically exterminate them, take their homes, farms etc.

The two states Zelinsky was harassing started to defend themselves and then declared independence and asked Russia for support.

Ukraine also was caught stealing Natural Gas from the Russian Pipelines flowing in to Ukraine.

Then Faux Xiden told Puitn that he could make a minor incursion in to Ukraine and Joe would do nothing about it.
You’re repeating Russian propaganda.

Just stop
MSNBC: Russian flagship hit by Ukraine missile has now SUNK. SUNK. Russia has now backed its ships 80 miles off Ukraine coast. So much Russian winning...

While Ukraine’s military claimed the Russian ship leading the blockade of the Black Sea had capsized and was “sinking,” Russia’s defense ministry insisted it was towing the Moskva to port. The Russian Defense Ministry admitted later on Thursday, however, that the ship did sink in choppy waters as they were towing it.

'Massive blow for Russian credibility': Sinking of warship a win for Ukraine, experts say

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