Zone1 Ukraine aid : stalled. Israel aid : stalled. Over southern-border policies? Come on...


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
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both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
The Republicans would be seen as un-american if they opposed sponsoring any of America's wars.

So they've hung their opposition to the wars and spending taxpayer money on the popular border issue.

No matter what Biden offers them on the border issue, it won't change their minds on the financing of America's wars.

Biden's government needs to find a way to eliminate the antiwar Republicans from having a say in the funding of war.

Republicans appear to already understand that America stands alone on the wars and is losing it's reputation to China's contrasting policy of peaceful relations with the world.
US Democrats,

you only need so many new uneducated workers per year.
and they need to all have the right backgrounds for the jobs and lives they'll be having in the US.
your legal immigration policies may need some enhancements/upgrades.
and you need to start buying ad time on TV channels throughout the regions you're attracting migrants from to plainly inform them that anyone not abiding by legal immigration policies will be shipped back (by boat, not by plane, coz that's too expensive, and the longer and more uncomfy and futile you make their journey, the less likely you'll be at attracting more illegals).

and lastly, you need to start deploying the US military in an assist capacity but at a large scale on the southern border.
to enable border police to guide anti-drugs operations.
Piss on the Uke midget, he does not need another yacht at our expense.

The IDF is doing OK on it's own for now.

The border is job #1 and if the dems want to play their little fuck-fuck games Johnson can hold the line if it takes all Summer.
Israel receives 3.8 billion USD annually and 75 cents of every dollar MUST be spent with US defense contractors. The US gets two major levers with this arrangement. First, our defense contractors get welfare directly from the taxpayers and second, DC gets a way to pressure Israel to often act against Israeli's interests. I'd advise Israel to prepare to manufacture their own ammo OR begin to produce their own versions of systems that do not require replenishment from DC.

All of their iron dome missiles come from US contractors as well as their bunker-busting munitions. Biden is applying pressure by witholding or slowing delivery on that ammo and his pressure is apt to increase when Bibi finally tells him NO... we are not stopping this time.
Funding a stalemate is stupid... when will it end... we use to not allow presidents to take us to war on their own without congressional over sight and that should be the case here too... tell us what victory means Joe.... and when do you expect to achieve it and give us a cost estimate...
This is the door that opens to WW3... its as if that's what democrats want... WTF?....
both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
The tragic part is that the Democrats are serious about border security! DEAD SERIOUS. What we have today is exactly what they campaigned on and what they demand.

I don't have a clue as to how this can ever be reversed. We have tens of millions of people in our country that we know nothing about.

How many terrorists did it take to bring down four airliners in 2001?


Israel receives 3.8 billion USD annually and 75 cents of every dollar MUST be spent with US defense contractors. The US gets two major levers with this arrangement. First, our defense contractors get welfare directly from the taxpayers and second, DC gets a way to pressure Israel to often act against Israeli's interests. I'd advise Israel to prepare to manufacture their own ammo OR begin to produce their own versions of systems that do not require replenishment from DC.

All of their iron dome missiles come from US contractors as well as their bunker-busting munitions. Biden is applying pressure by witholding or slowing delivery on that ammo and his pressure is apt to increase when Bibi finally tells him NO... we are not stopping this time.

yes, that sure seems to be the way to not overextend one's military (which is downright very dangerous) and at the same time keep that arms industry that supports it fed with regular large paychecks from tax money, which is necessary for it's longevity and thus your own darn security.
it also very much seems to be the way of this world post WW2.

Funding a stalemate is stupid... when will it end... we use to not allow presidents to take us to war on their own without congressional over sight and that should be the case here too... tell us what victory means Joe.... and when do you expect to achieve it and give us a cost estimate...
This is the door that opens to WW3... its as if that's what democrats want... WTF?....

wars of attrition (a slow degrading of the strengths of one's opponents) can be fought with quick victory campaigns, given enough sufficiently more advanced weaponry than the opponents have.
it all boils down to how much you dare to spend on military R&D rather than raw output older-design weapons- and munitions-manufacuring.
the bad guys will be stealing and reverse engineering your designs anyways, so make sure you have plenty of diverse weapons with hard to crack puzzles in their design.
The odds are still quite strong that it will end up in a 'win-win' solution - the Reps will get the changes in the border policy and the Dems will get the funding for Ukraine and other things.

And Ukraine, if it stops so mindlessly losing given recourses and people as it did this year, still has chances to preserve its statehood.

The Christmas 'deadline' almost certainly will be missed; but as I can get, it would be quite 'okay' if the bill would be passed till the end of January.
There is no willingness to compromise for the good of the country.
Your assumption that this is what is required likely needs re-assessing .
If the Chinese have infiltrated along with Deep State( and that is crystal clear) there will be a large number of important people who will be obligated to do exactly what they are told.

And you can likely start with the current effective President -- Obummer -- and then work down the list of other willing and unwilling traitors .
imho .
both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
Same old, same old. The US has done the same stuff since the Bay of Pigs. Get some third world nation and support their war against some one we are suppose to hate then cut funding and all support leaving the country we are suppose to support high and dry. We won Vietnam when we won the Tet Offensive, we wiped out the Viet Cong and the NVA lost 55,000 men, they were done. Ask any NVA general at the time. But when a Republican took office the war mongers also known as democRats cut all funding for the War. You need democRats to lose a war you already won. They did it again in Iraq with Kerry saying "They said it would happen when we pull out of Vietnam but it never happened" then he said it again to make his point "It never happened." When we left Vietnam 35,000 went to Malaria infested reeducation camps. All South Vietnam military officers were loaded into American 2 1/2 ton trucks,with their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded. Taken out and machine gunned with only one making it out alive. In our hurry to leave we left behind a list of everyone who worked for the Phoenix Project. According to France 30,000 were round up an executed, Never Happened?! Kerry should have rotted from the tree 40 or 50 years ago. all you democRats are traitors or dumb as a pillowcase full of duck guts and a rock. Go pray to Saint Hillary and why you are down there praying take care of Bill to. Buy em books, send em to school and look what ya get, and it stinks to.
both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
Stupid Joe brings 7, 000,000 of his stupid brothers into the country. As a nation we are done!


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both the Ukraine aid and Israel aid are stalled[1] over the Democrats' current refusal to take southern border policies seriously (as demanded by the Republicans).
border officials are outnumbered by immigrants to a ratio of 200 to 1 on a daily basis,
enabling the shipments of cocaine, crack, meth, and fentanyl(!) that kill or ruin the lives of over a hundred thousand Americans per year.

isn't it time the Democrats got serious about border security?

[1] keeping the people of those regions in state of constant war or worry of war erupting again at any time.
7 GOING ON 8 MILLION. It's all fun and games to you so lets send them all to your house.
Once again democrats hate America! Ukraine > America

is why democrats now have to cheat in the tens of millions column
When Trump is back in the White House The best thing is going to be watch all these clowns and all their issues of swallowing gun barrel or cutting them self.

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