UK Parliament A Great Institution Of Democracy, Not!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Watching the people of the UK careen toward Brexit is like watching a dear friend deteriorate as a human being and traveling on a path toward suicide! The UK Parliament's recent turn of events really underscored this, I thought that the UK democratic system was the gold standard for democracy the UK was the country that produced the Magna Carta one of the world's fundamental documents for human rights. The UK Parliaments recent actions on Brexit shred these notions to pieces on this most critical question that the UK has faced in generations on Brexit Parliaments upper chamber the House of Lords first decides that any Brexit agreement must insure EU citizens who have been living and working in the UK the right to remain in the UK than after political pressure from the Prime Minister and her allies say never mind the UK democratic framework of check and balances on the Prime Minister's power is a joke!

The cold hard facts are that the consequences of Brexit are that the UK will lose London as the financial capitol of the European Union and all the outstanding economic benefits this brings, the people that run the world's banks and investment houses are going to want to have their central offices in a country where the host country is a full member of the European Union so they can optimally look out for their interests; UK exporters to the EU will have to pay a tariff to export to the EU and so will take a huge loss to EU producers and UK citizens will lose the freedom to move to and take jobs in other EU countries. This writer works in retail in a major U.S. city and often has an opportunity to talk with visiting UK citizens and also often has an opportunity to talk with them about Brexit and all these people exhibit fear when the subject comes up, no joy, enthusiasm and/or confidence is shown. I don't have the wisdom of Solomon but I do have some fundamental wisdom and such wisdom says leaders don't make fundamental changes for their group when they know with definiteness that really bad things will happen from this move and the overall good to come from it is a big maybe! Prudent and good leaders don't gamble with the permanent well-being of their people!

The UK is a Christian nation meaning they believe in a Purgatory a place people go after they die that is like hell where there is outstanding suffering but it is not for eternity and they believe in the God that is depicted in the Old Testament Bible. This should add up for the people of the UK believing that the truly good God who is not a fool is going to send these off-the-charts irresponsible UK leaders that take the country of the United Kingdom permanently out of the European Union to purgatory for at least a thousand years when they die and these leaders will deserve every second they spend there for ruining their country!

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