Ugly people


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
This bus full of ugly people crashed and they all died and appeared at the pearly gates. St. Peter came out and told them all they could have one wish granted before they entered heaven. The first one, a woman, said, I want to be beautiful.

In an instant she was suddenly one of the most beautiful women ever. The other ugly people saw this and asked for the same thing and got it. All except the last guy, who was laughing so hard he was nearly in tears. St. Peter asked him what he wished for and the guy said, "make them all ugly again."
This bus full of ugly people crashed and they all died and appeared at the pearly gates. St. Peter came out and told them all they could have one wish granted before they entered heaven. The first one, a woman, said, I want to be beautiful.

In an instant she was suddenly one of the most beautiful women ever. The other ugly people saw this and asked for the same thing and got it. All except the last guy, who was laughing so hard he was nearly in tears. St. Peter asked him what he wished for and the guy said, "make them all ugly again."
Three ugly people from Russia, Canada and France were discussing how they make love to their sheep. The russian and Canadian both had a similar doggy style approach but the French did it while facing the sheep. When they asked him why he does it that way he said "WHAT? NO KISSING???"
Three ugly people from Russia, Canada and France were discussing how they make love to their sheep. The russian and Canadian both had a similar doggy style approach but the French did it while facing the sheep. When they asked him why he does it that way he said "WHAT? NO KISSING???"
I as a Canadian can add to the story. We have to be from behind because the sheep's hind legs go in our rubber boots to keep the ewe calm and cooperative.
I as a Canadian can add to the story. We have to be from behind because the sheep's hind legs go in our rubber boots to keep the ewe calm and cooperative.
Us Greeks would push them towards a cliff. Either they jump or have sex. Either way we're having Gyro's tonight. Did you know Greeks invented sex? But it was the Italians who introduced it to women.
Us Greeks would push them towards a cliff. Either they jump or have sex. Either way we're having Gyro's tonight. Did you know Greeks invented sex? But it was the Italians who introduced it to women.
Yes, and I know a bit more about the topic than needs to be mentioned.

Just to say that it's always been widely accepted and that leads to questions on why?
Once a guy was driving through the country and he looked out into a field and was shocked to see a man fucking a sheep. So he quickly pulls into the next driveway and knocks on the door and is greeted by an odd looking boy. He says, "Quick! Call the police! There's some weirdo sexually assaulting a sheep in the field next door!"

So the kid says, "Ah, no worries. That's just my da-AT-AT-aaaad!"
Yes, and I know a bit more about the topic than needs to be mentioned.

Just to say that it's always been widely accepted and that leads to questions on why?
Of course I'm kidding. Aren't you?

The closest thing and the only thing I could imagine I would do is let a carp suck my dick. Seems harmless. Do you think it would be traumatized?

When I gut my warm freshly killed deer I wonder how many sick mother fuckers fuck the corps. It's right there if you are on your knees. GROSSI bet it's more than you think. In MI alone 45,000 deer were shot on opening day. You have to imagine at least a few pervs out of 45,000 hunters. Right?
A sheep farmer invited a friend out to his farm. While there the farmer was showing off his herd to his friend. His friend asked, "Do you ever have sex with your sheep?"
The farmer replied,"Sure all of the time. Would you like to try one?"
The friend says, "sure". So, he wades out into the herd, picks one out, drops his drawers and proceeds to give the sheep the hosing of it's life.
After the friend gets done he sees the farmer laughing and shaking his head.
The friend asked, "What's so funny"
The farmer said with a grin, "You picked the ugliest sheep in the herd!"
Of course I'm kidding. Aren't you?

The closest thing and the only thing I could imagine I would do is let a carp suck my dick. Seems harmless. Do you think it would be traumatized?

When I gut my warm freshly killed deer I wonder how many sick mother fuckers fuck the corps. It's right there if you are on your knees. GROSSI bet it's more than you think. In MI alone 45,000 deer were shot on opening day. You have to imagine at least a few pervs out of 45,000 hunters. Right?

No bud, that's just you...
Mmm, I don't know. Every once in awhile the news features someone who has sex with a dog and gets charged with animal cruelty. I almost agree that 45,000 deer might just well find a few pervs, as he said.

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