UAH for June was .37c


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Uah for June is .37c...third

6-2011 was .32c
6-2010 was .39c second
6-2009 was -.01c
6-2008 was -.12c
6-2007 was .16c
6-2006 was .12c
6-2005 was .22c
6-2004 was .02c
6-2003 was .03c
6-2002 was .32c
6-2001 was -.01c
6-2000 was .0c
6-1999 was -17c
6-1998 was .51c! first
6-1997 was -.05c
6-1996 was -.18c
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Liberals have become genius in the art of manipulating statistics. They will ALWAYS be able to find numbers to fit their preconceptions.................

Thomas Sowell on "Ahhh Haaa!!" statistics!!!

[ame=]Thomas Sowell - Aha statistics - YouTube[/ame]

This is why for 10 years, Ive been saying that these science OCD internet types are so predisposed to buying into prevailing statistics.............they will always gravitate to staistics that fit what they want to see. And the stat makers know the suckers are out there.

Thomas Sowell = the most brilliant man in America.
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Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door. Sowell school this liberal intellectual asshole. This is hysterical.............I would pay good money to see this man debate any liberal on the face of the planet. How this woman didnt just get up and leave is beyond me!!! Government is the number one source for facilitating inequality in the world.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell Dismantles Egalitarianism (Frances Fox Piven Edition) - YouTube[/ame]
Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door.

Right............just like the stories this week about 3,000 record highs.:coffee: Bomb throwing via statistics.......and most buy this stuff hook, line and stinker.

People who reject the Sowell arguments are ideologues seeking a truth they want to this case via statistics.
Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door.

But when we talk about the record heat in the US in the 30's you tell us "that's local, that's not Global!"
Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door.

But when we talk about the record heat in the US in the 30's you tell us "that's local, that's not Global!"

Frank..........check out Sowell. ALL of his stuff decimates virtually all liberal arguments!! He easily turns the concept of "intellectual" on its ear.
On statistics...........for example, between 1998 and 2011, the average temperature for Colorado has fallen. But this fact will never be recognized for a moment by the AGW alarmist's. But they are sure to be there posting up the rural station readings where the #'s match their preconceptions.
Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door.

But when we talk about the record heat in the US in the 30's you tell us "that's local, that's not Global!"

That is correct. In the '30's it was local. Today, the rest of the world is getting to share the heat. And the storms, and all the rest of the fun stuff that we are seeing.
Statistics like the recent multistate storm that left so many without power in three diget temperatures are rather convincing. A year with tens of thousands of records being broken, almost all on the hot side, that started with a La Nina is an interesting statistic. An Arctic Ocean that is on the way to establishing a new minimum ice record is another. In fact, I believe that we will see many interesting 'statistics' before this year is done.

And if 2013 starts with an El Nino, Katy, bar the door.

But when we talk about the record heat in the US in the 30's you tell us "that's local, that's not Global!"

That is correct. In the '30's it was local. Today, the rest of the world is getting to share the heat. And the storms, and all the rest of the fun stuff that we are seeing.

"storms" didnt start in 2006 as the alarmists would like you to believe. Reading shit on the internet these days, you'd think that a thunderstorm is some kind of sudden phenomenon like a gigantic ship from outer space.

In 1999, my wife and I spent a night with my brother in Mahopac New York. There were non-stop violent thunderstorms that went on for hours during the night with no break. Dozens of cracks of thunder that shook the house all night. Scray as was like the storm stayed right over the town all night. My brother says there have been no such night like it since and that is now 13 years ago. So please with the "storms" crap........they've been happening for time and eternity. The warmist contingent just wants to make the reality an end of the world one every time a line of thunderstorms rolls through your area.........and its fresh in your mind. Make no mistake.......the 24 hour news cycle is the best friend of the bomb thrower.:eusa_whistle:
[ame=]Monster Sunspot M-Flare Attack / Solar Watch July 5, 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

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