U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just another indication in a long line of indications of the perfidy of the Biden White House.

This is outrageous but is so typical of the left, who are if anything xenophiles.

The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.

The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.


Left for dead at the border, the only way to stop the invasion, is to leave bodies, at the wall.
Only when they fail to halt and obey legal orders. If they try to crash through the border police as in Mexico the all methods are on the table as they are invaders.
I got an idea, when they show up at the border tell them "go home" and they either go home or you send them home.

It's easy as that.
Just another indication in a long line of indications of the perfidy of the Biden White House.

This is outrageous but is so typical of the left, who are if anything xenophiles.

The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.
The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

Paying millions to the hordes of savages invaders?

Total madness .....:mad-61:

Can Americans go to Mexico and get caught sneaking in to USA and receive 400 Grand? And how many times can this be done by Yanks or folks South of the Yankeeland South border?
Oh, it just came to me, after the Covid drugs kill off 50 million Americans, the South of the border folks can get free houses from Yanks that died out.
Come on, GOP, get us some good candidates for '22 & '24.

We've gotta get these insane dirtbags out of office.

I'm an Indie, but as pissed off as I am...I still will never vote for any trump.
Just another indication in a long line of indications of the perfidy of the Biden White House.

This is outrageous but is so typical of the left, who are if anything xenophiles.

The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.
The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

The blacks will now want at least $450,000 apiece when they get their reparations. They will riot when democrats say we can’t afford it.

To be fair the blacks will have a fair point. Why do people who illegally came to our nation deserve that big a lump sum of money while native blacks descended from slaves get less?

I favor giving such big bucks to the families of service men who died fighting for our nation or were seriously injured. They honestly deserve it.
I find it strange that a parent can take their child on a dangerous journey that is illegal as hell and then get paid for abusing their child…

I mean people need to realize those kids would have not been separated had the parent not done what they did!
Only one or two elections will not fix the mess Democrats and a few RINOs have perpetrated.

People cannot ever again vote Democrat. I fear they will forget after a few years and vote Democrat again. How quickly they forgot the dreadful 8-years of Øbama.

What I remember was before Obama came into office, I had busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and I had to accept a drop in salary. We were in the worst recession in 70 years and mired in two pointless wars.

But you seem to want to forget that...

Just like you'd like to forget Trump Plague, Trump Riots and Trump Recession.

the classic cycle.

1) Republicans fuck things up, get voted out of office.
2) Republicans complain Democrats aren't fixing what they fucked up fast enough.
3) Democrats fix things, Republicans move on to some bullshit social issue to get stupid white people angry.
4) When all else fails, Republican cheat.

We are on phase 2 right now.
I find it strange that a parent can take their child on a dangerous journey that is illegal as hell and then get paid for abusing their child…

I mean people need to realize those kids would have not been separated had the parent not done what they did!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that we would follow our own laws. Our own laws state that if you apply for asylum, you get a hearing to determine if you can stay or not.

Here's why we need to consider this settlement a gift.

You get this in front of a jury, and you put one crying parent who still can't find her child because Trump didn't keep good records, or one child who was sexually abused in a Trump Concentration Camp, and $450,000 would seem paltry to what a jury would award.

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