Two Simple Questions for the Vaccine Lovers

1. How many have died or been injured by a ChiCom Flu vaccine? Pick any period of time since June.

2. Why is the government hiding this information to prevent you from answering question 1?

1. Supposedly, VAERS adverse vaccine events represent 1% of total data. Thus, it is very likely millions and more have been fucked up forever by the JABS.

2. Because our government and governments around the world intend the JABS to fuck people up. The JABS are biological weapons. See: spike protein.
1. How many have died or been injured by a ChiCom Flu vaccine? Pick any period of time since June.

2. Why is the government hiding this information to prevent you from answering question 1?

1. None

2. The government isn't hiding anything. It's all in your paranoid mind. Wrap some more tinfoil around your head to keep the CIAs beams out.
1. How many have died or been injured by a ChiCom Flu vaccine? Pick any period of time since June.

2. Why is the government hiding this information to prevent you from answering question 1?
6 deaths.

Easily accessed information.
1. How many have died or been injured by a ChiCom Flu vaccine? Pick any period of time since June.

2. Why is the government hiding this information to prevent you from answering question 1?

Not a vaccine lover but that information is found in the exact same place and manner it is for every other vaccine.

It is what is known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Nothing out there.
That’s the point.
You can’t find it either.

I apologize, I did not realize you were a computer illiterate.

Let me help you. Once you go to the link I provide, you then click on VAER Data Set



then you get this cool request page and you put in what you are looking for.


And then you get a list like this...


Forum List
