Two of Trump's attorneys resign after indictment

Making an individual who has ignored our laws, put himself above country, ignored the basic principles of our Constittion, accountable is not disgusting.
The braindead lemmings who support and make excuses are beyond disgusting. They are treasonous Pieces of manure and will be remebered in history as so.

And what would you like to see happen to these "braindead lemmings"?
the tape is where Trump is going to have his hardest time defending....If authentic, he has some explaining to do...

There's evidence that Trump was moving the document boxes around and hid that fact from his attorneys. He also claimed NARA gave him 2 years to go through the boxes. In a rare public statement NARA refuted that lie too.
And what would you like to see happen to these "braindead lemmings"?
I would like to see the brain dead lemmings have their brains come to life. They start thinking for themselves. They are not just Trump puppets. I would like to see them loyal to our country and it's principles not to an individual, Donald Trump.
I would like to see the brain dead lemmings have their brains come to life. They start thinking for themselves. They are not just Trump puppets. I would like to see them loyal to our country and it's principles not to an individual, Donald Trump.
And, how would you judge that happening? When they agree with you?
So, that’s a yes…
No, I can tell you are not thinking for yourself. It is very obvious your mind is being controlled by the Trump cult.
What is it called when you get someone out of a cult?
Deprogramming is a tactic that attempts to help someone who has "strongly held convictions," coming from cults or any strongly held beliefs.

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