*Two British Subjects Murdered By 16 Year Old Negro*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


So you start off saying the men were killed because they were white, although you provide no evidence that's the case. The article, in fact, said it was possibly a botched robbery.

You then ask if the murderer is a racist.

If he killed them because they were white, haven't you answered your own question?

I'm glad you feel qualified to describe most blacks as racist. Your expertise and experience lend such an opinion a lot of weight.

If you are going to make these kinds of connections (a random crime and blacks being racist) at least try for some consistency, or even coherence, idiot.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


So you start off saying the men were killed because they were white, although you provide no evidence that's the case. The article, in fact, said it was possibly a botched robbery.

You then ask if the murderer is a racist.

If he killed them because they were white, haven't you answered your own question?

I'm glad you feel qualified to describe most blacks as racist. Your expertise and experience lend such an opinion a lot of weight.

If you are going to make these kinds of connections (a random crime and blacks being racist) at least try for some consistency, or even coherence, idiot.

1. Robbery didn't factor in this.
2. Both wallets were found at the scene.
3. What other reason would this Negro have to kill them for?
4. Use your head, but don't force it, you may hurt yourself, just leave it to me and the experts.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-vyf36BGaE&feature=fvwrel]YouTube - Raw Video: Casey Anthony Appears in Court[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBeN6sANOWI]YouTube - Haleigh Cummings[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOC7a2Tw_8o]YouTube - VA Mother Kills Own Baby No Charges Pending[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiQusD0XI_M&feature=related]YouTube - Cops say Mom killed baby to hide dad's age[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


So you start off saying the men were killed because they were white, although you provide no evidence that's the case. The article, in fact, said it was possibly a botched robbery.

You then ask if the murderer is a racist.

If he killed them because they were white, haven't you answered your own question?

I'm glad you feel qualified to describe most blacks as racist. Your expertise and experience lend such an opinion a lot of weight.

If you are going to make these kinds of connections (a random crime and blacks being racist) at least try for some consistency, or even coherence, idiot.

1. Robbery didn't factor in this.
2. Both wallets were found at the scene.


1. Where
2. does
3. it
4. say
5. that
Sorry bout that,

1. I don't make the news I just reports it.
2. If you think I am a racist because I report whats in todays news, I couldn't careless.
3. This is getting rather out of hand, just doing what normal people should be doing.
4. How do you see this news of Negro's attacking the white people?
5. You are not alarmed at all?
6. I tell you plainly, I think a lot of Negro's are feeling its about to end for Barry, and they are venting some frustration.
7. But that is a whole other topic.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


So you start off saying the men were killed because they were white, although you provide no evidence that's the case. The article, in fact, said it was possibly a botched robbery.

You then ask if the murderer is a racist.

If he killed them because they were white, haven't you answered your own question?

I'm glad you feel qualified to describe most blacks as racist. Your expertise and experience lend such an opinion a lot of weight.

If you are going to make these kinds of connections (a random crime and blacks being racist) at least try for some consistency, or even coherence, idiot.

1. Robbery didn't factor in this.
2. Both wallets were found at the scene.
3. What other reason would this Negro have to kill them for?
4. Use your head, but don't force it, you may hurt yourself, just leave it to me and the experts.


From your link : "The contents of their pockets were on the floor and it is thought they died as a result of a botched robbery."

Are you claiming that race is the only reason people murder?

Oh, I may hurt myself, aren't you clever?

So according to the article you linked to us, it sounds as though a couple of drunk Brits got lost while walking to get some food and ended up in a bad part of town, but you can think of no reason they got killed other than race. You ignore the statement from that same article that it is believed to have been a botched robbery. You extrapolate from this incident some kind of racial statement, but apparently ignore the differences in economic status (the parents of the victims sound fairly wealthy from description in the article). You feel the need to use Negro rather than the more common black, for what reason I'm not going to bother guessing. You further appear claim a belief that blacks committing crimes against whites, at least at the moment, stems from a fear of Obama losing the next election. Does that about sum things up?

I'm sure that anyone who doesn't already find you laughable based on your previous posts and that ridiculous, nonsensical numbered posting format you use will take you very seriously here. :lol:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

So you start off saying the men were killed because they were white, although you provide no evidence that's the case. The article, in fact, said it was possibly a botched robbery.

You then ask if the murderer is a racist.

If he killed them because they were white, haven't you answered your own question?

I'm glad you feel qualified to describe most blacks as racist. Your expertise and experience lend such an opinion a lot of weight.

If you are going to make these kinds of connections (a random crime and blacks being racist) at least try for some consistency, or even coherence, idiot.

1. Robbery didn't factor in this.
2. Both wallets were found at the scene.
3. What other reason would this Negro have to kill them for?
4. Use your head, but don't force it, you may hurt yourself, just leave it to me and the experts.


From your link : "The contents of their pockets were on the floor and it is thought they died as a result of a botched robbery."

Are you claiming that race is the only reason people murder?

Oh, I may hurt myself, aren't you clever?

So according to the article you linked to us, it sounds as though a couple of drunk Brits got lost while walking to get some food and ended up in a bad part of town, but you can think of no reason they got killed other than race. You ignore the statement from that same article that it is believed to have been a botched robbery. You extrapolate from this incident some kind of racial statement, but apparently ignore the differences in economic status (the parents of the victims sound fairly wealthy from description in the article). You feel the need to use Negro rather than the more common black, for what reason I'm not going to bother guessing. You further appear claim a belief that blacks committing crimes against whites, at least at the moment, stems from a fear of Obama losing the next election. Does that about sum things up?

I'm sure that anyone who doesn't already find you laughable based on your previous posts and that ridiculous, nonsensical numbered posting format you use will take you very seriously here. :lol:

1. Look moonbat, your not going to get the whole story in a news article.
2. And the writer of the story knew they were found outside, when did outside get floors?
3. You believe what you want, I don't have to rely on bullshit as the news, from some bullshit writer.
4. We will learn, that there was no money taken from these two Brits.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfnnkiG1U5M&feature=related]YouTube - 911 Call: 'Die Die' As Mother Stabs Toddler[/ame]

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Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


It's sad for this senseless killing, but what is even sadder and pathetic? The use of a murder to push your vile hatred of the black race? Would it have made you feel better if the two had been killed by whites?
1. Look moonbat, your not going to get the whole story in a news article.
2. And the writer of the story knew they were found outside, when did outside get floors?
3. You believe what you want, I don't have to rely on bullshit as the news, from some bullshit writer.
4. We will learn, that there was no money taken from these two Brits.


So you post a link to a story you wish to use to make a point, then start to pick that story apart as unreliable.
You call it bullshit, yet somehow feel it was good enough to post a link and use it to make your points? If it's bullshit, why should any of us believe any part of it, including you? And if you have other sources describing the incident which are less bullshit, why link this one?
The article said it was believed to be a botched robbery. That means it was a robbery attempt which went wrong, so if they didn't have any money taken, that doesn't mean it wasn't a botched robbery.
You seem to be someone who wants to see racist motivation whether it exists or not. You also seem to be a moron, a troll, or both.

Not sorry about that!
Sorry bout that,

1. Look moonbat, your not going to get the whole story in a news article.
2. And the writer of the story knew they were found outside, when did outside get floors?
3. You believe what you want, I don't have to rely on bullshit as the news, from some bullshit writer.
4. We will learn, that there was no money taken from these two Brits.


So you post a link to a story you wish to use to make a point, then start to pick that story apart as unreliable.
You call it bullshit, yet somehow feel it was good enough to post a link and use it to make your points? If it's bullshit, why should any of us believe any part of it, including you? And if you have other sources describing the incident which are less bullshit, why link this one?
The article said it was believed to be a botched robbery. That means it was a robbery attempt which went wrong, so if they didn't have any money taken, that doesn't mean it wasn't a botched robbery.
You seem to be someone who wants to see racist motivation whether it exists or not. You also seem to be a moron, a troll, or both.

Not sorry about that!

1. Most media is liberal tainted, and they white wash everything so people like you can feel good, and safe about your reality.
2. I swear you liberals are just a bunch of blind moonbats.
3. There is no way to reason with you.
4. I just post the truth and you can accept it or not.
5. No skin off my back.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


It's sad for this senseless killing, but what is even sadder and pathetic? The use of a murder to push your vile hatred of the black race? Would it have made you feel better if the two had been killed by whites?

1. I explain the true reality about what took place when these two Brits get murdered on their vacation, and that makes me the bad guy, racist scum.
2. You can go and fuck yourselves.

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Darius M. Newman, of the 500 block of Hayes Street, directed Michael Prater, Dario Perez and others to "catch the jux," according to court papers. Prater told police the phrase meant to commit crimes against Lehigh students, whom gang members considered "rich white kids," court papers say.

Newman is accused of leading efforts last year that culminated in a series of robberies targeting Lehigh students and staff in the area surrounding the campus. In one case, a female Lehigh student was punched in the face by Prater, police said. The alleged assault ultimately led to Prater's and several other arrests.

Police accuse Bloods gang member of ordering attacks on Lehigh University students | lehighvalleylive.com
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Two men from England have been murdered, just because they were white.
2. Is the criminal a racist?
3. I think he is, and I feel most Negro's are.
4. LINK:Florida Britons searching for a meal in the early hours missed a turning. It cost them their lives | Mail Online

"The horrific final moments of the two Brits gunned down in a Florida ghetto have been described by a key witness.
In graphic testimony, the witness told how he saw James Cooper and James Kouzaris stumble away from the gunman before they collapsed and died on a run-down estate in Newtown, Sarasota.

The witness, who cannot be named for fear of revenge attacks, said he heard five shots ring out before peering out of the window to see what had happened.

Describing the moment he saw Mr Cooper, the witness told the Sun: 'I saw a blond-haired man bleeding from three gunshot wounds to his chest."

5. These kinds of evil attacks from Negro's are something to take notice of, and stand ready.


It's sad for this senseless killing, but what is even sadder and pathetic? The use of a murder to push your vile hatred of the black race? Would it have made you feel better if the two had been killed by whites?

1. I explain the true reality about what took place when these two Brits get murdered on their vacation, and that makes me the bad guy, racist scum.
2. You can go and fuck yourselves.


Actually, what you did was post an article you later claimed was bullshit and tainted by liberal media bias, and came up with your own reasons behind the parts of the story you decided to believe. I'd like to know how you are privy to the 'true reality' about what took place. You certainly haven't given any compelling evidence! Hell, all you've done is post a single article you called bullshit when your points were brought into question. Were you there? Do you live nearby? Did you witness the events? Do you have anything at all to offer other than your own completely unsubstantiated opinions? I doubt you do.

You are clearly some combination of hack, troll, racist and/or idiot. At least it's often funny to read your blather. :lol:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

It's sad for this senseless killing, but what is even sadder and pathetic? The use of a murder to push your vile hatred of the black race? Would it have made you feel better if the two had been killed by whites?

1. I explain the true reality about what took place when these two Brits get murdered on their vacation, and that makes me the bad guy, racist scum.
2. You can go and fuck yourselves.


Actually, what you did was post an article you later claimed was bullshit and tainted by liberal media bias, and came up with your own reasons behind the parts of the story you decided to believe. I'd like to know how you are privy to the 'true reality' about what took place. You certainly haven't given any compelling evidence! Hell, all you've done is post a single article you called bullshit when your points were brought into question. Were you there? Do you live nearby? Did you witness the events? Do you have anything at all to offer other than your own completely unsubstantiated opinions? I doubt you do.

You are clearly some combination of hack, troll, racist and/or idiot. At least it's often funny to read your blather. :lol:

1. Lemme break it down for you seeing its not spelled out in the report.
2. And you don't know liberal double speak, and or can read it.
3. The report says that two men wandered down a wrong street, perhaps a bad area of town, I ask why is there a wrong street? And how would a person from another country know what a wrong street looked like?
4. Shear speculation by the reporter, sure it was the wrong street, but to them, it wasn't, so in fact it was the right street, but some Negro decided it was their last street to walk down.
5. Another fact is, you can't botch a robbery when the victims are dead, it would be known as a successful robbery, seeing the dead men can't stop you from taking their money, so the money had to still be with them for it to be a botched robbery idiot.
6. And I am still wondering what a floor is doing outside, seeing the reporter said they were both found on the floor, outside.
7. You can't get anything past me, the whole story was full of half truths, and the reporters are forbidden to tell all the details of the story, for court reasons.
8. Only an idiot wouldn't know that.
9. You seldom get all the details.

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