Turkey Kurdish Rebels Airstrike: Officials Claim Many Killed Mistaken For Guerillas


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Turkey Kurdish Rebels Airstrike: Officials Claim Many Killed Mistaken For Guerillas


ANKARA, Turkey — A Turkish official has confirmed that 35 people killed in Turkish air strikes in Iraq are civilians working as smugglers whom the military mistook for Kurdish rebels.

Ruling party spokesman Huseyin Celik says Thursday the victims "were not terrorists" but people smuggling cigarettes into Turkey from Iraq.

Celik says officials are investigating possible intelligence failures that led to the strikes.

He expressed regret for the deaths and suggested the government would compensate the victims.

Earlier, the military said its jets had struck an area of northern Iraq frequently used by the rebels to enter Turkey after drones detected a group approaching the border.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkey's air force attacked suspected Kurdish rebel targets across the border in Iraq, the military said Thursday, but Kurdish officials claimed many of the roughly 35 people killed were teenage smugglers mistaken for guerrillas.

If that allegation is true, it would be one of the largest one-day civilian death tolls incurred during the military's 27-year-old drive against rebels, who are fighting Turkey for autonomy in the mostly Kurdish southeast. It also is the latest example of how the government's efforts to grant cultural and other rights to aggrieved Kurds have been eclipsed by escalating violence this year.

The Turkish military confirmed the Wednesday night raids, saying its jets struck an area of northern Iraq frequently used by the rebels to enter Turkey after drones detected a group approaching the often unmarked mountainous border. It said an inquiry has been launched, but did not say whether there were casualties.

The governor's office for the province of Sirnak – which borders Iraq – said 35 people were killed and one person was injured in the aerial operation.

Pro-Kurdish legislator Nazmi Gur said most of those killed were teenagers who were carrying diesel fuel from Iraq into Turkey on donkeys or horses – often the only livelihood in local villages. He claimed that officials would have known that Turkish smugglers would be operating in the area.

Video footage provided by the Dogan agency Thursday morning showed mourners, some crying, as they surrounded dozens of bodies that lay side-by-side and wrapped in blankets in the Turkish village of Ortasu.

Border troops had been placed on alert following intelligence indicating that Kurdish rebels were preparing attacks in retaliation for a series of recent military assaults on the guerrillas, the military said. It said drones had detected a group approaching Turkey, apparently at a mountain pass that the rebels have used to smuggle weapons into Turkey, and that the military conducted strikes in areas where the rebels have bases far away from civilian settlements.

Ahmet Deniz, a spokesman for the rebel group, put the number of dead at 28. He said they were among a group of about 50 people who were attacked on their way back to Turkey from Iraq's self-ruled northern Kurdish region. Most of the survivors were injured, he said.

"Those who were killed yesterday had no links to PKK. They were only smugglers who were on their way back to Turkey from Iraq," Deniz said, referring to the Kurdish rebel group, the Kurdistan Workers' Party.

Turkey Kurdish Rebels Airstrike: Officials Claim Many Killed Mistaken For Guerillas
Illegal border crossing is dangerous, especially if there are terrorist activities in that area.
There is a border gate, which is an Official entrance point into Turkey.
They didn't use the border-gate.

They were smugglers (fuel and cigarettes) who tried to enter Turkey from Iraq via a highly militarized zone, which is used by terrorists to infiltrate Turkey.
At 3 o'clock in the morning as a group of 35 people with mules that were thought to be carrying weapons.
The Army observed them from the Air and when they moved to border the Army bombed them on the Iraqi side of border.

Tragic event, families will be compensated, but the Army acted right accordingly to its duty (prevent Terrorists from crossing into Turkey).
Civilians don't try to enter at night illegally a militarized zone where terrorist activity is taking place. They took the risk, and it went wrong.
This is border gate with Iraq.
It is open 24 hours, and it is the only way to pass the border.
All civilians use this, if they don't use Airline.

the pathetic remnant of the defeated sick man of europe ottoman empire = Worst human rights violator in europe

In an annual report released on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the top judicial body to rule on human rights violations in Europe, found that Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights among the 47 signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human rights violations in Turkey « European Court of Human Rights
Illegal border crossing is dangerous, especially if there are terrorist activities in that area.

turkey, the pitiful remnant of the sick man of europe ottoman empire, illegally occupies northern Cyprus

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uvGnmpgzfg]The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcRTbALahIU]George Eugeniou denounces Turkey's occupation of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
the pathetic remnant of the defeated sick man of europe ottoman empire = Worst human rights violator in europe

The Airforce did what many Americans want the US Army to do on Mexican border.
Either use border gate, which is official entrance point into country where Police can check who you are, and what you have with you.

Enter illegally and risk a bomb being dropped on you on Mexican side.
Unlike Iraq-Turkish border, there's no terror activity on US-Mexican border.
the pathetic remnant of the defeated sick man of europe ottoman empire = Worst human rights violator in europe

The Airforce did what many Americans want the US Army to do on Mexican border.
Either use border gate, which is official entrance point into country where Police can check who you are, and what you have with you.

Enter illegally and risk a bomb being dropped on you on Mexican side.
Unlike Iraq-Turkish border, there's no terror activity on US-Mexican border.

The pathetic remnant of the sick man of europe ottoman empire entered Cyprus illegally.

No wonder even the eurotrash want nothing to do with the turkish trash.

Shouldn't you be in mosque praying for the 50th time to your pedophile fake prophet?
The pathetic remnant of the sick man of europe

USA also strikes people it thinks are terrorists on Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
There civilians die also.

Don't cross borders illegally where there's terrorist infiltration taking place.
Use correct means by entering on official border-gates.
The Airforce did what many Americans want the US Army to do on Mexican border.
Either use border gate, which is official entrance point into country where Police can check who you are, and what you have with you.

Enter illegally and risk a bomb being dropped on you on Mexican side.
Unlike Iraq-Turkish border, there's no terror activity on US-Mexican border.


This is a first for me :confused:

BTW, You are very predictable.
I saw this remark a mile away, and it is absolutely STUPID.

Last edited:
The Airforce did what many Americans want the US Army to do on Mexican border.
Either use border gate, which is official entrance point into country where Police can check who you are, and what you have with you.

Enter illegally and risk a bomb being dropped on you on Mexican side.
Unlike Iraq-Turkish border, there's no terror activity on US-Mexican border.


This is a first for me :confused:

BTW, You are very predictable.
I saw this remark a mile away, and it is absolutely STUPID.

When you are a man who fucks sheep like ekrem here, you tend to not be very smart.


This is a first for me :confused:

BTW, You are very predictable.
I saw this remark a mile away, and it is absolutely STUPID.

The measure by the Army was too much given that these people were only smugglers and tax-evaders. But the Army is no Police. The Police stands at the official border-gate and has different duties than the Army.

The families will be compensated. But the Army did what it had to do, it can not differentiate identities of Civilians and Terrorists by aerial surveillance. And these smugglers used same routes the terrorists are using in an area that is not populated.

If I were the surveillance-guy in the Army, I'd also have made the assessment that they are terrorists and are carrying weapons with their mules.
Turkey Offers To Compensate Families of 35 Civilians Mistakenly Killed In Airstrike


ANKARA, Turkey -- Turkey will compensate the families of 35 civilians mistakenly killed in an airstrike meant for Kurdish rebels, the deputy prime minister said, even as he insisted that military officials followed proper procedures, including firing warning shots.

The airstrikes, guided by intelligence from drones and fired by Turkish F-16 jets, hit a group of Kurdish smugglers in northern Iraq last week. The loss of life was one of the highest single-day civilian death tolls in Turkey's decades-old conflict with the rebels.

The incident set off violent protests in mostly Kurdish cities and further undermined Turkey's attempts to address the grievances of the Kurds, who make up about 20 percent of its 74 million people and some of whom want autonomy in the southeast region where they dominate.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc did not specify late Monday how much money will be paid to the families of the victims, but said the payments would come within days. He also said the government was exploring ways to increase the amount of the compensation.

Arinc noted that an investigation into the botched airstrike is underway. But he added that artillery units fired warning shots ahead of the airstrikes but the civilians did not stop. The area was illuminated, he said.

"The occurrence of the incident was in no way intentional," Arinc said. "All the findings here were determined as warranting an operation."

Kurdish rebels have routinely used the border region to launch attacks on Turkish targets, slipping into Turkey on some of the same rugged paths used by fuel and cigarette smugglers.

Turkey Offers To Compensate Families of 35 Civilians Mistakenly Killed In Airstrike

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