Tuesday primary results thread: historic elections in NC & PA...Trump's legacy on the line...'Hot mess': Madison Cawthorn faces judgment day in NC

I think McCormick is the stronger, more experienced, local Pennsylvanian.

I want Oz to win because he is easier to beat, in the General, imo.
Interesting. I thought McCromick was more easily defineable as a threat to the suburban voters, so Fetterman was better off with him, and Fetterman can get some votes from the rust belt folks. But maybe not. Oz is a nut, but look at Trump's base.
Interesting. I thought McCromick was more easily defineable as a threat to the suburban voters, so Fetterman was better off with him, and Fetterman can get some votes from the rust belt folks. But maybe not. Oz is a nut, but look at Trump's base.
Oz can be painted as an outsider, and a quack, not a real Pennsylvanian.... But who really knows?? :)
Oz is a celebrity snake oil salesman. That's why Trump endorsed him. Birds of a feather.

Modern day Republicans love snake oil salesmen. Their low IQs love hucksters who tell them what they want to hear, regardless of the actual bad deeds these creeps do which go against every principle they claim to revere.

Therefore, Oz has a very good chance of winning the primary.
Hillary won in NY
Outsiders can win if they are celebrities
Ny is used to celebrities....

Pennsylvanians picked Biden by over 80,000 MORE votes than Trump, Joe was born there..... Joe got many more votes than Hillary in rural areas, as a percentage of total vote.

Oz does have TV celebrity power....that's true, but does he truly represent them throughout the state, rural and suburbs? The Democrat, Fetterman, has a better chance with relating to them in the General election imho, especially rural.
Dr. Oz received Trump's endorsement after about 100,000 absentee ballots were mailed out. So far it seems that about 85% of the republican candidates who were endorsed by the former president won their primaries. That's a pretty good percentage. How many democrats were endorsed by Obama? Who?
Ny is used to celebrities....

Pennsylvanians picked Biden by over 80,000 MORE votes than Trump, Joe was born there..... Joe got many more votes than Hillary in rural areas, as a percentage of total vote.

Oz does have TV celebrity power....that's true, but does he truly represent them throughout the state, rural and suburbs? The Democrat, Fetterman, has a better chance with relating to them in the General election imho, especially rural.
Fetterman comes off more as a regular guy

He will appeal more to working class Pennsylvanians

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