TSA Morale at all time low


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014

Screw 'em!

My morale is low every time I get patted down when going through airport security after standing in line for a half hour or more. It really get low when they make me take off my damn shoes and then pat down my 71 year retired school teacher wife like she was a potential terrorist.

At the gun range where I shoot we give discounts to military, LEOs and the like. Not too long ago a guy came in and said that he "worked for Homeland Security" and could he get a discount on the range fees. We asked him what he did and reluctantly he admitted being a TSA weenie. We just laughed at him and made him pay full price.

I suspect all these filthy ass TSA agents are all despicable union assholes that vote Democrat so they need to blame that Pelosi bitch.

TSA union: 'Our morale is now at an all-time low'

TSA union: 'Our morale is now at an all-time low'

“Our morale is now at an all-time low,” American Federation of Government Employees Local 332 President Bill Reese said. “There seems to be no end in sight.”
I was at the airport yesterday they are pissed at trump....so 800 000 plus their families and friends , good number for 2020.
I was at the airport yesterday they are pissed at trump....so 800 000 plus their families and friends , good number for 2020.
The POS McConnell will be senate leader of the minority party
he is doing good so far Ed , i just hope that he doesn't cave today when he makes his Announcement . About an hour and a half to go if i got it right Edward .
The TSA employees are assholes. They have that security guard mentality, using their job to harass people, knowing they can't say anything or they'll be isolated and harassed even more. The only difference is that they're paid more, a lot more. It's a great job for bullies and pricks who get a kick out of pissing people off and copping an occasional feel. I love the fact that they're not getting paid and even happier that their morale is at an all-time low. That's a good thing.
Yup, these clowns are so upset their failure rate may just go from 95% all the way up to 96%.
You're lucky it's them. The rules of capitalism tell me, no pay, no workee. Fuck the system.

In this case it is not exactly the same rule because Congress and the President signed a bill guaranteeing that they would get back pay.

The Democrats have essentially put them on paid leave.
he is doing good so far Ed , i just hope that he doesn't cave today when he makes his Announcement . About an hour and a half to go if i got it right Edward .
Changed to 4 pm Hasn't gotten the word yet what Putin wants him to say
The TSA employees are assholes. They have that security guard mentality, using their job to harass people, knowing they can't say anything or they'll be isolated and harassed even more. The only difference is that they're paid more, a lot more. It's a great job for bullies and pricks who get a kick out of pissing people off and copping an occasional feel. I love the fact that they're not getting paid and even happier that their morale is at an all-time low. That's a good thing.
I've never been harrassed by the TSA ..
Last year while visiting my wife's relatives I had a little stomach problem. My wife bought me a bottle of Pepto Bismo. You know, the pink stuff.

My problem went away quickly and I never used the medicine. Never opened the bottle. It still had the plastic wrap around the lid.

On the way home I put the bottle in my carry on bag.

My god! At the airport you would have thought that I was trying to carry on 26 pounds of dynamite. I got pulled out almost stripped searched and the bottle of Pepto Bismo was confiscated. Delayed us 20 minutes. This was on a plane from Ft Wayne Indiana to Clearwater, Florida. You know, the route of all terrorists in the world.

Fuck the TSA union assholes.
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The TSA employees are assholes. They have that security guard mentality, using their job to harass people, knowing they can't say anything or they'll be isolated and harassed even more. The only difference is that they're paid more, a lot more. It's a great job for bullies and pricks who get a kick out of pissing people off and copping an occasional feel. I love the fact that they're not getting paid and even happier that their morale is at an all-time low. That's a good thing.
I've never been harrassed by the TSA ..
That's nice.
It seems that the poorly written article deliberately confuses furloughed workers and people who are still on the job. Are they angry about having to commute to work? What then?

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