TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Aye carumba!!!! You can't make this shit up. Does anyone ever get fired for this type of brutal incompetence?

(CNSNews.com) -- The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved flight training for 25 illegal aliens at a Boston-area flight school that was owned by yet another illegal alien, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The illegal-alien flight-school attendees included eight who had entered the country illegally and 17 who had overstayed their allowed period of admission into the United States, according to an audit by the GAO.

Six of the illegal aliens were actually able to get pilot’s licenses.

Why aren't there heads on a chopping block?

Rep. Mike Rogers (R.-Ala.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security, said he found the GAO's findings "amazing."

We have cancer patients, Iraq War veterans and Nobel Prize winners all forced to undergo rigorous security checks before getting on an airplane," said Rogers, "and at the same time, ten years after 9/11, there are foreign nationals in the United States trained to fly just like Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers did, and not all of them are necessarily getting a security background check."

Stephen Lord, who is the GAO's director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues, testified about the matter Wednesday in Rogers' subcommittee. Rogers asked him: "Isn't it true that, based on your report, the Transportation Security Administration cannot assure the American people that foreign terrorists are not in this country learning how to fly airplanes, yes or no?"

Lord responded: "At this time, no."

Holy toledo, how absolutely appalling.

TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien | CNSNews.com
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Eliminate the TSA, and let airports and commercial airlines run their own fucking security.
TSA represents Obama --- and big sis and they have "attacked" innocent Americans. I have to look at it for what it really is a tyranny tool of Obama? Imo
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I remember the good old days. I traveled back in the early 90s through several airports internationally and domestically carrying a bristling bundle of edged weapons, several bottles of near 100-proof liquor, loads of food, and at least one lighter with an extra canister of lighter fluid.

Now you can't wear shoes, and are subject to treatment that would be called sexual assault in any other context.

Thanks a lot, stupid fucking terrorist animals.
I remember the good old days. I traveled back in the early 90s through several airports internationally and domestically carrying a bristling bundle of edged weapons, several bottles of near 100-proof liquor, loads of food, and at least one lighter with an extra canister of lighter fluid.

Now you can't wear shoes, and are subject to treatment that would be called sexual assault in any other context.

Thanks a lot, stupid fucking terrorist animals.

No shit, flying an airplane is a nightmare now.
No surprise. I could have told you this was going on.

All this talk about security and frisking grandmas and we are training illegals to fly airplanes? god we are such a joke.:mad:

And it's no big scandalous secret. This shit goes on because those involved don't give a shit until it's time to drag some terminally ill 90 year old woman out of her wheelchair and subject her to a full cavity search.

This bullshit doesn't make us safe.
No surprise. I could have told you this was going on.

All this talk about security and frisking grandmas and we are training illegals to fly airplanes? god we are such a joke.:mad:

Truth. This should truly be a bi partisan "hell's bells what the fuck is wrong with you guys in charge of the TSA" moment.

Unreal. Just unreal.

Meanwhile I just picked this up on Drudge.

A North Texas man says he is outraged that airport security agents at Dallas Love Field strip-searched his wife and handled her feeding tube.

Melinda Deaton has a four-inch medical tube sticking out of her stomach. The medically implanted tube is needed for treatment after complications with a gastric bypass surgery.

AND here's the kicker...

They had physically stripped her and saw the tube coming out of her stomach, and they decided that they needed to check it for explosives, so they had to physically handle the tube," John Deaton said.

Besides handling the tube, agents swabbed it for bomb-making material, Melinda Deaton said. Her husband said it put his wife at risk of infection.

TSA Agents Allegedly Strip-Search Woman, Fiddle with Feeding Tube | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

But a flight school run by an illegal alien with illegal aliens learning to fly is happening right under the TSA's nose.
Eliminate the TSA, and let airports and commercial airlines run their own fucking security.

Isn't that what was going on before 9/11?

True, but intel was the real failure there. Airlines and local airport security can handle searching for guns and explosives. Let them do profiling too.

Just look at what happened with the underwear bomber. He was on a watch list but our incompetent State Department headed by Hillary and the Hussein gave him a visa to welcome him into our country. Instead of fixing the problem at the State Department we all know have to get x-rayed and/or fingered by the TSA.
If obozo had his way all 30 million illegals in america would be given amnesty. We need a president who will enforce the law. Deport all known illegals - no exceptions. That will end this nonsense.
Dangerous examples like this are evidence that we not only need to encourage people here illegally to stay here illegally and try to better their lives, but also that are government is to pathetically small to adequately control us.
"...security checks were added for people coming to the United States to enroll in flight schools. But those checks were never extended to U.S. citizens despite growing concerns in recent years about so-called “homegrown” terrorists launching attacks on U.S. soil."

"Homeland security officials launched an investigation in 2010 after a Boston-area aviation school was found to have been training illegal immigrants to fly airplanes. Investigators so far have identified 30 people who may be in the country illegally and successfully attended flight schools."

I'll bet some of ya'll are just upset that they were caught before they could pull off an attack on Obama's watch aren't you?

One of my daughters was on the no-fly list because she bought two one-way tickets within a year or some such shit.
No surprise. I could have told you this was going on.

All this talk about security and frisking grandmas and we are training illegals to fly airplanes? god we are such a joke.:mad:

Truth. This should truly be a bi partisan "hell's bells what the fuck is wrong with you guys in charge of the TSA" moment.

Unreal. Just unreal.

Meanwhile I just picked this up on Drudge.

A North Texas man says he is outraged that airport security agents at Dallas Love Field strip-searched his wife and handled her feeding tube.

Melinda Deaton has a four-inch medical tube sticking out of her stomach. The medically implanted tube is needed for treatment after complications with a gastric bypass surgery.

AND here's the kicker...

They had physically stripped her and saw the tube coming out of her stomach, and they decided that they needed to check it for explosives, so they had to physically handle the tube," John Deaton said.

Besides handling the tube, agents swabbed it for bomb-making material, Melinda Deaton said. Her husband said it put his wife at risk of infection.

TSA Agents Allegedly Strip-Search Woman, Fiddle with Feeding Tube | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

But a flight school run by an illegal alien with illegal aliens learning to fly is happening right under the TSA's nose.

TSA should do their jobs and go over there and arrest everyone in that school.
"...security checks were added for people coming to the United States to enroll in flight schools. But those checks were never extended to U.S. citizens despite growing concerns in recent years about so-called “homegrown” terrorists launching attacks on U.S. soil."

"Homeland security officials launched an investigation in 2010 after a Boston-area aviation school was found to have been training illegal immigrants to fly airplanes. Investigators so far have identified 30 people who may be in the country illegally and successfully attended flight schools."

I'll bet some of ya'll are just upset that they were caught before they could pull off an attack on Obama's watch aren't you?

One of my daughters was on the no-fly list because she bought two one-way tickets within a year or some such shit.

Why pray tell can't you just go "what a major fuck up! some one should be fired!".
Something's gotta give with these TSA idiots. Sooner or later people are gonna have had enough.

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