Truth Revealed by...The Daily Show????


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Probably the greatest gulf in belief, the starting point for all political philosophy, is the nature man.

Liberal tend to subscribe to Rousseau's view of the "nobel savage," a mankind that is better off without the corruption of government. And just the right changes in laws will produce a utopia on earth, all getting along, working toward the common good. Change. Progress. Force is often necessary to have all marching in the same directions. Amen.

Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, based on the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Conservatives believe in choice of healthcare, education, religion, and various other areas: people are different and tend to remain so.

Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. Equality will be of opportunity, not necessarily of result. The only uniformity will be before the law. Society will not be perfect.

2. The Daily Show, inadvertently, showed exaclty what happens when large groups get together: differences appear, and differences remain.

Check out this must-see vid:

LGF Pages - OWS's Class Division - The Daily Show

Best argument against communism, socialism, a long time!!
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1.Probably the greatest gulf in belief, the starting point for all political philosophy, is the nature man.

Liberal tend to subscribe to Rousseau's view of the "nobel savage," a mankind that is better off without the corruption of government. And just the right changes in laws will produce a utopia on earth, all getting along, working toward the common good. Change. Progress. Force is often necessary to have all marching in the same directions. Amen.

Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, based on the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Conservatives believe in choice of healthcare, education, religion, and various other areas: people are different and tend to remain so.

Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. Equality will be of opportunity, not necessarily of result. The only uniformity will be before the law. Society will not be perfect.

2. The Daily Show, inadvertently, showed exaclty what happens when large groups get together: differences appear, and differences remain.

Check out this must-see vid:

LGF Pages - OWS's Class Division - The Daily Show

Best argument against communism, socialism, a long time!!

Funny - thanks !
OWS bitches about corporate america and the '1%' making all the decisions... then goes and forms it's own '1%'.

Priceless! :rofl:

Priceless. This from the vid:

1. "Trying to build a new society all equal and civilized with each, horizontal, leaderless..."

2. "The more people that come, the more people segregated into their own little groups..."
...up there the college hipsters that live in Brooklyn and try to rule the park....down here the poor people's encampment...contentious."
"On one side the elites...on the other, the downwardly mobile with their drums..."
"...this is the ghetto...the othe side is the aristocratic side...."

3. "...making decisions without the general consensus of everybody in the park..."

4. "In any community...there are areas that are a little quieter and areas that are a little louder....inhabited by younger, more boisterous, energetic people.."

5. The 'moocher class'...asked how many hours of work he had put in today, "I don't keep track of time while I'm here..."

6. Would you share your iPad? "No, but I think we should all have access to goods and technology."
"I'm more against private property...not personal property!"

7. The elites meet, quietly, in the atrium of the Deutsche Bank Building, to decide what's best ....but out of sight of the masses.

Is this the best??"I'm more against private property...not personal property!"

At least as good as "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," from Orwell's "Animal Farm."
yeap the daily show and Clobert kick everyones ass.

They take to task all.

The right is just so far afield from decent ideas in the last thirty years they dont see their own hypocracy
ROTFLMBO!! I'm against private property not personal property!! Yea, right. Could someone on the left explain to me what the difference is between private and personal property??

What an arrogant jerk, they're out there doing exactly what they accuse everyone else of doing. No doubt these are the paid hacks, the ones that make the rules and sends the people without laptops or iphones to the ghetto. Too funny!!
these people they interviewed were not the only ones they inteviewed.

You see this is how this type of comic journalism works.

You intervwiew a bunch of people and ask them questions that make them go "What the fuck"?

Then you splice together the funniest answers.

You should see the Colbert interviews from his first couple of year on the show.

The right thought he was a REAL right winger and would go on his show and say some really stupid things.

The republican party had to ORDER it reps to STAY OFF the show.

They even tapped him to do the Bush Press dinner.

That day they learned who Colbert was.

This is New York and you can bet most of the peopel they interviewed KNEW who samatha B is.

Some likely played along with the bit.

Some are just lame.

It happens when you have a social movement, some of the people who join are not real bright.

I can give some Tea party example for you?
ROTFLMBO!! I'm against private property not personal property!! Yea, right. Could someone on the left explain to me what the difference is between private and personal property??

What an arrogant jerk, they're out there doing exactly what they accuse everyone else of doing. No doubt these are the paid hacks, the ones that make the rules and sends the people without laptops or iphones to the ghetto. Too funny!!

Funny...but telling.

Exactly what the Left rails against....and showing that all of the 'ills' proceed right from thier little hypocritical hearts.

Segregation...leadership by the 'enlightened'...disrespect for others....

"House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she supports the growing nationwide Occupy Wall Street movement, which began on the streets of downtown New York City in mid-September.

"I support the message to the establishment, whether it's Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen," said Pelosi in an exclusive interview with ABC News "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour."
Pelosi Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement - Yahoo! News

So...which segment does she support?
ROTFLMBO!! I'm against private property not personal property!! Yea, right. Could someone on the left explain to me what the difference is between private and personal property??

I've never been able to get a clear description of what that means myself. The most common explanation is that 'private property' is referring to natural resources and the means of production (but again, that's sorta vague).

I've also heard the distinction drawn on mobility. The stuff you carry around with you is 'personal' property. Private property is where you lay a claim on something and then expect others to honor that claim when you're not around (real estate, factories, etc...). I'm not sure where the line would be drawn on things like a car, or a bicycle that you've locked up.

I try not to have kneejerk reaction to those who want to question concepts of private property. All but the most extreme advocates of capitalism seem to be ok with things like air and water remaining 'public' property. So clearly, we draw an arbitrary line somewhere between the things we'll parse up as 'ownable' and things we don't. It seems reasonable to question where that line is drawn.
these people they interviewed were not the only ones they inteviewed.

You see this is how this type of comic journalism works.

You intervwiew a bunch of people and ask them questions that make them go "What the fuck"?

Then you splice together the funniest answers.

You should see the Colbert interviews from his first couple of year on the show.

The right thought he was a REAL right winger and would go on his show and say some really stupid things.

The republican party had to ORDER it reps to STAY OFF the show.

They even tapped him to do the Bush Press dinner.

That day they learned who Colbert was.

This is New York and you can bet most of the peopel they interviewed KNEW who samatha B is.

Some likely played along with the bit.

Some are just lame.

It happens when you have a social movement, some of the people who join are not real bright.

I can give some Tea party example for you?

Ooooo.....Ms. Truthie....running scared???

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Wow! Hit a nerve, huh? The fact that OWS participants reveal
that it is the human condition itself that is reponsible for the ills,
and not Wall Street, nor conservatives, nor the wealthy...

Just get a bunch of Liberals together and presto- you get inequality and

The object lesson is on view for all to see, and Ms. Truthie sees it....
....don't you?

Your worldview: shattered. Equality of result is hardly a part of human nature.
So much for Marx.

Is this the best??"I'm more against private property...not personal property!"

At least as good as "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," from Orwell's "Animal Farm."
ROTFLMBO!! I'm against private property not personal property!! Yea, right. Could someone on the left explain to me what the difference is between private and personal property??

I've never been able to get a clear description of what that means myself. The most common explanation is that 'private property' is referring to natural resources and the means of production (but again, that's sorta vague).

I've also heard the distinction drawn on mobility. The stuff you carry around with you is 'personal' property. Private property is where you lay a claim on something and then expect others to honor that claim when you're not around (real estate, factories, etc...). I'm not sure where the line would be drawn on things like a car, or a bicycle that you've locked up.

I try not to have kneejerk reaction to those who want to question concepts of private property. All but the most extreme advocates of capitalism seem to be ok with things like air and water remaining 'public' property. So clearly, we draw an arbitrary line somewhere between the things we'll parse up as 'ownable' and things we don't. It seems reasonable to question where that line is drawn.

Lot of spin, there, blackie.

Private property is mine, what I own.
Personal property, a term of art, is mine, what I own.

Consider this, from the Seattle 1999 riots, "people who needed shoes broke in and took shoes...that's the way it should be..."

Were they taking private property or personal property...or is this a difference without
a distinction?

and " ...time to dismantle private property..."

Are you agreeing with that?

Here, check it out:

[ame=]Breaking The Spell (3/7) - YouTube[/ame]

These your peeps?
these people they interviewed were not the only ones they inteviewed.

You see this is how this type of comic journalism works.

You intervwiew a bunch of people and ask them questions that make them go "What the fuck"?

Then you splice together the funniest answers.

You should see the Colbert interviews from his first couple of year on the show.

The right thought he was a REAL right winger and would go on his show and say some really stupid things.

The republican party had to ORDER it reps to STAY OFF the show.

They even tapped him to do the Bush Press dinner.

That day they learned who Colbert was.

This is New York and you can bet most of the peopel they interviewed KNEW who samatha B is.

Some likely played along with the bit.

Some are just lame.

It happens when you have a social movement, some of the people who join are not real bright.

I can give some Tea party example for you?

Ooooo.....Ms. Truthie....running scared???

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Wow! Hit a nerve, huh? The fact that OWS participants reveal
that it is the human condition itself that is reponsible for the ills,
and not Wall Street, nor conservatives, nor the wealthy...

Just get a bunch of Liberals together and presto- you get inequality and

The object lesson is on view for all to see, and Ms. Truthie sees it....
....don't you?

Your worldview: shattered. Equality of result is hardly a part of human nature.
So much for Marx.

Is this the best??"I'm more against private property...not personal property!"

At least as good as "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," from Orwell's "Animal Farm."

why do you right wing women do this stupid crap?

I wish you could see how petty and childish you appear to anyone who is not locked step joined at the brain with the Tea party Koch scam.

The redicules crap about trying to emotionally harm fellow posters is so tranparent.

This guy if serious is a fool.

This is why your side is SOOOOOOOO desperate to have the OWS defined in a few sentances what they "believe" and what their "demands" are.

So your right can do what they always do.

Pretend a decorated war hero is a traitor to his country.

Pretend A Christain intellectual black man is a communist Muslim American hater.

You cant Rove your way arround this group of people.

They are the real Americans your tea party tried to be.

When was the last tea party event?
Lot of spin, there, blackie.

Eh? How so?

Private property is mine, what I own.
Personal property, a term of art, is mine, what I own.

Consider this ...

You seem to be missing my point. Socialists usually make some kind of distinction between the private property, which they want to abolish or put the state in charge of, and personal property - things that people will still be allowed to 'own' individually. I'm not advocating their views, just trying to understand where they're coming from. For most of the socialists I've talked to, it seems a matter of convenience - ie personal property is the stuff they don't want to share, private property is everything else.
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Lot of spin, there, blackie.

Eh? How so?

Private property is mine, what I own.
Personal property, a term of art, is mine, what I own.

Consider this ...

You seem to be missing my point. Socialists usually make some kind of distinction between the private property, which they want to abolish or put the state in charge of, and personal property - things that people will still be allowed to 'own' individually. I'm not advocating their views, just trying to understand where they're coming from. For most of the socialists I've talked to, it seems a matter of convenience - ie personal property is the stuff they don't want to share, private property is everything else.

1. So your working premise is that the OWS folks are socialists. Not anarchists, communists, various forms of progressives?

And you know this how?

And if you are incorrect, and, say, those threatening to fire-bomb Macy's, fall outside of that category, what say you then?

2. And the example that I provided earlier, of a participant in the '99 Seattle riots, claiming that if one needed shoes, why, simply smash into the store and take 'em, ..."that's how it ought to be.'


3. Were the shoes private property or personal property?

4. Do you understand the meaning of 'term of art'? I contend that you are spinning when you define the two as different, as it serves only to lessen the anti-social acts of the brigands.

5. Spinning is also evident in " make some kind of distinction."
The wiggle room is to allow for all kinds of theft.

a. " socialists I've talked to, it seems a matter of convenience"
My point, exactly. Replace 'convenience' with 'alibi.'

So, blackie...wadda ya' think?
They are trying very hard to color ALL OWS people and their supporters as anarchists.

Its like saying the tea party is all represented by the girl who carved a B into her face
these people they interviewed were not the only ones they inteviewed.

You see this is how this type of comic journalism works.

You intervwiew a bunch of people and ask them questions that make them go "What the fuck"?

Then you splice together the funniest answers.

You should see the Colbert interviews from his first couple of year on the show.

The right thought he was a REAL right winger and would go on his show and say some really stupid things.

The republican party had to ORDER it reps to STAY OFF the show.

They even tapped him to do the Bush Press dinner.

That day they learned who Colbert was.

This is New York and you can bet most of the peopel they interviewed KNEW who samatha B is.

Some likely played along with the bit.

Some are just lame.

It happens when you have a social movement, some of the people who join are not real bright.

I can give some Tea party example for you?

Ooooo.....Ms. Truthie....running scared???

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Wow! Hit a nerve, huh? The fact that OWS participants reveal
that it is the human condition itself that is reponsible for the ills,
and not Wall Street, nor conservatives, nor the wealthy...

Just get a bunch of Liberals together and presto- you get inequality and

The object lesson is on view for all to see, and Ms. Truthie sees it....
....don't you?

Your worldview: shattered. Equality of result is hardly a part of human nature.
So much for Marx.

Is this the best??"I'm more against private property...not personal property!"

At least as good as "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," from Orwell's "Animal Farm."

why do you right wing women do this stupid crap?

I wish you could see how petty and childish you appear to anyone who is not locked step joined at the brain with the Tea party Koch scam.

The redicules crap about trying to emotionally harm fellow posters is so tranparent.

This guy if serious is a fool.

This is why your side is SOOOOOOOO desperate to have the OWS defined in a few sentances what they "believe" and what their "demands" are.

So your right can do what they always do.

Pretend a decorated war hero is a traitor to his country.

Pretend A Christain intellectual black man is a communist Muslim American hater.

You cant Rove your way arround this group of people.

They are the real Americans your tea party tried to be.

When was the last tea party event?

1. Now, now...don't be so upset. Here, let me give you some of the
advice one of your heros gave right after he raped a young lady:

"You better put some ice on that,”."

2. "When was the last tea party event?"
That would be the mid-term elections, 2010.

"The American Tea Party movement is the biggest winner of Tuesday's election. Overwhelming victories by "We The People" candidates confirm the movement to be a powerful force forever changing the landscape of US politics."
Tea Party triumph in the midterm elections | Lloyd Marcus | Comment is free |
1. So your working premise is that the OWS folks are socialists. Not anarchists, communists, various forms of progressives?
So, blackie...wadda ya' think?

I think I have no idea what you're going on about. I was responding to naturegirl's question about what people mean when they say they are opposed to 'private' property, but not 'personal' property. It's a distinction I've always found rather confusing, and often hypocritical.

You seem to be looking for some kind of stupid pissing match. You're barking up the wrong tree.

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