Truth instead of phony impeachment


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
What should be concerning all Americans, but isn’t. Here is truth in an age of lies, propaganda, and disinformation...damn, it is so right.

Maybe this boils down to the power of reason, but no reason worth possessing should take the road toward the perpetuation of aggression, instead of the road toward harmony and compassion. Those of us that have no desire to harm, and believe in non-aggression, struggle constantly with what seems to be the real nature of man.

The current trend of forever war, of post-modernism, of multiculturalism, division, narcissism, envy, and jealousy is the death knell of any civilized society. It is what should be destroyed, not sought by the hordes of confused people that live on this planet.The idiocy of climate change, unending war, the transgender circus, the false racism scam, the fight toward equal outcomes, and politics at every level will not solve our problems, but will only lead to our demise.
At this time in man’s existence, it appears that evil certainly has the upper hand. This dynamic must be corrected if we are to continue living together. The search for truth and peace is the way out, but it is up to each of us as individuals to improve self in order for sanity to take hold collectively.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative to understand that those who say they want to save us are the same ones who want to rule us. Those who want to rule us are the same ones who want us fighting amongst ourselves. In order to turn this tide, it is time to rid ourselves of all those who claim moral superiority in order to save us. That would eliminate the political class, the leftist liberal do-gooders, the environmental stooges, the neo-con warmongers, the race-baiters, and most of the “healthcare” profiteers. That would be a good start.

Is the Human Species Naturally Good or Naturally Evil? - LewRockwell
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What should concerning all Americans, but isn’t. Here is truth in an age of lies, propaganda, and disinformation...damn, it is so right.

Maybe this boils down to the power of reason, but no reason worth possessing should take the road toward the perpetuation of aggression, instead of the road toward harmony and compassion. Those of us that have no desire to harm, and believe in non-aggression, struggle constantly with what seems to be the real nature of man.

The current trend of forever war, of post-modernism, of multiculturalism, division, narcissism, envy, and jealousy is the death knell of any civilized society. It is what should be destroyed, not sought by the hordes of confused people that live on this planet.The idiocy of climate change, unending war, the transgender circus, the false racism scam, the fight toward equal outcomes, and politics at every level will not solve our problems, but will only lead to our demise.
At this time in man’s existence, it appears that evil certainly has the upper hand. This dynamic must be corrected if we are to continue living together. The search for truth and peace is the way out, but it is up to each of us as individuals to improve self in order for sanity to take hold collectively.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative to understand that those who say they want to save us are the same ones who want to rule us. Those who want to rule us are the same ones who want us fighting amongst ourselves. In order to turn this tide, it is time to rid ourselves of all those who claim moral superiority in order to save us. That would eliminate the political class, the leftist liberal do-gooders, the environmental stooges, the neo-con warmongers, the race-baiters, and most of the “healthcare” profiteers. That would be a good start.

Is the Human Species Naturally Good or Naturally Evil? - LewRockwell

As reasoned and relatively free of vitriol as it sounds, I do not think this vision will be realized during the next few years. The political class does not appear to be listening, to anything but their echo chambers and could not hear if they were. The feedback is deafening.
That is the goal of globalists, Deep State: to keep reducing the population of the world and to make the ones who survive easy to manipulate biological mass. That's what they have been very successful so far during last decades especially with having almost all the mainstream Media in their dirty and bloody hands: just look at your country of USA and my country of Ukraine, ruled basically by the same people (and I do NOT mean Trump).

Today, the major outlets are almost all owned by six conglomerates. They can easily hide the truth or spread all kinds of lies simultaneously. And that's basically what we have been witnessing lately.

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC]
What should concerning all Americans, but isn’t. Here is truth in an age of lies, propaganda, and disinformation...damn, it is so right.

Maybe this boils down to the power of reason, but no reason worth possessing should take the road toward the perpetuation of aggression, instead of the road toward harmony and compassion. Those of us that have no desire to harm, and believe in non-aggression, struggle constantly with what seems to be the real nature of man.

The current trend of forever war, of post-modernism, of multiculturalism, division, narcissism, envy, and jealousy is the death knell of any civilized society. It is what should be destroyed, not sought by the hordes of confused people that live on this planet.The idiocy of climate change, unending war, the transgender circus, the false racism scam, the fight toward equal outcomes, and politics at every level will not solve our problems, but will only lead to our demise.
At this time in man’s existence, it appears that evil certainly has the upper hand. This dynamic must be corrected if we are to continue living together. The search for truth and peace is the way out, but it is up to each of us as individuals to improve self in order for sanity to take hold collectively.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative to understand that those who say they want to save us are the same ones who want to rule us. Those who want to rule us are the same ones who want us fighting amongst ourselves. In order to turn this tide, it is time to rid ourselves of all those who claim moral superiority in order to save us. That would eliminate the political class, the leftist liberal do-gooders, the environmental stooges, the neo-con warmongers, the race-baiters, and most of the “healthcare” profiteers. That would be a good start.

Is the Human Species Naturally Good or Naturally Evil? - LewRockwell
  1. Intelligent people question their world.
  2. The Left claim they are the dominate populace in the country.
  3. The Left don't seem to question at all why an impeachment is rushed through working through the night fast as possible while avoiding questions and answers using comedy "entertainment" media trying to tell us what we should think about serious things.
  4. Doesn't appear then by their acquiescence that Leftists are very intelligent as they think.
  5. The very "charges" themselves raise a LOT of questions.

  • Why is it pressuring when the accused country said there WAS no pressure?
  • Why is it "breaking what law" to investigate a politician suspected of breaking the law?
  • Can every democrat avoid investigation and prosecution now by simply running for something?
  • Why didn't Hillary break any laws when she invoked Ukraine and/or Russia to assist her in doing oppo research against Trump with her Steele Dossier, but an impeachable offense for Trump to investigate what appears to be real crimes by Biden he admitted to?
  • Even if what Trump did was wrong, how does that excuse what Biden did and why isn't the Democrats interested in investigating or prosecuting that when they say they support the Constitution and the Rule of Law?
  • Where will America be if the democrats impeach Trump then replace him with the criminal Trump was trying to investigate?
  • Why doesn't anyone in the media ever ask these questions much less the democrats ever answer them?
  • Do the democrats really think the American people are going to fall for, much less stand for this snow job?
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What should concerning all Americans, but isn’t. Here is truth in an age of lies, propaganda, and disinformation...damn, it is so right.

Maybe this boils down to the power of reason, but no reason worth possessing should take the road toward the perpetuation of aggression, instead of the road toward harmony and compassion. Those of us that have no desire to harm, and believe in non-aggression, struggle constantly with what seems to be the real nature of man.

The current trend of forever war, of post-modernism, of multiculturalism, division, narcissism, envy, and jealousy is the death knell of any civilized society. It is what should be destroyed, not sought by the hordes of confused people that live on this planet.The idiocy of climate change, unending war, the transgender circus, the false racism scam, the fight toward equal outcomes, and politics at every level will not solve our problems, but will only lead to our demise.
At this time in man’s existence, it appears that evil certainly has the upper hand. This dynamic must be corrected if we are to continue living together. The search for truth and peace is the way out, but it is up to each of us as individuals to improve self in order for sanity to take hold collectively.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative to understand that those who say they want to save us are the same ones who want to rule us. Those who want to rule us are the same ones who want us fighting amongst ourselves. In order to turn this tide, it is time to rid ourselves of all those who claim moral superiority in order to save us. That would eliminate the political class, the leftist liberal do-gooders, the environmental stooges, the neo-con warmongers, the race-baiters, and most of the “healthcare” profiteers. That would be a good start.

Is the Human Species Naturally Good or Naturally Evil? - LewRockwell
  1. Intelligent people question their world.
  2. The Left claim they are the dominate populace in the country.
  3. The Left don't seem to question at all why an impeachment is rushed through working through the night fast as possible while avoiding questions and answers using comedy "entertainment" media trying to tell us what we should think about serious things.
  4. Doesn't appear then by their acquiescence that Leftists are very intelligent as they think.
  5. The very "charges" themselves raise a LOT of questions.
View attachment 294596
  • Why is it pressuring when the accused country said there WAS no pressure?
  • Why is it "breaking what law" to investigate a politician suspected of breaking the law?
  • Can every democrat avoid investigation and prosecution now by simply running for something?
  • Why didn't Hillary break any laws when she invoked Ukraine and/or Russia to assist her in doing oppo research against Trump with her Steele Dossier, but an impeachable offense for Trump to investigate what appears to be real crimes by Biden he admitted to?
  • Even if what Trump did was wrong, how does that excuse what Biden did and why isn't the Democrats interested in investigating or prosecuting that when they say they support the Constitution and the Rule of Law?
  • Where will America be if the democrats impeach Trump then replace him with the criminal Trump was trying to investigate?
  • Why doesn't anyone in the media ever ask these questions much less the democrats ever answer them?
  • Do the democrats really think the American people are going to fall for, much less stand for this snow job?
This thread isn’t about the two criminal political parties, since both are very similar on the issues listed in the OP. The two parties perpetuate the dysfunction present in our country. They are the enemy of the people, but really good friends of the 1%.

However, the D Party use to advocate against the warfare state, question the CIA, and criticize the wealthy elite. Today they are just about completely owned and controlled by these criminal entities, very much like the R Party.
What should concerning all Americans, but isn’t. Here is truth in an age of lies, propaganda, and disinformation...damn, it is so right.

Maybe this boils down to the power of reason, but no reason worth possessing should take the road toward the perpetuation of aggression, instead of the road toward harmony and compassion. Those of us that have no desire to harm, and believe in non-aggression, struggle constantly with what seems to be the real nature of man.

The current trend of forever war, of post-modernism, of multiculturalism, division, narcissism, envy, and jealousy is the death knell of any civilized society. It is what should be destroyed, not sought by the hordes of confused people that live on this planet.The idiocy of climate change, unending war, the transgender circus, the false racism scam, the fight toward equal outcomes, and politics at every level will not solve our problems, but will only lead to our demise.
At this time in man’s existence, it appears that evil certainly has the upper hand. This dynamic must be corrected if we are to continue living together. The search for truth and peace is the way out, but it is up to each of us as individuals to improve self in order for sanity to take hold collectively.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative to understand that those who say they want to save us are the same ones who want to rule us. Those who want to rule us are the same ones who want us fighting amongst ourselves. In order to turn this tide, it is time to rid ourselves of all those who claim moral superiority in order to save us. That would eliminate the political class, the leftist liberal do-gooders, the environmental stooges, the neo-con warmongers, the race-baiters, and most of the “healthcare” profiteers. That would be a good start.

Is the Human Species Naturally Good or Naturally Evil? - LewRockwell
  1. Intelligent people question their world.
  2. The Left claim they are the dominate populace in the country.
  3. The Left don't seem to question at all why an impeachment is rushed through working through the night fast as possible while avoiding questions and answers using comedy "entertainment" media trying to tell us what we should think about serious things.
  4. Doesn't appear then by their acquiescence that Leftists are very intelligent as they think.
  5. The very "charges" themselves raise a LOT of questions.
View attachment 294596
  • Why is it pressuring when the accused country said there WAS no pressure?
  • Why is it "breaking what law" to investigate a politician suspected of breaking the law?
  • Can every democrat avoid investigation and prosecution now by simply running for something?
  • Why didn't Hillary break any laws when she invoked Ukraine and/or Russia to assist her in doing oppo research against Trump with her Steele Dossier, but an impeachable offense for Trump to investigate what appears to be real crimes by Biden he admitted to?
  • Even if what Trump did was wrong, how does that excuse what Biden did and why isn't the Democrats interested in investigating or prosecuting that when they say they support the Constitution and the Rule of Law?
  • Where will America be if the democrats impeach Trump then replace him with the criminal Trump was trying to investigate?
  • Why doesn't anyone in the media ever ask these questions much less the democrats ever answer them?
  • Do the democrats really think the American people are going to fall for, much less stand for this snow job?
This thread isn’t about the two criminal political parties, since both are very similar on the issues listed in the OP. The two parties perpetuate the dysfunction present in our country. They are the enemy of the people, but really good friends of the 1%.

However, the D Party use to advocate against the warfare state, question the CIA, and criticize the wealthy elite. Today they are just about completely owned and controlled by these criminal entities, very much like the R Party.
Sad but right....

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.

One would think that this sentiment contradicts the obvious picture: we see a very rigid, somewhat ideological demarcation; we see absolute opposites in terms of psychological profiles and life histories, almost as if they belong to different species. That is how it was with the McCain-Obama pairing and it is exactly the same now. In actual fact, the whole thing has been carefully built up through television images, a massive show of images. The same goes for the parties standing behind those images.
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