TrumpUSA: A Knight's Direction (Fiction?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'TrumpUSA' parable inspired by The Parallax View.

Signing off (Happy St. Patrick's Day USMB!),



Alas the knight was a time-travelling warrior for hire who landed on Earth in 2018 and discovered that East Coast Americans were celebrating the awesome underdog victory of the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) over the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52. Alas realized that the small sports-bar and restaurant Station 52 became a new Philly-fanfare hangout after Super Bowl 52(!). Alas was inspired by this media fanfare surrounding an American sports team just less than a year after some dangerous nuclear-missile test crisis involving North Korea during Labor Day 2017. Alas did some private research and concluded that this terrible geopolitical turbulence in the modern age of networking and media (e.g., Facebook, Wall Street, NASDAQ, European Union, NATO, etc.) was spawning a new metaphysical 'monstrosity' called Leviathan (a being signifying intolerable anarchy).


Leviathan was very real even if it was merely a metaphysics 'presence.' Leviathan was completely comprised of hair, though its hair-like follicles had sensitivity-receptors and could see and think with the fibers of its hair-like composition(!), which also made it incredible eerie. Leviathan intended to 'wrap up' humanity in its 'hairy tendrils' of anarchy and trap America in a state of perpetual power-lust, rendering mankind as a 'multi-headed beast' of confusion. Leviathan was infuriated that mankind (e.g., Americans) were not using logic and sense to use commerce to forge peace (even though the world leader, U.S. President Donald Trump, was a finance-and-business 'wizard'). Alas knew he'd have to subdue Leviathan and send it back to the netherworld. He approached President Donald Trump and requested he be hired by Trump as a 'warrior-mercenary' and politics-philosopher to deal with the real threat Leviathan posed to new age global stability. Trump humbly conceded and told Alas he'd be honoured if he found a way to deal with this 'hairy Leviathan.'


Alas found Leviathan by using a Ouija incantation magic-board to call its presence to a position where it could actually converse with Alas. Alas invoked Leviathan and then immediately subdued it with incredible swordplay (avoiding its hairy extensions!) before persuading the 'presence' to debate about 'TrumpUSA' with him. The conversation between Alas and Leviathan was rather...illuminating(!).

ALAS: Why do you frown upon modern capitalism?
LEVIATHAN: You know why!
ALAS: Are you concerned about political apathy?
LEVIATHAN: I am 'worried' about political corruption.
ALAS: President Trump negotiated with North Korea.
LEVIATHAN: Yes, and the Winter Games in South Korea proceeded smoothly.
ALAS: That means there's great potential for peace and sanity in the modern world.
LEVIATHAN: You're a time-traveller, so you know what war is eternal...
ALAS: These Americans are humble and dream about global prosperity.
LEVIATHAN: If America wants to be 'Big Brother,' it must behave maturely.
ALAS: America is young, but idealistic...
LEVIATHAN: Really? What about the Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992?
ALAS: Americans are very schizophrenic about pluralism-negotiation.
LEVIATHAN: Hasn't that been true since the Salem Witch Trials (colonial era)?
ALAS: Americans have indeed progressed since then --- e.g., WikiLeaks.
LEVIATHAN: So, Americans are 'managing' their intellectual properties, eh?
ALAS: If I can prove that capitalism and democracy are compatible, will you depart?
ALAS: Why is the movie Wall Street (Oliver Stone) popular?
LEVIATHAN: What? Do you think daydreams solve the problem of vice?
ALAS: No, but social discourse about imagination catalyzes psychiatry!
LEVIATHAN: Alright, I'll concede that imagery promotes 'spiritual hygiene.'
ALAS: I will remember your special omen about 'anarchy.'
LEVIATHAN: Farewell...


Alas triumphed and reported to President Trump that Leviathan departed forever. Trump awarded Alas with a special "Patriot's Medallion," and Alas returned to his own time with his time-travel device, content he had gone on a rewarding 'futuristic adventure.' Alas returned to his Medieval Era England and then met with King Arthur (of the kingdom of Camelot) and told him that in the future, a pluralistic-nation called 'America' would negotiate great democratic enthusiasm out of the ashes of trial-and-error debacles (e.g., Vietnam War, Korean War, Los Angeles Race Riots, Enron commerce-scandal, etc.). King Arthur told Alas, "Perhaps tribulation is eternal, but perhaps so is intellectual passion." Would 'TrumpUSA' prevail over the demonic forces of academic vanity? Only time would tell...




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