Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Thank you President Trump!

Issues and Insights ^ | 10/07/2019 | John Merline

The most surprising thing about the latest unemployment report isn’t that the rate dropped to the lowest level since December 1969. It’s that unemployment wasn’t supposed to get anywhere near that low under President Trump. At least, not if you believed mainstream Keynesian economists.

The economy created 136,000 jobs in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of businesses. The separate household survey, which is used to track unemployment, showed that the number of unemployed dropped by 275,000.

Not only did the job market pull 275,000 off the unemployment line last month, it pulled more than 100,000 who had dropped out of the labor force back into the job market.

This is good news, but it continues to confound mainstream economists, who solemnly predicted at the start of Trump’s administration that we faced a “secular stagnation.” Any talk of strong economic growth was a fantasy.

When the economy started to outperform expectations, liberals shrugged it off by claiming that the upturn in growth was all baked in the cake when President Obama was president.

That is false.

We can get a sense of the true impact of Trump’s economic policies by comparing the actual results since he took office to the forecasts made at that time. What did economists think the economy would be like if nothing changed over the next 10 years in terms of tax rates or regulatory policies

For the purpose of comparison, we used the Congressional Budget Office’s 10-year economic outlook released in January 2017. The CBO’s economic forecasts tend to mirror the consensus of other economists.

The results of this comparison are stark.

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John Merline

Yeah, we all know how much "experts" are worth, particularly Nobel Prize experts.

Paul Krugman, November 9, 2016: Trump will bring global recession

Unemployment is all this economy has. Another bad market day.
It all starts and ends with the pocket book...and our pocket books are filled...thank you President Trump!!!
Unemployment is all this economy has. Another bad market day.
Yeah those pesky jobs are just a pain in your side....keeping voters happy and confident.....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahaha what a buffoon....
Manufacturing is in recession. GDP growth is weak. Market is stagnant. We have trillion dollar deficits. Obama had great unemployment numbers and you couldn’t say enough how bad it was. Partisans are so stupid.
The average people are profiting and saving...Trump said he was for America first....and he was going to usher in the return of the middle class...and he has done it...the market will fluctuate but its the jobs stupid....its all about good paying jobs a plenty....:113:
Unemployment is all this economy has. Another bad market day.
Yeah those pesky jobs are just a pain in your side....keeping voters happy and confident.....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahaha what a buffoon....
Manufacturing is in recession. GDP growth is weak. Market is stagnant. We have trillion dollar deficits. Obama had great unemployment numbers and you couldn’t say enough how bad it was. Partisans are so stupid.
We are a service economy...but to say manufacturing is in a recession is about the dumbest thing I've read on this companies are popping up everywhere.....go cry in someone else's stew are not going to be able to talk down the economy here...the media tried it for a month and failed....but go ahead make an idiot out of your anti American ass....
Unemployment is all this economy has. Another bad market day.
Yeah those pesky jobs are just a pain in your side....keeping voters happy and confident.....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahaha what a buffoon....
Manufacturing is in recession. GDP growth is weak. Market is stagnant. We have trillion dollar deficits. Obama had great unemployment numbers and you couldn’t say enough how bad it was. Partisans are so stupid.
We are a service economy...but to say manufacturing is in a recession is about the dumbest thing I've read on this companies are popping up everywhere.....go cry in someone else's stew are not going to be able to talk down the economy here...the media tried it for a month and failed....but go ahead make an idiot out of your anti American ass....
At least you consistently ignore facts.

U.S. manufacturing fell deeper into a contraction last month, erasing hope of a quick turnaround for the industry and handing a blow to President Trump’s promises that he would revive blue-collar jobs and companies.
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September
The average people are profiting and saving...Trump said he was for America first....and he was going to usher in the return of the middle class...and he has done it...the market will fluctuate but its the jobs stupid....its all about good paying jobs a plenty....:113:
You have some imagination. I hear 7 year car loans are popular now.

US consumer borrowing up $17.9 billion in August
Idiot...those loans are "popular" because people are buying cars are such a retard that you just made an argument for my side....people taking extended loans have one thing you don't...CONFIDENCE jackass...bnuuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha...confidence that I'm right and you are a moron.....
The average people are profiting and saving...Trump said he was for America first....and he was going to usher in the return of the middle class...and he has done it...the market will fluctuate but its the jobs stupid....its all about good paying jobs a plenty....:113:
You have some imagination. I hear 7 year car loans are popular now.

US consumer borrowing up $17.9 billion in August
Idiot...those loans are "popular" because people are buying cars are such a retard that you just made an argument for my side....people taking extended loans have one thing you don't...CONFIDENCE jackass...bnuuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha...confidence that I'm right and you are a moron.....
Less confidence than they used to. Much less.
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September
I don't need links of Trump hating trash...look around asswipe...everything is better now that Trump is in charge and Obama is gone.....just ask people...look at the stores...look at the unemployment will not be successful bashing this great economy because we are all living it....
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September

No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September
I don't need links of Trump hating trash...look around asswipe...everything is better now that Trump is in charge and Obama is gone.....just ask people...look at the stores...look at the unemployment will not be successful bashing this great economy because we are all living it....
Yes you don’t need facts. Trumpers are funny. Almost every economic indicator is down and you praise him. Too funny. No facts for you.
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September

It’s a fact, you wouldn’t understand.
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September
I don't need links of Trump hating trash...look around asswipe...everything is better now that Trump is in charge and Obama is gone.....just ask people...look at the stores...look at the unemployment will not be successful bashing this great economy because we are all living it....
Yes you don’t need facts. Trumpers are funny. Almost every economic indicator is down and you praise him. Too funny. No facts for you.
You don't get the truth from CNBC...stop poisoning your little mind....
No more empty empty closed down stores...factories are humming....restaurants are filled instead of closing due to a lack of parks like Disney back to a 6 month are filled and flights to exotic places are being added for the first time in 8 years....
there is nothing for the dems to use in the 2020 election so they are going to try an impeachment behind closed doors with no evidence of a high crime and nameless cowardly spies from Brennan's CIA....Buuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahaaa......
You are great at avoiding facts. No links to support your fantasy?

Consumer confidence falls sharply in September
I don't need links of Trump hating trash...look around asswipe...everything is better now that Trump is in charge and Obama is gone.....just ask people...look at the stores...look at the unemployment will not be successful bashing this great economy because we are all living it....
Yes you don’t need facts. Trumpers are funny. Almost every economic indicator is down and you praise him. Too funny. No facts for you.
You don't get the truth from CNBC...stop poisoning your little mind....

US consumer confidence drops as economic uncertainties rise | FOX 28 Spokane

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