TRUMP's DHS stowing kids in US cities, withholding INFO to local authorities


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
This just gets worse and worse and f'g disgusting. NYC found out it had at least 239 little girls transferred to its city. Told NO ONE. When reporters found them, the Governor and and the mayor of NYC wanted information. The TRUMP ADMIN would give them no information, would not allow them to be seen. DeBlasio wanted to send in some pediatricians, check their health and status. ZIP.


WTF is going on? HOW MANY AND WHERE? If you think for a s econd, they have good thorough records, and won't lose kinds, think again!

Video shows kids being brought to NYC immigration foster agency
By Spectrum News NY1 | June 20, 2018 @7:28 PM

Sources told NY1 on Tuesday that children from the southern border are being brought to the city after they have been separated from their families.

Early Wednesday morning, the station shot exclusive video of some unusual activity at a foster agency in East Harlem.

Sources tipped off NY1's Josh Robin to go to the Cayuga Centers facility in East Harlem.

He was told that kids separated from their parents along the southern U.S. border would be brought there.

The video, shot at 12:45 a.m., shows five girls, accompanied by two Spanish-speaking women, being led into the lobby of the building where the Cayuga Centers is housed...

Kids brought to NYC immigration foster agency

10 agencies in Westchester have contracts with the federal government to provide services to unaccompanied immigrant children.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday that immigrant children who have been separated from their parents are now being housed in private facilities in Westchester County.

Cuomo, who said the state would sue the federal government over its "zero tolerance" policy of taking the children from their families, said the children are in facilities in Dobbs Ferry, Irvington, Lincolndale and Yonkers.

They are part of what Cuomo said are 70 children being held in New York state.

The governor did not identify the facilities, but 10 agencies in the state have contracts with the federal government to provide services to unaccompanied foreign children...

Some Immigrant children separated from parents housed in Westchester: Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Good, I'd say turn those kids loose on NY streets and see if they survive the night.
Send them to demoquack sanctuary cities

Better yet...send them back where they came from with their law breaking parents
Trump is doing exactly what I predicted he would do, a couple days ago. Unload them on those cities that have "sanctuary" policies and have refused to send national Guard troops to the border.
Funny, we didn't hear any complaints from the Left when Obama indulged in illegal invader-dumping on states that balked.
[QUOTE="SassyIrishLass, post: 20182568, member: 18937"]Send them to demoquack sanctuary cities

Better yet...send them back where they came from with their law breaking parents[/QUOTE]

Good one!! Like they know where the parents are.
Funny, we didn't hear any complaints from the Left when Obama indulged in illegal invader-dumping on states that balked.

Read people, read. This is the Cliff Notes version, short and understandable for the DOUBLE DIGIT crowd.
Trump’s separation of immigrant families wasn't Obama policy

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[QUOTE="SassyIrishLass, post: 20182568, member: 18937"]Send them to demoquack sanctuary cities

Better yet...send them back where they came from with their law breaking parents

Good one!! Like they know where the parents are.
Funny, we didn't hear any complaints from the Left when Obama indulged in illegal invader-dumping on states that balked.

Read people, read. This is the Cliff Notes version, short and understandable to the DOUBLE DIGIT crowd.
Trump’s separation of immigrant families wasn't Obama policy


Merely reading does not guarantee factual input.
Funny, we didn't hear any complaints from the Left when Obama indulged in illegal invader-dumping on states that balked.

This whole thing has gotten out of hand. Every one of them should have been marched back across the Rio Grande at bayonet-point as soon as they crossed, and had the border locked behind them. Any idiot can tell that Mexico is facilitating the arrival of these trespassers across our border because they know we'll take them. We should have suddenly stopped taking them here and let them become Mexico's problem.

Then we could see what real inhumanity is, once Mexico starts dealing with them.
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Trump is doing exactly what I predicted he would do, a couple days ago. Unload them on those cities that have "sanctuary" policies and have refused to send national Guard troops to the border.

There are, they think (NO ONE WILL LET THEM IN, including Bill Nelson, US Sen) 1000 kids in Miami. MIAMI IS NOT A SANCTUARY CITY.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Flickr
Feds Holding 1,000 Migrant Children at Miami-Area Compound, Lawmaker Says

Roughly 1,000 migrant children are being held inside a secured compound in Homestead, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said today. It's unclear whether the children crossed the border on their own or whether they were taken from their parents under President Trump's new policy, which the United Nations says violates international law and which Catholic leaders
Good, I'd say turn those kids loose on NY streets and see if they survive the night.
Yeah let's see those BABIES crawl out into the NY streets and dodge cars. White guys can place bets on how long they last. What fun
Good, I'd say turn those kids loose on NY streets and see if they survive the night.

Thing is, I know you're not joking either, you worthless piece of shit!

We feel the same about abortion advocates

Then REPUBLICANS should be wanting to IMPORT more anti-abortion like minded. Which CENTRAL AMERICANS are!
Why would we want to import more people with no useful skill set that will immediately have to be on welfare? That's insane, like most libwits.

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