Trumps court loss are piling up


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

  1. President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

    And Trump allies' losing streak continued Saturday when the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a suit brought by Wood over absentee ballots and recount procedures just hours before the president was scheduled to campaign there ahead of the state's Senate runoffs. The majority opinion was written by Chief Judge William Pryor, who is considered one of the most conservative George W. Bush appointees on the appellate bench.

    A Nevada judge issued a point-by-point rejection of every claim lodged by the Trump team, emphasizing that the facts they presented were sparse and unpersuasive. Carson City District Judge James Russell’s opinion repeatedly emphasized their case would not have succeeded “under any standard of proof.”

    In one of the most prominent cases — a suit in Georgia brought by controversial lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood — a federal appeals court dismissed an appeal seeking to expand a restraining order a district court judge issued Sunday barring any alterations to voting machines in three Georgia counties. A unanimous three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal without even hearing oral arguments from the litigants.

    It was another harsh milestone in a month long run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

    Trump supporters: Do any of you see a pattern here?
    Your "stable genius" is lying to you about election fraud!

Post Reply

  1. President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

    And Trump allies' losing streak continued Saturday when the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a suit brought by Wood over absentee ballots and recount procedures just hours before the president was scheduled to campaign there ahead of the state's Senate runoffs. The majority opinion was written by Chief Judge William Pryor, who is considered one of the most conservative George W. Bush appointees on the appellate bench.

    A Nevada judge issued a point-by-point rejection of every claim lodged by the Trump team, emphasizing that the facts they presented were sparse and unpersuasive. Carson City District Judge James Russell’s opinion repeatedly emphasized their case would not have succeeded “under any standard of proof.”

    In one of the most prominent cases — a suit in Georgia brought by controversial lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood — a federal appeals court dismissed an appeal seeking to expand a restraining order a district court judge issued Sunday barring any alterations to voting machines in three Georgia counties. A unanimous three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal without even hearing oral arguments from the litigants.

    It was another harsh milestone in a month long run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

    Trump supporters: Do any of you see a pattern here?
    Your "stable genius" is lying to you about election fraud!

Post Reply
The only, ONLY thing the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs see in his repeated court losses are how many crooked jurists there are involved in the Democrats' conspiracy to steal their cheeto-in-chief's second term.

Nothing, NOTHING can convince them differently. Just as their own deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus are denied to their dying breaths. There is not a lie told by the impeached president trump or echoed by his enablers the RWNJs can muster up the courage to disbelieve. The only cults with more members worship their long-imagined deities.



  1. President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

    And Trump allies' losing streak continued Saturday when the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a suit brought by Wood over absentee ballots and recount procedures just hours before the president was scheduled to campaign there ahead of the state's Senate runoffs. The majority opinion was written by Chief Judge William Pryor, who is considered one of the most conservative George W. Bush appointees on the appellate bench.

    A Nevada judge issued a point-by-point rejection of every claim lodged by the Trump team, emphasizing that the facts they presented were sparse and unpersuasive. Carson City District Judge James Russell’s opinion repeatedly emphasized their case would not have succeeded “under any standard of proof.”

    In one of the most prominent cases — a suit in Georgia brought by controversial lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood — a federal appeals court dismissed an appeal seeking to expand a restraining order a district court judge issued Sunday barring any alterations to voting machines in three Georgia counties. A unanimous three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal without even hearing oral arguments from the litigants.

    It was another harsh milestone in a month long run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

    Trump supporters: Do any of you see a pattern here?
    Your "stable genius" is lying to you about election fraud!

Post Reply
The only, ONLY thing the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs see in his repeated court losses are how many crooked jurists there are involved in the Democrats' conspiracy to steal their cheeto-in-chief's second term.

Nothing, NOTHING can convince them differently. Just as their own deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus are denied to their dying breaths. There is not a lie told by the impeached president trump or echoed by his enablers the RWNJs can muster up the courage to disbelieve. The only cults with more members worship their long-imagined deities.


Another slave heading to the slave pen of ignore. I used to shake my head at the stupidity of any progressive who would actually vote their freedoms away for a welfare check, today, i expect it because of how stupid the prog slave has become.
See picture below.

  1. President Donald Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

    And Trump allies' losing streak continued Saturday when the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a suit brought by Wood over absentee ballots and recount procedures just hours before the president was scheduled to campaign there ahead of the state's Senate runoffs. The majority opinion was written by Chief Judge William Pryor, who is considered one of the most conservative George W. Bush appointees on the appellate bench.

    A Nevada judge issued a point-by-point rejection of every claim lodged by the Trump team, emphasizing that the facts they presented were sparse and unpersuasive. Carson City District Judge James Russell’s opinion repeatedly emphasized their case would not have succeeded “under any standard of proof.”

    In one of the most prominent cases — a suit in Georgia brought by controversial lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood — a federal appeals court dismissed an appeal seeking to expand a restraining order a district court judge issued Sunday barring any alterations to voting machines in three Georgia counties. A unanimous three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal without even hearing oral arguments from the litigants.

    It was another harsh milestone in a month long run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

    Trump supporters: Do any of you see a pattern here?
    Your "stable genius" is lying to you about election fraud!

Post Reply
The only, ONLY thing the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs see in his repeated court losses are how many crooked jurists there are involved in the Democrats' conspiracy to steal their cheeto-in-chief's second term.

Nothing, NOTHING can convince them differently. Just as their own deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus are denied to their dying breaths. There is not a lie told by the impeached president trump or echoed by his enablers the RWNJs can muster up the courage to disbelieve. The only cults with more members worship their long-imagined deities.


yes, that's the only thing
The only, ONLY thing the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs see in his repeated court losses are how many crooked jurists there are involved in the Democrats' conspiracy to steal their cheeto-in-chief's second term.

Nothing, NOTHING can convince them differently. Just as their own deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus are denied to their dying breaths. There is not a lie told by the impeached president trump or echoed by his enablers the RWNJs can muster up the courage to disbelieve. The only cults with more members worship their long-imagined deities.



You can drop the canned 'Impeached President' schtick because...

On February 5, 2020, the Senate acquitted Trump on both impeachment articles, as neither article obtained the support of a two-thirds supermajority of senators.
The only, ONLY thing the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs see in his repeated court losses are how many crooked jurists there are involved in the Democrats' conspiracy to steal their cheeto-in-chief's second term.

Nothing, NOTHING can convince them differently. Just as their own deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus are denied to their dying breaths. There is not a lie told by the impeached president trump or echoed by his enablers the RWNJs can muster up the courage to disbelieve. The only cults with more members worship their long-imagined deities.



You can drop the canned 'Impeached President' schtick because...

On February 5, 2020, the Senate acquitted Trump on both impeachment articles, as neither article obtained the support of a two-thirds supermajority of senators.

1-47 in court.

And not one single accusation of fraud has held up.

It's cost the Trump team roughly $10 million in legal and consulting fees in this clown car shit show attempt to overturn an election for the first time in American history, putting us on par with third world "shit hole" countries.

In the mean time, Trump's PAC has raised $200 million.

And fleecing the rubes is what this is about.
1-47 in court.

And not one single accusation of fraud has held up.

It's cost the Trump team roughly $10 million in legal and consulting fees in this clown car shit show attempt to overturn an election for the first time in American history, putting us on par with third world "shit hole" countries.

In the mean time, Trump's PAC has raised $200 million.

And fleecing the rubes is what this is about.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

The job of the Supreme Court is to rule via the Constitution.

And they are going so say "There have been 48 cases in federal and state courts in eight different states, and not one single piece of evidence of fraud offered by the plaintiffs has stood up. Why do you think we will rule in your favor if it has been repeatedly shot down in the lower courts?"

Trump's partisans are clinging to this false hope that the SCOTUS is just a crass partisan body that will rule in favor of Trump because there are six conservative justices as opposed to upholding the rule of law.
1-47 in court.

And not one single accusation of fraud has held up.

It's cost the Trump team roughly $10 million in legal and consulting fees in this clown car shit show attempt to overturn an election for the first time in American history, putting us on par with third world "shit hole" countries.

In the mean time, Trump's PAC has raised $200 million.

And fleecing the rubes is what this is about.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

irrelevant non sequiter.jpg
1-47 in court.

And not one single accusation of fraud has held up.

It's cost the Trump team roughly $10 million in legal and consulting fees in this clown car shit show attempt to overturn an election for the first time in American history, putting us on par with third world "shit hole" countries.

In the mean time, Trump's PAC has raised $200 million.

And fleecing the rubes is what this is about.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

View attachment 425742

Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Seems you can't.

And clearly not beating a dead horse, as folks like you are pleased, it appears, to see the policy agenda I provided in place of Trump's.

Bet you can't come up with 5 or 6 Trump policies you would reverse.
Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Seems you can't.

And clearly not beating a dead horse, as folks like you are pleased, it appears, to see the policy agenda I provided in place of Trump's.

Bet you can't come up with 5 or 6 Trump policies you would reverse.

This is about Trump losing in almost every single court case.

Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 2.52.02 PM.png
Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Seems you can't.

And clearly not beating a dead horse, as folks like you are pleased, it appears, to see the policy agenda I provided in place of Trump's.

Bet you can't come up with 5 or 6 Trump policies you would reverse.

This is about Trump losing in almost every single court case.

View attachment 425824

This was the question you've dodged:

Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Is it fear of the cancel culture?

I'm disappointed in you.
Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Seems you can't.

And clearly not beating a dead horse, as folks like you are pleased, it appears, to see the policy agenda I provided in place of Trump's.

Bet you can't come up with 5 or 6 Trump policies you would reverse.

This is about Trump losing in almost every single court case.

View attachment 425824

This was the question you've dodged:

Perfectly relevant as it challenges you to explain what you voted for.

Is it fear of the cancel culture?

I'm disappointed in you.

You're shifting the goal posts.

Go wallow in your Orange God's bizarre conspiracy laden pity party.

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