Trump's Boeing 737 MAX economy


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.
Lol, TDS strikes these liars about every 15 seconds. Got a link to that horse crap?
Lol, TDS strikes these liars about every 15 seconds. Got a link to that horse crap?
Link, what do you need a link for?
Boeing's 737MAX has been documented in the news, including Fox
Do you question that Trump cut taxes to stimulate economy and our debt is skyrocketing, Trump has cut regulation, trump is chasing coal and manufacturing jobs.
If you do not understand economic theory, just say so.
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.

serious dude,, get some help,, this TDS has consumed you and caused serious problems like ranting incoherently about crazy shit,,,
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.

serious dude,, get some help,, this TDS has consumed you and caused serious problems like ranting incoherently about crazy shit,,,
The mind of a conspiracy theory advocate.
The news reporting 2 737MAX jets crashing killing all aboard is not true.
Trump has not cut taxes as reported.
The debt is not growing as reported.
Regulations affecting the environment and consumer protection has not happened as reported.

You cannot believe anything exceppt 9/11 was an inside job.

I am with you man. Can you believe the bullshit the news is saying that Houston will face Washington in the World Series. Not true.

Fake news.

Trump is our leader. What ever he says we follow.
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.

serious dude,, get some help,, this TDS has consumed you and caused serious problems like ranting incoherently about crazy shit,,,
The mind of a conspiracy theory advocate.
The news reporting 2 737MAX jets crashing killing all aboard is not true.
Trump has not cut taxes as reported.
The debt is not growing as reported.
Regulations affecting the environment and consumer protection has not happened as reported.

You cannot believe anything exceppt 9/11 was an inside job.

I am with you man. Can you believe the bullshit the news is saying that Houston will face Washington in the World Series. Not true.

Fake news.

Trump is our leader. What ever he says we follow.

that last part sounds like the droning of a useful idiot,,,

he is not our leader he is our servant,,,
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.
great analogy :rolleyes-41:
Trump is using strategies with his economic policy similar to Boeing's strategy in launching the 737MAX.

Boeing's goal was to get the new plane out as quick as possible so as to realize as much profit as soon as possible. In their rush for profit, they did not do all that was necessary to make sure the plane was safe for the long run. For 2 years, after the initial launch, Boeing made huge profits but then their quick profit strategy caught up with them and they are now in big trouble financially.
Trump is providing quick stimulus to the economy that will have near term gains at the cost in the future. A large tax cut has provided a big stimulus but the debt is increasing at the highest rate in history. We will pay the price in the future. He has cut government regulations taking away consumer protections and environmental protection for short term gain but consumers and the environment will pay the price in the future. He is focusing on 20th century jobs like coal mining and manufacturing that have no legs instead of high tech and AI jobs that will not pay off for years.
We can expect the same results for Trump's US economy that Boeing experienced with their 737MAX launch.
All of those "qualified" engineers forced by quotas did not help. Program after program there are issues.

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