Trumpery was rejected, but continues to ravage the GOP

After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!
Paid BidenBot Squidlap is starting off his work week. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
I know folks (good upstanding citizens in my AO) that attended the rally and I suspect if you would call them a "goon" to their face you would have a very, very, bad day. Like myself they don't suffer such foolishness very well.
If you know anyone who is proud of the attack on Congress on January 6, they must be mystified at hundreds of Trump goons being brought to justice in courts of law for their actions.

Were some hapless dupes controlled by right-wing extremists as well as taken in by the Loser's lie?

Some have admitted that.

Presumably, rational folks note the Loser's continuing impotence in contriving any evidence acceptable to any court or legislative body in the land to lend credibility to his big lie that incited the goon attack.

As the Republican senate minority leader explained to him, he lost the election, and was responsible for the attack on democracy.

A goon attack on all of us was the 2020 Selection
Trump's butt barnacles persist in whimpering, but, after a year, the Loser has not contrived any evidence acceptable in any judicial venue in the land to satisfy his inability to handle the truth. He has not been able to name a single suspect in his fictional conspiracy to steal his laughable "Landslide!"

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“We have a president who will be sworn in on January 20th.
The Electoral College has spoken.
So today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden."

As his own accommodating Republican Attorney General characterized the Loser's Big Lie, it's

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If you know anyone who is proud of the attack on Congress on January 6, they must be mystified at hundreds of Trump goons being brought to justice in courts of law for their actions.

Were some hapless dupes controlled by right-wing extremists as well as taken in by the Loser's lie?

Some have admitted that.

Presumably, rational folks note the Loser's continuing impotence in contriving any evidence acceptable to any court or legislative body in the land to lend credibility to his big lie that incited the goon attack.

As the Republican senate minority leader explained to him, he lost the election, and was responsible for the attack on democracy.

Damn, such a response is usually connected with some sort of a cognitive disorder....Please, seek help before it's too late.
Trump's butt barnacles persist in whimpering, but, after a year, the Loser has not contrived any evidence acceptable in any judicial venue in the land to satisfy his inability to handle the truth. He has not been able to name a single suspect in his fictional conspiracy to steal his laughable "Landslide!"
We found out we have too many liberal judges who threw out cases before looking at the evidence.
After Trump sunk in Georgia and pulled down two Republican Senators with him, intra-potty mayhem has ensued.

‘It’s almost like insanity’: GOP base continues to lash out over Trump’s defeat
There’s no evidence of election fraud in Georgia. Even so, the party rank and file is fixated on it — even if it costs them in the midterms.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Nowhere has the post-Trump era been more painful for the Republican Party than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists’ war on Republican elected officials is still raging, at great cost.
After the presidential election, lost by Republicans in Georgia for the first time since 1992, the party crumpled in the January Senate runoffs. In the Atlanta suburbs, once a citadel of conservatism, Republicans were blown out.
Yet if that was cause for any introspection, it was not readily apparent as Republicans gathered at county conventions in recent days to chart their course for the midterm elections and the next presidential race in 2024.
In Cobb County, the archetype of the GOP’s suburban erosion, Republican activists over the weekend were still re-litigating Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud while drafting resolutions to rebuke the state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and other Republican officials for their unwillingness to overturn Trump’s loss. The Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has been all but excommunicated.
The once dominant Georgia GOP might be in meltdown in the suburbs, but the rank and file remains obsessed with Trump and the perceived wrongs of the last election.
As party activists vented at their county convention, the chair of the Cobb County Young Republicans, DeAnna Harris, stewed in the parking lot of her local party office.
“Huge mistake,” she said of the hostilities directed at Kemp and the reliving of 2020. “We’ve got to get out of this mindset. It’s almost like insanity.”
Watching the Peach Tree Keystone Cops braining one another with billy clubs, a discrete level of schadenfreude may be permitted.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea.
While we were marching through Georgia!
I love it when dickheads from the opposition offer “friendly” criticism on choosing the positive attributes of converting to Vichyism.
More good news for the Republican Party as it distances itself from Donald Trump, his Big Lie, and the repercussions of his speech inciting an insurrection on Jan. 6.

ABC reports, "Fresh off a national upset win in Virginia and a near-miss in New Jersey, the group of high-profile Republican governors and their strategists are now tasked with replicating their momentum across the map in some of the most highly competitive midterm races in decades -- a goal actively complicated by former President Donald Trump's continued endorsement of primary challengers to incumbent governors who have fallen out of his personal favor. And plans on how they navigate the minefield of remaining undistracted by Trump while not alienating him or his supporters remain fuzzy.

"Rather than embracing or denouncing the former president, the over a dozen governors present who spoke publicly at the conference stressed that their path to winning lies in drilling down on issues-based campaigning -- focusing on things like increasing police funding, combating higher taxes, curbing immigration, etc.

"And to the highly confident Republican Governors Association, there is no more perfect blueprint than freshly-elected Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, who pulled off a gubernatorial win in a reliable blue state in part by nationalizing local issues while keeping the former president, and his continued gripes surrounding the 2020 election, at arm's length."

The governors are encouraged by influential conservatives like Rupert Murdoch. The statements from Murdoch -- who controls a media empire that includes, among other properties, the shamelessly pro-Trump Fox News -- may serve as a test for Republicans who understand just how harmful Trump's dominance of the GOP is, and how it could ultimately sink the party.

Murdoch, addressing the annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday, said that the United States faces a number of major political decisions that conservatives will fail to shape unless Trump moves on. "The current American political debate is profound," he said, citing education, welfare and economic opportunity. "It is crucial that conservatives play an active, forceful role in that debate," he added, "but that will not happen if President Trump stays focused on the past."

Republican governors are not the only ones abandoning Trump. So are many of his supporters. Trump is still being supported by his intelligence challenged cult and his endorsement may be important to some Republican candidates in 2022.

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