Trump vs. Schiff Is a Clash of One Titan: His committee’s report on impeachment is weak propaganda..

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
....that doesn’t even try to change minds!

Joe Biden is not just Mr. Trump’s present-day “political rival.” He is a former vice president who, when tasked to help clean up corruption in Ukraine, allowed his unqualified, drug-addict son to receive a lucrative board seat at a Ukrainian company under investigation for corruption.

These are subjects whose illegitimacy must be proved, not just assumed. And yet missing from the final report is any evidence that broaching them with the Ukrainians amounted to the crimes of bribery, extortion or campaign-law violation that Mr. Schiff once told us it did.

Instead, Mr. Schiff insinuates a motive he’s not prepared to state clearly, one designed as much to rescue his own reputation as slur Mr. Trump’s. This is his report’s reference to Mr. Trump as a president “elected in 2016 with the benefit of an unprecedented and sweeping campaign of election interference undertaken by Russia in his favor.”

In fact, Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society painstakingly examined the social-media evidence and found Russia’s impact on the election to be trivial. More to the point, the authors concluded: “If the biggest win for Russian information operations is to disorient American political communications, then overstating the impact of those efforts actually helps consolidate their success.”

Bingo. Mr. Schiff may not be a Russian agent but he qualifies as a Kremlin asset in the sense that Hillary Clinton has been known to use the term. Example: Nothing in Mr. Trump’s words and actions, and nothing in the testimony of any witness, supported the claim with which Mr. Schiff began his hearings, that Mr. Trump asked Ukraine to “make up dirt, lots of it” on the Bidens.

Is this not the kind of shameless twisting of the facts the Kremlin’s own propagandists use to sow discord and bitterness?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The impeachment show is not a Schitt, Nadler, or Piglousi enterprise. It is a deep administrative, Intel community, State Department, Swamp operation.

Remember, Clinton transferred all arms and weapons sales from the D.O.D. to the State Department! The unelected branches of government are protecting 30 years of careful money laundering franchise. Trump exposes them all. They will stop at NOTHING (DOUBLE YOUR SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION, DONALD!) to STOP Trump...I put NOTHING PAST WHAT THEY WILL DO!!!!!

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