Trump Visits Army Tank Plant — Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video)

How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Trump is a jerk.

He was a jerk while McCain was in a POW camp in Nam.

He was a Jerk in the 80s
he was a jerk in the 90s
He was a jerk before the turn of the century, he's still jerk after the turn of the century.

and now he's showing off his BB sized balls by trashing an American Hero after his death.

As far as I'm concerned, the only way someone could look up to him is if they had his dick in their mouth.
Trump should have a photo-op before he leaves

The cowardly draft dodger speaks and his Trumpbots line up to piss on the grave of the last sane republican.
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Trump's horrible behavior in regards to his attacks on a deceased veteran will be his legacy. Karma and payback will hammer him. He will be the most disrespected and mocked President in history. There will be dancing in the streets.
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.
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McCain: Classy to the end

His cancer had already F'd up his faculties by then.

He had sense enough to want "regular order" on healthcare.

I was never a McCain fan. HOWEVER, please tell us exactly how McCain screwed over the people in the Obamacare vote. Have you ever seen a Trump healthcare plan? A Republican healthcare plan? I haven't. McCain said he wanted healthcare to be done in "regular order".

"Regular order" refers to the procedures and processes that have governed the Senate for generations. It consists of rules and precedents that have been followed with few exceptions for legislation both big and small.

What Is The 'Regular Order' John McCain Longs To Return To On Health Care?
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Trump is a jerk.

He was a jerk while McCain was in a POW camp in Nam.

He was a Jerk in the 80s
he was a jerk in the 90s
He was a jerk before the turn of the century, he's still jerk after the turn of the century.

and now he's showing off his BB sized balls by trashing an American Hero after his death.

As far as I'm concerned, the only way someone could look up to him is if they had his dick in their mouth.

I once had a nurse say that about me. We’re now friends. :)
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

What is so admirable about a person who holds a grudge against the dead? Where is Trump’s dignity? Why should he be respected, admired, applauded?

Have his supporters forgotten virtue to embrace vice?

You fuckers hated McShitstain until he became an anti-Trumper.
So shove your virtue where the sun don't shine.

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