Trump Using 'Former Japanese Internment Camp' For Immigrants;


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And I’ll bet you anything, they won’t know what these are for or how to use them


The Washington Post likewise stresses the internment camp reference, but at least hints that another administration might have done something similar: "Geronimo and the Japanese were imprisoned there. Now Fort Sill will hold migrant children — again." Here's how the Post's coverage begins:

Record numbers of unaccompanied children from Central America have crossed the border in recent months. So many that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has been scrambling to find housing for them.

On Tuesday, the agency announced it has chosen a military base as a temporary shelter: Fort Sill in Oklahoma, which was used during World War II as an internment camp for Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants. Before that, it was the longtime prison for Apache leader Geronimo.

Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing

But as many have pointed out, for those willing to take the step to read a little further than the headlines, an uncomfortable fact emerges: The Obama administration used the same "former Japanese internment camp" to house immigrants in 2014. The Post report acknowledges this fact in its fourth paragraph:

This isn’t the first time that Fort Sill has been used this way, though. During the Obama presidency, unaccompanied children were housed there for four months. At the time, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) blamed Obama’s “failed immigration policies," saying, “It is alarming to have 1,200 children in a military Installation.”

More w/links @ Media: Trump Using 'Former Japanese Internment Camp' For Immigrants; Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing
Still waiting for the punchline. To me, there's not much difference in the tone of the coverage.
"Former Japanese Internment Camp" is not really accurate. Location may be accurate, but the actual facilities were torn down long ago and the ones in the photos or used now are nothing like the Japanese internment camps.
Send them home. Send them all home. Their "asylum" claims can be processed while they wait in Mexico.

And I’ll bet you anything, they won’t know what these are for or how to use them


The Washington Post likewise stresses the internment camp reference, but at least hints that another administration might have done something similar: "Geronimo and the Japanese were imprisoned there. Now Fort Sill will hold migrant children — again." Here's how the Post's coverage begins:

Record numbers of unaccompanied children from Central America have crossed the border in recent months. So many that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has been scrambling to find housing for them.

On Tuesday, the agency announced it has chosen a military base as a temporary shelter: Fort Sill in Oklahoma, which was used during World War II as an internment camp for Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants. Before that, it was the longtime prison for Apache leader Geronimo.

Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing

But as many have pointed out, for those willing to take the step to read a little further than the headlines, an uncomfortable fact emerges: The Obama administration used the same "former Japanese internment camp" to house immigrants in 2014. The Post report acknowledges this fact in its fourth paragraph:

This isn’t the first time that Fort Sill has been used this way, though. During the Obama presidency, unaccompanied children were housed there for four months. At the time, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) blamed Obama’s “failed immigration policies," saying, “It is alarming to have 1,200 children in a military Installation.”

More w/links @ Media: Trump Using 'Former Japanese Internment Camp' For Immigrants; Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing
About time-do it!
All the crying and moaning about something that obama did without a peep from his media lapdogs, and much worse, the slavish worship of a criminal scumbag like fdr who threw over a hundred thousand innocent Americans (not illegal anything) into concentration camps. The rank hypocrisy stinks.
All the crying and moaning about something that obama did without a peep from his media lapdogs, and much worse, the slavish worship of a criminal scumbag like fdr who threw over a hundred thousand innocent Americans (not illegal anything) into concentration camps. The rank hypocrisy stinks.

First, only some of the people FDR interned were citizens, some were Japanese, Italian and German nationals.

Second - it was a time of actual war. Sorry, every country did this in WWII, you round up the people that might be sympathetic to who you are fighting.

Third, Obama held unaccompanied minors in bases until he could find places to put them.... Trump is putting people in crowded camps with the intent of discouraging others from coming.
All the crying and moaning about something that obama did without a peep from his media lapdogs, and much worse, the slavish worship of a criminal scumbag like fdr who threw over a hundred thousand innocent Americans (not illegal anything) into concentration camps. The rank hypocrisy stinks. round up the people that might be sympathetic to who you are fighting.


That is a blatant lie by a shameless apologist for one of the worst scumbags in American history. Do not pretend the Democrats give a shit about people in concentration camps. History clearly shows otherwise.
All the crying and moaning about something that obama did without a peep from his media lapdogs, and much worse, the slavish worship of a criminal scumbag like fdr who threw over a hundred thousand innocent Americans (not illegal anything) into concentration camps. The rank hypocrisy stinks.


Third, Obama held unaccompanied minors in bases until he could find places to put them.... Trump is putting people in crowded camps with the intent of discouraging others from coming.

Only someone with zero self-respect would post something like that. That is about as disingenuous as it is possible to be.
That is a blatant lie by a shameless apologist for one of the worst scumbags in American history. Do not pretend the Democrats give a shit about people in concentration camps. History clearly shows otherwise.

Ho-hum. You should have talked to some people alive during that time and how they felt about the Japanese after Pearl Harbor... some of them still hated them 30 years later.

Only someone with zero self-respect would post something like that. That is about as disingenuous as it is possible to be.

The fact we barely remember it today tells me that it wasn't many, not for long and for a good reason when Obama did it.

Trump is doing it to just be a dick.

And I’ll bet you anything, they won’t know what these are for or how to use them


The Washington Post likewise stresses the internment camp reference, but at least hints that another administration might have done something similar: "Geronimo and the Japanese were imprisoned there. Now Fort Sill will hold migrant children — again." Here's how the Post's coverage begins:

Record numbers of unaccompanied children from Central America have crossed the border in recent months. So many that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has been scrambling to find housing for them.

On Tuesday, the agency announced it has chosen a military base as a temporary shelter: Fort Sill in Oklahoma, which was used during World War II as an internment camp for Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants. Before that, it was the longtime prison for Apache leader Geronimo.

Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing

But as many have pointed out, for those willing to take the step to read a little further than the headlines, an uncomfortable fact emerges: The Obama administration used the same "former Japanese internment camp" to house immigrants in 2014. The Post report acknowledges this fact in its fourth paragraph:

This isn’t the first time that Fort Sill has been used this way, though. During the Obama presidency, unaccompanied children were housed there for four months. At the time, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) blamed Obama’s “failed immigration policies," saying, “It is alarming to have 1,200 children in a military Installation.”

More w/links @ Media: Trump Using 'Former Japanese Internment Camp' For Immigrants; Here's How They Reported It When Obama Did Same Thing
Look just like the places I lived in for six years in the military no A/c either. It is a safe place to hold them for several years. Never knew they had any of the old barracks left around.

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