Trump tweet just now about TPP


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Whenever doubt lingers, he comes through with sound logic, America First policies. To all those of you who dislike him, I'm just going to say somewhat arrogantly, in terms of his understanding of what's best for the U.S economy and jobs, he might be the best president in history.

I say this not only because of his understanding, which I generally agree with; but also the hand he has been dealt in dealing with CHina and the global agenda designed to replace America with China, and their BRIC currency. This tweet is bang on, and I believe it means, he has little to no interest in TPP (unless the terms are MUCH better for the U.S), and as I posted earlier, he knows that America would do FAR better in bilateral terms, as it allows America to be strengthened, rather than being weakened by negotiation on the side of weaker economies.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama. We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!
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There is no question that everything he is doing has the best interests of America in view. That is the polar opposite of his predecessor whose intent was to transform, divide, and subvert America into a lesser power.
Whenever doubt lingers, he comes through with sound logic, America First policies. To all those of you who dislike him, I'm just going to say somewhat arrogantly, in terms of his understanding of what's best for the U.S economy and jobs, he might be the best president in history.

I say this not only because of his understanding, which I generally agree with; but also the hand he has been dealt in dealing with CHina and the global agenda designed to replace America with China, and their BRIC currency. This tweet is bang on, and I believe it means, he has little to no interest in TPP (unless the terms are MUCH better for the U.S), and as I posted earlier, he knows that America would do FAR better in bilateral terms, as it allows America to be strengthened, rather than being weakened by negotiation on the side of weaker economies.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama. We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!

Or he could have merely miscalculated the impact of open trade on the US economy, in which case the US is fucked.
Whenever doubt lingers, he comes through with sound logic, America First policies. To all those of you who dislike him, I'm just going to say somewhat arrogantly, in terms of his understanding of what's best for the U.S economy and jobs, he might be the best president in history.

I say this not only because of his understanding, which I generally agree with; but also the hand he has been dealt in dealing with CHina and the global agenda designed to replace America with China, and their BRIC currency. This tweet is bang on, and I believe it means, he has little to no interest in TPP (unless the terms are MUCH better for the U.S), and as I posted earlier, he knows that America would do FAR better in bilateral terms, as it allows America to be strengthened, rather than being weakened by negotiation on the side of weaker economies.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama. We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!

Or he could have merely miscalculated the impact of open trade on the US economy, in which case the US is fucked.

Huh? Explain what you mean...

I can provide a quick comment to your post belong by simply saying this, "ALL countries have tariffs, the vast majority of them have higher tariffs than America, based on your argument they should all be collapsing economies.

Trump is fighting back and righting the man years of wrong against U.S businesses.
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Whenever doubt lingers, he comes through with sound logic, America First policies. To all those of you who dislike him, I'm just going to say somewhat arrogantly, in terms of his understanding of what's best for the U.S economy and jobs, he might be the best president in history.

I say this not only because of his understanding, which I generally agree with; but also the hand he has been dealt in dealing with CHina and the global agenda designed to replace America with China, and their BRIC currency. This tweet is bang on, and I believe it means, he has little to no interest in TPP (unless the terms are MUCH better for the U.S), and as I posted earlier, he knows that America would do FAR better in bilateral terms, as it allows America to be strengthened, rather than being weakened by negotiation on the side of weaker economies.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama. We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!

Or he could have merely miscalculated the impact of open trade on the US economy, in which case the US is fucked.

Huh? Explain what you mean...

You put tariffs in place. The economy sinks because of it. Then in 10 years time the US isn't a place to do business with any more and the economy tanks even more.

Trump out tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. It makes a certain amount of jobs. However the higher steel and aluminum prices mean that US products abroad are not more costly, less competitive.

US cars. The US sells 250,000 cars to China a year. But now these cars are going to either cost more, or make less profit for those US companies. Or, they'll move their production to China on those cars.

Buick sells 900,000 cars in the US a year, Ford 800,000, Chevrolet 750,000. Compare this to the 250,000 figure that US companies export to China.

You see that from 2.45 million US cars sold, 2.2 million are made in China. Chances are this will increase not decrease due to the cost of steel and aluminum going UP in the US and not in China.

Profits for US companies yes, but not jobs for US workers.

China's economy is expanding at a massive rate right now. Brands that are placed into China now can be major players in the future. Trump's trade war will reduce the number of US brands making a splash and allowing the foreign and local competition an easier time.

In 2004 8 new countries joined the EU. Their trade with their neighboring countries increased massively. Why? No tariffs to restrict themselves.

Did the countries in the EU suffer because of more competition? No, in fact they thrived.
Its a little late for that, the door stayed open only for so long, has he ripped up the Iran deal yet, no so we need to get him out before he totally sinks the USA.

11 nations to sign Pacific trade pact as US plans tariffs
The pact includes Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Its success highlights the isolation of the U.S. under Trump's protectionist rhetoric on trade and his "America first" philosophy.

"It leaves the U.S. at a disadvantage from both a trade and a broader strategic perspective," said Joshua Meltzer, senior fellow in the global economy and development program at the Brookings Institution. "It is now a trade bloc that discriminates against the U.S."
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Now, he's done a backflip on the TPP, let's see how he goes negotiating a new deal.
There is no question that everything he is doing has the best interests of America in view. That is the polar opposite of his predecessor whose intent was to transform, divide, and subvert America into a lesser power.
You have no point, now get up off your knees.

Trump is trying to reinsert himself into a trade deal that his predecessor had already negotiated and the American people rejected.
There is no question that everything he is doing has the best interests of America in view. That is the polar opposite of his predecessor whose intent was to transform, divide, and subvert America into a lesser power.
You have no point, now get up off your knees.

Trump is trying to reinsert himself into a trade deal that his predecessor had already negotiated and the American people rejected.
Yup! - Trump sent Larry Kudlow begging the TPP to let US back in! The deal will now be worse for US. China banned recyled product from the USA. China filed trade dispute with the FTC because of Trump we will have to pay them $Billions!!!!

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