Trump - True Repub or Dem Infiltrator?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Yeah, I get the fact that he called his buddy Bill for the OK to run against Bill's wife but I don't find that to be incriminating.

I do, however, wonder about much of what he says and the potential damage he may cause the party and the eventual candidate.

In any event we will know his intent should America's Repubs reject his candidacy.

A 3rd Party run (or petulant failure to support the winner) would make clear his agenda and on which side of the aisle he actually falls.
as a Conservative I approve of Trump even if his goal is to take down the rino gop . I would approve of Trump even if his goal is to install Hilary the dem over the likes of jebito , roobio and the rest of the rinos Sayit .
as a Conservative I approve of Trump even if his goal is to take down the rino gop . I would approve of Trump even if his goal is to install Hilary the dem over the likes of jebito , roobio and the rest of the rinos Sayit .
You would rather have Hillary than Rubio as President?
speculation , sounds like you are guessing Davros . Still , Cruz is moving up so he might replace Trump , maybe . That'd be ok with me !! Like I said earlier the only 2 acceptable on the repub side are Cruz and Trump so if neither of those 2 are nominated than I myself will vote for Hilary .
speculation , sounds like you are guessing Davros . Still , Cruz is moving up so he might replace Trump , maybe . That'd be ok with me !! Like I said earlier the only 2 acceptable on the repub side are Cruz and Trump so if neither of those 2 are nominated than I myself will vote for Hilary .
You would rather have Hillary than someone (Kasich) who has balanced budgets? You would rather have somebody who would continue to defend Obamacare than someone who would replace it?
as a Conservative I approve of Trump even if his goal is to take down the rino gop . I would approve of Trump even if his goal is to install Hilary the dem over the likes of jebito , roobio and the rest of the rinos Sayit .
You would rather have Hillary than Rubio as President?
Sure , thing is that Hilary will go after the wealthy moderate rinos money Davros . 'roobio' is a moderate same as jebito and Kasich , Christy , yada , yada and the rinos will still keep importing all kinds of immigrants just like Hilary will . So , might as well have Hilary that will take the moderate rinos money Davros .
:eusa_shhh:Ssshhhh.....don't tell the RW Loons the truth. They might turn away from him. It is going so well for the DNC!
yeah , seems to me that Trump might use his pen and phone just like mrobama uses his pen and phone Konrad !!

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