Trump thinks he's above the law....Whining about Mueller, again


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Trump doesn't think he is above the law. Democrats think Trump is below the law. Trump is right. Mueller should make his report public. What are democrats trying to hide?
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Trump doesn't think he is above the law. Democrats think Trump is below the law. Trump is right. Mueller should make his report public. What are democrats trying to hide?

You are such a fucking idiot.
Trump IS below the law.
Everyone is. That's why they call it THE LAW.

Trump doesn't understand how Mueller was selected to create the investigation and subsequent report.
He said he was elected and Mueller was appointed.
That's how fucking stupid he is.
And you can relate. That's what's "sad."
Trump doesn't think he is above the law. Democrats think Trump is below the law. Trump is right. Mueller should make his report public. What are democrats trying to hide?
Mueller CAN'T make his report public. It is mandated to go to Trump's handpicked AG. From there it's anyone's guess
The Trump Russia Hoax has been dragging on and on for nearly 3 years. Time to wrap this up instead of wasting time and tax payer money to grasp for straws. The clock is ticking on replacing Mueller.
Trump doesn't think he is above the law. Democrats think Trump is below the law. Trump is right. Mueller should make his report public. What are democrats trying to hide?

They’re goal is to drag this on till 2020 reelection of Trump. Even if there’s been NOTHING on him going on 3 years.
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.


You actually believe that drivel you posted.

Boy what a sheeple. The Dems just love sheeple like you who follow the party line.

They just love idiots like you.

Carry on tree stump dumb sheeple. LOL
Face it, the basis for the investigation was a political ploy designed by the beltway to usurp the will of the people whom had become disillusioned with the status quo.
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Like I've said here many times The dump f-er has lost his mind Kelly Anns husband George is right
The Trump Russia Hoax has been dragging on and on for nearly 3 years. Time to wrap this up instead of wasting time and tax payer money to grasp for straws. The clock is ticking on replacing Mueller.

Actually, it's not.
You should read more and blather less.

Even NewsMax, the other arm of the Trump digital world knows this:

Mueller Probe Already Financed Through September
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Have you ever heard of prosecutors writing reports about people that they never indicted?
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Like I've said here many times The dump f-er has lost his mind Kelly Anns husband George is right

I think so.
I just finished Cliff Sim's book, "Team of Vipers" and I found it the most balanced of all the Trump books.
Cliff Sims is still a Trump fan, and it's obvious in his book.
BUT...he did write about Kellyanne Conway and described how he saw her IMs when she lent him her laptop to do some copywriting for a press release.
The IMs were rants against Trump, how dirty she felt after a presser, defending him.
Hmmmm....Yeah, I think George Conway is spot on. She complains about Trump to him.
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Have you ever heard of prosecutors writing reports about people that they never indicted?

Yes, it's called an investigation to determine if there has been a crime committed.
Good grief.....
Mueller investigated Flynn, Cohen, Gates, Manafort and THEY ALL PLEADED GUILTY.
If he submits his report without indicting Trump and his rotten grifting children, then he may suggest that the SDNY look into the family and SUGGEST indictments.
WTF is WRONG with you?

A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Have you ever heard of prosecutors writing reports about people that they never indicted?

Yes, it's called an investigation to determine if there has been a crime committed.
Good grief.....
Mueller investigated Flynn, Cohen, Gates, Manafort and THEY ALL PLEADED GUILTY.
If he submits his report without indicting Trump and his rotten grifting children, then he may suggest that the SDNY look into the family and SUGGEST indictments.
WTF is WRONG with you?

Any Russia collusion indictments?
A few minutes ago Trump was bleating live on air about Mueller and how does somebody come from out of nowhere and write a report about him.

Fucking dumbshit bastard is that stupid about laws that most high school students understand.

He thinks he's above the law and being scrutinized by the separated powers of our government is something that is illegal.

That means he believes he's untouchable...a authoritarian like Putin.

Have you ever heard of prosecutors writing reports about people that they never indicted?

Yes, it's called an investigation to determine if there has been a crime committed.
Good grief.....
Mueller investigated Flynn, Cohen, Gates, Manafort and THEY ALL PLEADED GUILTY.
If he submits his report without indicting Trump and his rotten grifting children, then he may suggest that the SDNY look into the family and SUGGEST indictments.
WTF is WRONG with you?

Any Russia collusion indictments?
not yet mr meister but coming soon I dare say Too much involvement by Trumps people and son for them to come away with clean hands,,,,,,and how many times does trump bleat NO COLUSION for you to realize he's lying again?
gging on and on for nearly 3 years.

Here's a point to ponder within your half brain

The Clinton investigations covered Whitewater-Resolution Trust Company-Madison Guaranty-Rose Law Firm; Vince Foster's suicide, "Travelgate," (Firing of White House Travel Office staff)"Filegate," (White House staffer Craig Livingston in possession of FBI files) Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit and President Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky. That's eight years worth of Clinton investigations.
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