Trump tells campaign rally U.S. will 'end up probably terminating' NAFTA


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm not sure what to think, but I do know that if he did walk away from NAFTA it would be extremely popular with the American voter. The loudest response I heard last night was when he made this comment, people are outraged by NAFTA.

Instinctively the American public knows they are being fleeced and knows that America capitalism is competing with other nations socialism/governments. America needs to understand a vital truth, regardless of the outcome of these negotiations: capitalism and socialism do not mix.

They are entirely different systems. In America you have Rule of Law, Due Process, accountability of power and mechanism to ensure that power is held to account. In socialist countries you have big, intrusive unaccountable government.

In America you have free markets, competition, low taxes, regulations and the innovation that come such a system and "making it", is leading a private business to prosperity. In socialist countries you have regulations to control competition against the government, you have slow, fossils "leading" the economy and stifling natural talents for nepotism and cronyism. Making it in Canada is getting a government job which you will generally have for life as you are a low performing, overpaid, underworked and a often a blight on the taxpayer.

In short, these systems do not mix socially or economically, so why does any American believe that free trade between these nations would succeed, when it really just pits private businesses in America against the Canadian government.

I believed wholeheartedly in free trade, but there cannot be any semblence of fair trade between two diverging and contrarian systems. Especially in regards to human rights and the treatment of ones citizens, I know this first hand.

Trump blames media for his Charlottesville response, predicts NAFTA talks fail at campaign rally

U.S. President Donald Trump gave a long campaign-style speech peppered with many off-script moments to a crowd of admirers in Phoenix, Ariz., Tuesday night. Trump touched on many familiar themes, such as the "sick people" in the media, offered a tireless defence of his reaction to violence at a white nationalist rally and said that the U.S. may end up "terminating" the North American Free Trade Agreement.


At times going off-script for a long duration, Trump said he thinks the U.S. will "end up probably terminating" the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico "at some point."
"Personally, I don't think we can make a deal because we have been so badly taken advantage of," he commented.

Then he turned back, and cautioned he has yet to make up his mind.
I know that politically and in regards to American jobs and economic expansion, the idea of ending NAFTA is quite popular across America.
I know that politically and in regards to American jobs and economic expansion, the idea of ending NAFTA is quite popular across America.

I agree. One of the reasons I voted for Trump was he said he would. He put out his contract that he would end NAFTA in his first 100 days.

What pisses me off is we only hear about it in his rally speeches. Seems like it's just a little thing he'll bring up to get votes or cheers then put away when he gets to DC. My guess is like his "label China a currency manipulator" promise, this one doesn't get much traction outside of him pulling it out for some cheers at this point.

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