Trump talks tax breaks while Irma approaches Florida


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.


SEVERE Trump derangement syndrome!!!!!

What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.

More proof the regressives have an unending supply of ignorance. Government doesn't just stop because of a storm.

You know it's a failed thread when the OP changes the subject on his own thread after only 2 responses.
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.

Oooh, Kewpie is spewing ignorant hatred, how unique..
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.
If he doesn't talk about tax cuts, will it change the trajectory of the hurricane away from Florida? Is this the same science that insists on man-made global warming?
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.

Would you feel better if he went golfing or attended fund raisers? Obama jetted off to a fund raiser as terrorists were striking in Benghazi.

He has done everything humanly possible to assist states in preparing for storm and now we wait.
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.
--------------------------------------------- an import like YOU oughta be proud to pay taxes here in the Greatest Country in the world Kiwiman .
You know it's a failed thread when the OP changes the subject on his own thread after only 2 responses.

Actually, the OP covers; A, Trump's need for attention. B, Trump's lack of empathy. C, Trump's lie calling it tax relief middle class and corporations, leaving the massive tax cut for himself. Finally D, taxcuts have never paid for themselves as demonstrated by W's taxcuts that were supposed to pay for themselves.

I forgot about Trumpsters can't focus on more than one subject at a time. Sorry.
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.
--------------------------------------------- an import like YOU oughta be proud to pay taxes here in the Greatest Country in the world Kiwiman .

I have never complain about my tax bill, only unpatriotic conservatives whine about paying taxes, I not talking just about the wealthy conservatives.:happy-1:
Trump's taxcuts would simply add to the already huge inequality in the US.
Find me any economist who doesn't believe that the wider the financial inequality, the more unstable the US economic security becomes.
Like recessions? As the inequality has grown, the deeper and the longer the recovery takes. Fact,
What a loser. He can't just stop having attention focused on him.
No empathy for Flordians. No, it has to be about him. Then while trying his best to hog America's attention, he lies his ass off again.
He talks taxcuts for the middle class but in fact, the middle class gets crumbs, the 1% gets a seven course meal. His tax plan is another bonanza for the wealthy. We are STILL paying for Bush's taxcuts for the wealthy that was 13 years ago.

Yes we know you far left drones can not handle anything that is not part of the far left religion.

Just more far left debunked religious dogma not based in reality!
This thread is dumb

I agree.

Trump did all he could to help states prepare and plans are in place to deal with the aftermath. Meanwhile, he still has a job to do. He is no doubt receiving constant updates, as is the entire country, so there is nothing else he can do right now.

Obama received zero criticism from the left for golfing or fund raising during tragedies.

I am so sick of the hatred from the Trump critics. Melania tweeted a post hoping everyone was staying safe and some idiots decided to pick on her shoes again. Childish.
This thread is dumb

I agree.

Trump did all he could to help states prepare and plans are in place to deal with the aftermath. Meanwhile, he still has a job to do. He is no doubt receiving constant updates, as is the entire country, so there is nothing else he can do right now.

Obama received zero criticism from the left for golfing or fund raising during tragedies.

I am so sick of the hatred from the Trump critics. Melania tweeted a post hoping everyone was staying safe and some idiots decided to pick on her shoes again. Childish.

Oh cry me a river! :crybaby:
Though I'm left of Trumpsters, I'm to the right of Obamaniacs. So I jumped on The Big O when hefucked up, which was too often.
You Trumpsters tore O a new asshole daily. How quick you whiny bitches forget how you Obama/haters blew gaskets daily no matter what Obama did or didn't do. Now the shoes on the other foot.
Suck it up bitches! :eusa_naughty:
What a loser. .

This thread is dumb

I agree.

Trump did all he could to help states prepare and plans are in place to deal with the aftermath. Meanwhile, he still has a job to do. He is no doubt receiving constant updates, as is the entire country, so there is nothing else he can do right now.

Obama received zero criticism from the left for golfing or fund raising during tragedies.

I am so sick of the hatred from the Trump critics. Melania tweeted a post hoping everyone was staying safe and some idiots decided to pick on her shoes again. Childish.

Oh cry me a river! :crybaby:
Though I'm left of Trumpsters, I'm to the right of Obamaniacs. So I jumped on The Big O when hefucked up, which was too often.
You Trumpsters tore O a new asshole daily. How quick you whiny bitches forget how you Obama/haters blew gaskets daily no matter what Obama did or didn't do. Now the shoes on the other foot.
Suck it up bitches! :eusa_naughty:

You must be talking about those resistance people rioting in the streets and attacking people when Obama won? Yea, didn't happen. Obama was criticized for his liberal policies but no cities were destroyed and no people were attacked.

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