Trump supporters need to face facts


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I think Donald Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and the left wing is doing him a disservice by demonizing him, but Trump supporters need to fact some unpleasant facts here.

* The vast majority of those folks hoping their jobs will return as a result if Trump's policy's are going to be disappointed. Automation, and market forces have taken their jobs away, and all the Gerrymandering by the President will have little effect on this.

* There won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what little is built, the American taxpayers will foot the bill for it, not Mexico.

* "The Donald" has still not learned that the framers of our Constitution did not design the executive branch of our Federal Government to be run as a New York Real Estate development company, and that's not going to change...for Trump, or anyone else.

* Treating our European allies as 2nd class citizens will make fighting the war on terror much more difficult, since we'll have less backing from them.

* Trump and Co. is living in denial about Russia, a sitting President can only keep his dirty little secrets under wraps for awhile. As the Brits say: "The truth will out"

* I know it's fun to trash talk the Liberals, but it's time to fact the fact that the Liberals are last years news. The GOP has been in control of Congress and the White House for awhile now, the voters are going to expect progress from the GOP, and I have to tell you're not getting off to a good start!

Those are the facts Jack. Just the facts! :bye1:
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As an Independent, I think Donald Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and the left wing is doing him a disservice by demonizing him, but Trump supporters need to fact some unpleasant facts here.

* The vast majority of those folks hoping their jobs will return as a result if Trump's policy's are going to be disappointed. Automation, and market forces have taken their jobs away, and all the Gerrymandering by the President will have little effect on this.

* There won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what little is built, the American taxpayers will foot the bill for it, not Mexico.

* "The Donald" has still not learned that the framers of our Constitution did not design the executive branch of our Federal Government to be run as a New York Real Estate development company, and that's not going to change...for Trump, or anyone else.

* Treating our European allies as 2nd class citizens will make fighting the war on terror much more difficult, since we'll have less backing from them.

* Trump and Co. is living in denial about Russia, a sitting President can only keep his dirty little secrets under wraps for awhile. As the Brits say: "The truth will out!"

Those are the facts Jack. Just the facts! :bye1:

Which ones are facts...Jack?
As an Independent, I think Donald Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, and the left wing is doing him a disservice by demonizing him, but Trump supporters need to fact some unpleasant facts here.

* The vast majority of those folks hoping their jobs will return as a result if Trump's policy's are going to be disappointed. Automation, and market forces have taken their jobs away, and all the Gerrymandering by the President will have little effect on this.

* There won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what little is built, the American taxpayers will foot the bill for it, not Mexico.

* "The Donald" has still not learned that the framers of our Constitution did not design the executive branch of our Federal Government to be run as a New York Real Estate development company, and that's not going to change...for Trump, or anyone else.

* Treating our European allies as 2nd class citizens will make fighting the war on terror much more difficult, since we'll have less backing from them.

* Trump and Co. is living in denial about Russia, a sitting President can only keep his dirty little secrets under wraps for awhile. As the Brits say: "The truth will out"

* I know it's fun to trash talk the Liberals, but it's time to fact the fact that the Liberals are last years news. The GOP has been in control of Congress and the White House for awhile now, the voters are going to expect progress from the GOP, and I have to tell you're not getting off to a good start!

Those are the facts Jack. Just the facts! :bye1:

Trumps biggest liability is his lack of credibility
Nobody can trust what he says

Our allies cannot trust his judgement
Bill, you may be "independent," but you are basically incorrect in most of what you have written.

Very few of Trump's working-class supporters expect that the exact jobs they used to have will come back. They/we are not idiots. What will happen, if Trump is successful, is that increased economic activity will generate decent jobs, generally, for which hard-working people can compete. And the point is not exactly that "all" of the jobs will "come back." The point is that Mr. Trump is a person who at least understands what a job is, unlike his immediate predecessor and his opponents in the election...their names escape me right now.

The "wall" will be built incrementally, as is happening now. Mexico will pay for it through reduced remittances from Mexicans illegally in the U.S. Nobody actually thought Mexico was going to send us a check.

President Trump is learning what is possible and not possible within the Executive Branch. He would be able to "run things" a lot like he ran his real estate empire, if it were not for the constant sabotage of Executive Branch employees still loyal to O'Bama, the Democrats, and themselves. Not his fault, really. But it's a learning situation and both sides are going to have to adapt.

I don't know what leads you to suppose that Trump is treating Europeans as second class citizens. Asking them to spend what they have committed to spend on Defense? Are they snowflakes like our own Democrats? Being insulted when asked to act like adults?

The ENTIRE RUSSIA STORY LINE is bunk. After a year of investigations by countless people and agencies, not a single shred of evidence has been produced. In fact, they cannot even articulate what it is that they claim Trump did! Exposure of truthful information is not generally considered to be tampering with an election.

"Liberals" is no longer used to describe the opposition. "Liberal" is a legitimate political philosophy. Trump's opponents are Leftists. Leftists are unscrupulous bastards who will use any means to achieve their political ends. Lies, distortions, slander, suppression, and now, apparently, murder. You could look it up
Bill, you may be "independent," but you are basically incorrect in most of what you have written.

Very few of Trump's working-class supporters expect that the exact jobs they used to have will come back. They/we are not idiots. What will happen, if Trump is successful, is that increased economic activity will generate decent jobs, generally, for which hard-working people can compete. And the point is not exactly that "all" of the jobs will "come back." The point is that Mr. Trump is a person who at least understands what a job is, unlike his immediate predecessor and his opponents in the election...their names escape me right now.

The "wall" will be built incrementally, as is happening now. Mexico will pay for it through reduced remittances from Mexicans illegally in the U.S. Nobody actually thought Mexico was going to send us a check.

President Trump is learning what is possible and not possible within the Executive Branch. He would be able to "run things" a lot like he ran his real estate empire, if it were not for the constant sabotage of Executive Branch employees still loyal to O'Bama, the Democrats, and themselves. Not his fault, really. But it's a learning situation and both sides are going to have to adapt.

I don't know what leads you to suppose that Trump is treating Europeans as second class citizens. Asking them to spend what they have committed to spend on Defense? Are they snowflakes like our own Democrats? Being insulted when asked to act like adults?

The ENTIRE RUSSIA STORY LINE is bunk. After a year of investigations by countless people and agencies, not a single shred of evidence has been produced. In fact, they cannot even articulate what it is that they claim Trump did! Exposure of truthful information is not generally considered to be tampering with an election.

"Liberals" is no longer used to describe the opposition. "Liberal" is a legitimate political philosophy. Trump's opponents are Leftists. Leftists are unscrupulous bastards who will use any means to achieve their political ends. Lies, distortions, slander, suppression, and now, apparently, murder. You could look it up

All executive branch employees left when Obama left. The people ratting out the Trump Administration are his own people.

As for liberals using all means necessary to achieve power, you seem to be forgetting about gerrymandering, voter suppression, and a candidate who allied himself with Russia to win the presidency. A party that held 7 Benghazi investigations to discredit Clinton.

The Russia story is not "bunk". That would be "birtherism". That was bunk and it was pushed by Trump who knew it was a lie.
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