Trump Supporter: "How come everyone who goes to college is a Biden supporter?"

The premise is a Briben style baldface lie. File it under "stupid squaw shit".

I've got a BS and an MS in Mech. Eng'r'g.... 90% of the people I worked with in my 40 year career had a 4-year degree, mostly technical. Not one of them is a bidophile. The majority of your base consists of illiterate hood rats, who mostly graduate from N.U. after a 10-15 year free ride, courtesy of a District Atty and a jury.

Keep lying... Briben may let you shower with his daughter.

"How come everyone who goes to college is a Biden supporter?"

That Trump supporters have to ask is another demonstration of their ignorance and stupidity.
Not really....they may have gone to sane colleges with actual Americans teaching them. There are a few Mrs. Jones.
But really, if you can graduate college you should at least be smart enough to tell a commie from an American right Mrs Jones???

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