Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

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Depending on the nature of the WMD, stopping them from crossing the border might be moot. A nuclear detonation doesn't have to be inside the US proper to be effective either as terror or some kind of self-destructive change to the nature of the US. If a nuke goes off anywhere on Earth in anger, everything changes.
Depending on the nature of the WMD, stopping them from crossing the border might be moot.

dear stupid, a nuke here is far worse than a nuke somewhere else. Obviously ISIS should be eliminated before rather than after.
Liberals are too stupid to know this.

You understand Americans are in other countries right? Iraq, Afganistan, elsewhere.

Don't try and participate in discussions obviously beyond you.
If a Mulsim has a Wife with a Massive Derriere, why does that fucking Trump want to keep them out.

Of course on the flip side......well on second thought, never mind.
Is there a liberal who can say why??

Trump will not prevent the next terrorist attack on our soil, and to believe he will is just beyond stupid. Also you have a better chance of a homegrown nutter to carry out a WMD attack on our soil than someone from another country, but you will disagree...
Wmd's were not part of his anti-muslim rhetoric to my knowledge.

Anti-wmd rhetoric would just seem silly since nobody is in opposition.
. Also you have a better chance of a homegrown nutter to carry out a WMD attack..

dear stupid liberal , you don't take chances when WMD's can kill millions and millions. See why we say a liberal will be stupid?? Is any other conclusion possible?
Wmd's were not part of his anti-muslim rhetoric to my knowledge.

Anti-wmd rhetoric would just seem silly since nobody is in opposition.

dear, liberals are in opposition to stopping Muslims from coming in!! What planet are you on??????????
. Also you have a better chance of a homegrown nutter to carry out a WMD attack..

dear stupid liberal , you don't take chances when WMD's can kill millions and millions. See why we say a liberal will be stupid?? Is any other conclusion possible?

Another flamer I see.

The fact is the chance of a WMD being delivered by a Muslim from outside the country is not realistic.

They will use a homegrown from within and obtain the materials from within and not outside.

So please stop with the silly nonsense!
Because of conservative opposition to people on the no-fly list being denied the right to buy semi-automatic guns and massive amounts of ammo for them, home grown terrorists have more opportunity to obtain the tools of mayhem than any other First World country.

In any case, the greatest terrorist danger the US faces is not ISIS, but white guys with guns, who are currently running amok on a daily basis.

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