Trump Shuttering Legislative Function Of Government For Investigation Duration!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump revealed a huge character shortcoming yesterday when he announced at yesterday's White House meeting with Democrat leadership that he wouldn't work with them on an infrastructure bill as long as they were continuing their pursuit of any criminal wrongdoing by him as it involves the country of Russia's interference in America's 2016 Presidential election. The President of the United States should have the character to put the American people's interests above his own interests if the Democrats are launching a full scale investigation into allegations that President Trump tried to cover-up his conspiring with this Russian interference this character means he views these developments as having nothing to do with Congressional legislation on policies that could significantly improve the lives of the American people there is no linkage and the President works to pass legislation that improves America in these areas.

Senator Schumer is probably spot on in his assessment of what is really going on here which is President Trump for political reasons will not make the compromises necessary to pay for the two trillion dollar infrastructure bill he says America needs; on the infrastructure bill Democrats would agree to raise revenue by a gasoline tax increase that will hurt middle class Americans but would want in return raising taxes on the wealthy and corporation to raise an equal amount of revenue, a fair deal. President Trump isn't willing to spend the political capital to make such a compromise so he is making an excuse how Democrats' investigation into a cover-up by him is so offensive is such a violation toward him that he cannot work with the Democrats - it is a red herring it is vintage President Trump distract the public's attention from something that hurt's you. The reason why it is so politically costly for President Trump to make this compromise because in his 2017 Trump tax reform law President Trump hurt the Republican Party so bad it defies an accurate description in discarding the long-standing Republican policy position of doing Deficit neutral tax reform he destroyed the Republican Party's brand of being zealously opposed to deficit spending and recognizing the catastrophic danger to the country of the national debt; because of what President Trump did here Republican Party leadership will be adamantly opposed to any roll back of the 2017 tax reform law and President Trump doesn't want to take them on because it will be a vicious fight!

If President Trump was a prudent President instead of a narcissistic one he would view the infrastructure bill in the following way and be creative in facilitating its passage. A two trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a dumb idea America doesn't have the infrastructure building industry to efficiently absorb such an injection into the economy of this amount of money what would happen is government entities doing the actual spending would be over paying for the projects probably at least to the amount of thirty to forty percent it will end up being a lot of wasteful government spending. If people go pack to 2009 when America was on a cliff facing an economic depression and the country needed a huge stimulus bill to jolt the economy back to health both Democrats and Republicans in Washington recognized that an infrastructure spending bill of around $400 billion would trigger this over paying problem. Wisdom calls for this pass an infrastructure bill largely in the amount of a twenty cents per gallon increase in the gasoline tax if Congress can bundle some other spending cuts and redirect the spending toward infrastructure great! Don't go higher than twenty cents per gallon it will hurt the trucking industry and ordinary American too hard, the country can digest twenty cents! What President Trump gives up to the Democrats to get them to go along with the infrastructure bill is he supports the Senator Alexander and Senator Murray bill's provisions reimbursing health insurance companies selling individual health insurance on the exchanges for the huge additional costs from claims from enrollees with pre-existing conditions ( this will drive down premium costs a win for everyone) (President Trump recently said he wanted to revisit this bill he liked the premise) and President Trump also agrees to add to the infrastructure bill provisions that would stop the current and any future President from changing the inflation indexes used throughout the government to this bad and off the charts inconsiderate "chained consumer price index" this index that overplays the idea that as prices increase people substitute their purchases for lower priced item; the common example used is say when beef goes significantly up in price people switch from purchasing beef to purchasing lower priced chicken, well what if people can only afford the lower priced chicken to start with there is no switching option for these people!
Considering that all of the investigations lead back to the Democrats' crimes, Trump may be wanting to see if they can stay out of prison long enough to even take a vote!!!
President Trump revealed a huge character shortcoming yesterday when he announced at yesterday's White House meeting with Democrat leadership that he wouldn't work with them on an infrastructure bill as long as they were continuing their pursuit of any criminal wrongdoing by him as it involves the country of Russia's interference in America's 2016 Presidential election. The President of the United States should have the character to put the American people's interests above his own interests if the Democrats are launching a full scale investigation into allegations that President Trump tried to cover-up his conspiring with this Russian interference this character means he views these developments as having nothing to do with Congressional legislation on policies that could significantly improve the lives of the American people there is no linkage and the President works to pass legislation that improves America in these areas.

Senator Schumer is probably spot on in his assessment of what is really going on here which is President Trump for political reasons will not make the compromises necessary to pay for the two trillion dollar infrastructure bill he says America needs; on the infrastructure bill Democrats would agree to raise revenue by a gasoline tax increase that will hurt middle class Americans but would want in return raising taxes on the wealthy and corporation to raise an equal amount of revenue, a fair deal. President Trump isn't willing to spend the political capital to make such a compromise so he is making an excuse how Democrats' investigation into a cover-up by him is so offensive is such a violation toward him that he cannot work with the Democrats - it is a red herring it is vintage President Trump distract the public's attention from something that hurt's you. The reason why it is so politically costly for President Trump to make this compromise because in his 2017 Trump tax reform law President Trump hurt the Republican Party so bad it defies an accurate description in discarding the long-standing Republican policy position of doing Deficit neutral tax reform he destroyed the Republican Party's brand of being zealously opposed to deficit spending and recognizing the catastrophic danger to the country of the national debt; because of what President Trump did here Republican Party leadership will be adamantly opposed to any roll back of the 2017 tax reform law and President Trump doesn't want to take them on because it will be a vicious fight!

If President Trump was a prudent President instead of a narcissistic one he would view the infrastructure bill in the following way and be creative in facilitating its passage. A two trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a dumb idea America doesn't have the infrastructure building industry to efficiently absorb such an injection into the economy of this amount of money what would happen is government entities doing the actual spending would be over paying for the projects probably at least to the amount of thirty to forty percent it will end up being a lot of wasteful government spending. If people go pack to 2009 when America was on a cliff facing an economic depression and the country needed a huge stimulus bill to jolt the economy back to health both Democrats and Republicans in Washington recognized that an infrastructure spending bill of around $400 billion would trigger this over paying problem. Wisdom calls for this pass an infrastructure bill largely in the amount of a twenty cents per gallon increase in the gasoline tax if Congress can bundle some other spending cuts and redirect the spending toward infrastructure great! Don't go higher than twenty cents per gallon it will hurt the trucking industry and ordinary American too hard, the country can digest twenty cents! What President Trump gives up to the Democrats to get them to go along with the infrastructure bill is he supports the Senator Alexander and Senator Murray bill's provisions reimbursing health insurance companies selling individual health insurance on the exchanges for the huge additional costs from claims from enrollees with pre-existing conditions ( this will drive down premium costs a win for everyone) (President Trump recently said he wanted to revisit this bill he liked the premise) and President Trump also agrees to add to the infrastructure bill provisions that would stop the current and any future President from changing the inflation indexes used throughout the government to this bad and off the charts inconsiderate "chained consumer price index" this index that overplays the idea that as prices increase people substitute their purchases for lower priced item; the common example used is say when beef goes significantly up in price people switch from purchasing beef to purchasing lower priced chicken, well what if people can only afford the lower priced chicken to start with there is no switching option for these people!
Too much. I only read to Trump's shortconing.

You got it 100% WRONG
I would suggest to the OP that it is the Democrats who are shuttering the legislative function of gov't in favor of any and any investigation they can think of.

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