Trump shows he's a pussy AGAIN!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Here Trump goes again.
First Trump skips the debate in Iowa because a moderator might ask him tough questions. Tough questions are for the other candidates but Trump feels he is above getting tough questions. Now he's threatening Ted Cruz because of Cruz's negative ads aimed at Trump. :crybaby:What a wimp!

"Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to bring a lawsuit challenging rival Ted Cruz’s eligibility to serve as president — unless the Texas senator “clean up his act.”

“If [Ted Cruz] doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen,” Trump said in a tweet.
Trump: 'I have standing' to sue Cruz over citizenship
For decades and decades, negative ads (and often untrue ads) have been the norm in US elections for the office of president all the way down to the office as dog catcher. But Trump can't take criticism, he is too thin-skinned. How in the hell is he going to be president. If some congressmen pulled a Joe Wilson and scream "you lie," what's Trump going to due, sue him? Are his rival's for the presidency starts attacking Trump using various medias, is Trump going to sue them?
Doesn't Trump realize that it's been a long standing tradition that those on the right hate frivolous law suits and the attorneys that file them?
Both George W and Obama have un-mercilessly been tore limb to limb by various resources, people and politicians. Can you imagine all the lawsuits Bush and Obama could of filed if they were as big of babies as Trumps is?
People claim that foreign leaders laughed at Bush and Obama, then they'd bust a gut laughing at Trump.
The US doesn't need weenie for president!
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Here Trump goes again.
First Trump skips the debate in Iowa because a moderator might ask him tough questions. Tough questions are for the other candidates but Trump feels he is above getting tough questions. Now he's threatening Ted Cruz because of Cruz's negative ads aimed at Trump. :crybaby:What a wimp!

"Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to bring a lawsuit challenging rival Ted Cruz’s eligibility to serve as president — unless the Texas senator “clean up his act.”

“If [Ted Cruz] doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen,” Trump said in a tweet.
Trump: 'I have standing' to sue Cruz over citizenship
For decades and decades, negative ads (and often untrue ads) have been the norm in US elections for the office of president all the way down to the office as dog catcher. But Trump can't take criticism, he is too thin-skinned. How in the hell is he going to be president. If some congressmen pulled a Joe Wilson and scream "you lie," what's Trump going to due, sue him? Are his rival's for the presidency starts attacking Trump using various medias, is Trump going to sue them?
Doesn't Trump realize that it's been a long standing tradition that those on the right hate frivolous law suits and the attorneys that file them?
Both George W and Obama have un-mercilessly been tore limb to limb by various resources, people and politicians. Can you imagine all the lawsuits Bush and Obama could of filed if they were as big of babies as Trumps is?
People claim that foreign leaders laughed at Bush and Obama, then they'd bust a gut laughing at Trump.
The US doesn't need weenie for president!

This Tweet is no where , I can not find it on Cruz's page or Donald's..
I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz Faked it.

Yet he's still far ahead in the polls....think about it

Yep, it defies logic.

Not really, people are sick of establishment, Bush and Clinton and they are fed up with political correctness. The more Trump is attacked the higher his numbers go. Interesting
Yes. That's seems like the most likely explanation.

The American People are bone-tired of party elites hand-picking the candidates for them to choose from.

For better or worse, we appear to be seeing a 'Market Correction' in the making.

The party elites on both sides of the aisle would do well to take this very seriously.

But, they won't... the unresponsive, unaccountable, power-drunk, arrogant fools.

Which is why The People are preparing to brush them aside.
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Yet he's still far ahead in the polls....think about it

Yep, it defies logic.

Not really, people are sick of establishment, Bush and Clinton and they are fed up with political correctness. The more Trump is attacked the higher his numbers go. Interesting

Not really. His numbers haven't gone up in months. The total support for "establishment" GOP candidates dwarfs the support that the Donald has. All of that support will stay with "establishment" candidates. It won't move to Trump.

You will once again witness an "establishment" candidate sworn in next January. It's gonna be a fun day.

Is it politically correct if I say you are a dumb broad?
Trump complains more about how he's treated by people in one "speech" than others do in an entire campaign.
It's called whining, accusing and blaming. I hope he goes down in dust. He will be a nightmare for Congress and America. He's nothing more than a big baby with money to burn. He is buying votes with promises impossible to reach, in my opinion.

I will hold my nose and vote for him if he is the nominee because I am loyal to my party and would hate to see the weak and pitiful opposition get in.
Barry Hussein whines more than that every day. I guess lefties only believe in hard ball politics when they are cheating each other.

Sounds like a perfect reason to be better than Democrats. Not to stoop to their level.
Once Trump wins in South Carolina, he will run all the states. He will be President.
. President or dictator Trump ? I wonder... Hmmm.. My way or the highway right ? Can you imagine once this man is president, upon how he will act and operate ? Cruz, Rubio, and Jeb would be much better canidates to be President than this man would be. My wife was born in Scotland because her family was military, so does that make her disqualified to hold public office in this nation because of ? Cruz is American and so is my wife.
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