Trump Says The US Is The Laughing Stock Of The World

Yeap...the guy talked all that shit...worked his ass off for Israeli interests...hired the swamp to advise him...signed a bill preventing him from building the wall...and locked fuck all up.

People are still believing this clown.
And yes, I read what he says. I mostly roll my eyes now since he took on the mexican bullshit of IL Trumpo and wanting everyone to "Hug their families mui pronto" bullshit. And most of what he is saying has NOTHING to do with the deaths and harm we all are experiencing from his deciding to walk away instead of fighting to keep what was his.

trump wasn't even invited.

Of course not. Trump would never agree that Americans owe the world a lower standard of living.
I admire De Santis more than I do Trump now. De Santis is a fighter. If he ran for potus against Trump...De Santis would get my vote.
He SHOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT. It was a coup. Pence is VP and had no power while Trump still held office. TRUMP was CIC, not pence.

He could have done more and saved us all. He didn't. He is now too busy trying to get back in FB, starting his own social network for that much needed admiration, suing people, planning more "fun" rallys, etc.
IF he loved the USA as much as he claims and that I do believe he does, HE COULD HAVE DONE MORE. But...he didn't. HE WALKED AWAY.
Make up your mind Gracie. You just said he would have done more if he cared about the US.
The irony that we were the laughing stock of the world under Trump. World leaders literally laughed at Trump while he was standing there. He was seen as the buffoon that he is
Whereas Fuck Joe Biden, as he is fondly known, is honored for shitting his pants in front of the Pope and respected for a long, loud and smelly fart in the face of the Dutchess of Cornwall.
However, with a little bit of exceptions,.. through most of the stuff that's happening in our country today I'm not laughing because it's not funny. It's sick and twisted and it makes me scared, it doesn't make me laugh.

AP News agrees.
The rest of the world isn't laughing at Biden. Most of us see the promise of hope and change for America finally.

But that hope is rapidly vanishing due to the working class American people being successfully divided between two corrupt political parties.

Maybe next time a new 'Bernie' will be possible?
He was POTUS. He was CIC. He won. He should have stayed where he was and used all methods at his disposal to STOP that mushbrain from entering the WH under such conditions of a warped voting system. He should have called in the military if need be.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Nothing fascist or authoritarian here.
trump wasn't even invited.

Why would he be? And why would he bother going there to be with such a bunch of political asses? Know any president or ex-president who is actually a trained climatologist? Obumma was only cheered because he is one of their "team" which is disturbing enough though Obumma essentially amounts to nothing in the political or climate world, but what I'd be most concerned about if I were you is that they didn't cheer like that for the world's most popular geriatric shuffling, stumbling, falling, farting, poopie president.

. . . . . . .

I dunno about laughing, cuz it ain't funny no matter who or where you are. For most of the free world, the US is the stabilizing force that keeps the regimes like China, Russia, Iran, etc., at bay. So for our friends it ain't funny, more like it's scary and bewildering. Like WTF do we do now kinda thing. And for everybody, friend and foe I think we appear weaker and disorganized, divided and confused and that ain't good. And it's the same thing here at home, can you trust ANYBODY? I can't. All I can do is look at what these guys wanna do and then look at those guys and what they wanna do and decide which is worse. A total dick or a senile old guy that isn't actually in charge. Where's the sanity? Where's the competence? We need a serious leader that can unite more people than the current prez or the previous one. Maybe bipartisan cooperation and compromise are pretty much out of the question for now; will that change anytime soon? And the rest of the free world is thinking, "Oh shit".
Whereas Fuck Joe Biden, as he is fondly known, is honored for shitting his pants in front of the Pope and respected for a long, loud and smelly fart in the face of the Dutchess of Cornwall.

Yep. We sure can pick some fucking losers to be our POTUS.
However, with a little bit of exceptions,.. through most of the stuff that's happening in our country today I'm not laughing because it's not funny. It's sick and twisted and it makes me scared, it doesn't make me laugh.

Thats because we state that gender is a social construct. Crazy
Let's all pause for a moment, and allow the irony of these comments to wash over us like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer's day.

Trump was the most competent POTUS in your lifetime, and foreigners knew not to fuck with us.

But that's not good enough in PROG, because deep down PROGS want misery and confusion, so what's the better option? Mad Joe Robinette and his sidekick The Joker.

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