trump Says He Can Force Companies To Leave China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
Technically he can force a boycott.

I highly doubt he would go that far, but the threat is nice. It sends a message.

I will also say this, a boycott of China by the world is fully reasonable. If this were 1984 and these tactics were going on, this is precisely what you would see. America and Russia engaged in back to back Olympic boycotts of each other for political reasons. What China is doing is unheard of in the history of this planet.

As much as I have been raised to dislike Russians, I cannot lie, I long for them being the bad guys rather than China. They were tepid compared to the Chinese Communists.
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
Your'e confused, US businesses have been in China for 30 years.
Our Country has lost, stupidly, Trillions of Dollars with China over many years. They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year, & they want to continue. I won’t let that happen! We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019

....better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP. Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing..— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019
Technically he can force a boycott.

I highly doubt he would go that far, but the threat is nice. It sends a message.

I will also say this, a boycott of China by the world is fully reasonable. If this were 1984 and these tactics were going on, this is precisely what you would see. America and Russia engaged in back to back Olympic boycotts of each other for political reasons. What China is doing is unheard of in the history of this planet.

As much as I have been raised to dislike Russians, I cannot lie, I long for them being the bad guys rather than China. They were tepid compared to the Chinese Communists.

Why didn't you address my questions?
You people demand that companies come back to America but voted for and defend the same man who has all his manufacturing outside America.

Why aren't you demanding that he bring his manufacturing to America?

Why do you ignore that trump doesn't manufacture here and has his manufacturing outside America including in China?
You people demand that companies come back to America but voted for and defend the same man who has all his manufacturing outside America.

Why aren't you demanding that he bring his manufacturing to America?

Why do you ignore that trump doesn't manufacture here and has his manufacturing outside America including in China?

In all honesty, many understand the necessity of some manufacturing being shipped outside their country. However, the Communists of China are a far greater threat than anyone else. If the world were able to say, realize the shipping of 30% of manufacturing currently in China to somewhere else, presumably, some back to USA, it would be a coup.

You need to stop the rise of China. Inhibit their ability to expand militarily, geo-politically, economically, ideologically.
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Technically he can force a boycott.

I highly doubt he would go that far, but the threat is nice. It sends a message.

I will also say this, a boycott of China by the world is fully reasonable. If this were 1984 and these tactics were going on, this is precisely what you would see. America and Russia engaged in back to back Olympic boycotts of each other for political reasons. What China is doing is unheard of in the history of this planet.

As much as I have been raised to dislike Russians, I cannot lie, I long for them being the bad guys rather than China. They were tepid compared to the Chinese Communists.
How would one go about boycotting China ? If you take a walk through Walmart and look at items all through the store, you could find 90% of them Made in China. Just look at anything in your house.

Sitting right beside me at the moment, are 5 electrical items. A laptop, mouse, cell phone, electric shaver, and a digital thermometer. All are made in China. The last 4 presidents have been so negligent on this, that our economy (the stores) are saturated with Chinese stuff. It's hard to find anything else.

Boycotting would have to be done by the US importers, But where else would/could THEY go to get their products ? This is perhaps why the US/China trade deficit still is high, and in fact growing (now at over $323 Billion)

Best solution is probably the Trump tariff trade war. While official data indicated China’s economy held up for much of last year, it now appears to be slowing. Production metrics and export orders are falling, as the country’s trade dispute with the U.S., its largest trading partner, drags on.

This will likely be a slow process to turn things around. It could take quite a few years, Hopefully, Trump will be re-elected, or the progress made will be lost, and a new Democrat, globalist president would put us right back in the same awful boat that the last 4 president idiots put us in.

US trade deficit with China grows to a record and it's likely even worse than the data show
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Technically he can force a boycott.

I highly doubt he would go that far, but the threat is nice. It sends a message.

I will also say this, a boycott of China by the world is fully reasonable. If this were 1984 and these tactics were going on, this is precisely what you would see. America and Russia engaged in back to back Olympic boycotts of each other for political reasons. What China is doing is unheard of in the history of this planet.

As much as I have been raised to dislike Russians, I cannot lie, I long for them being the bad guys rather than China. They were tepid compared to the Chinese Communists.
How would one go about boycotting China ? If you take a walk through Walmart and look at items all through the store, you could find 90% of them Made on China, Just look at anything in your house.

Sitting right beside me at the moment are 5 electrical items. A laptop, mouse, cell phone, electric shaver, and a digital thermometer. All are made in China. the last 4 presidents have been so negligent on this , that our economy (the stores) are saturated with Chinese stuff. Its hard to find anything else.

Boycotting would have to be done by the US importers, But where else would/could THEY go to get their products ? This is perhaps why the US/China trade deficit still is high, and in fact growing (now at over $323 Billion)

Best solution is probably the Trump tariff trade war. While official data indicated China’s economy held up for much of last year, it now appears to be slowing. Production metrics and export orders are falling, as the country’s trade dispute with the U.S., its largest trading partner, drags on.

US trade deficit with China grows to a record and it's likely even worse than the data show

That's why I said it is quite unlikely to happen. It could occur in stages though with advanced warning.

Yes, it's a pain in the ass for a company to leave on Communist country for another shytehole, but, if they do not and another company does, they will lose the 25-30% on the tariff.

As big a problem is their currency manipulation. Their currency should be significantly higher than it is. This is true almost always as they don't float it organically. If they can get the Yuan to increase by 15%, coupled with tariffs at 30%+, companies will be forced to leave anyways for easier money.
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China

No he didn't, fucking liar.

You Communists are simply not capable of telling the truth, ever.
You people demand that companies come back to America but voted for and defend the same man who has all his manufacturing outside America.

Why aren't you demanding that he bring his manufacturing to America?

Why do you ignore that trump doesn't manufacture here and has his manufacturing outside America including in China?
Bringing manufacturing back to America is exactly what Trump has been doing, with his tariff trade war, and he's the only US president to do that, since Bush 41 gave China unrestricted access to our market.

You are completely out of touch on this. Please stop posting, until you get a handle on what you're talking about.
Using the NY Slime as a source is never acceptable.

Has the holocaust denying NY Times FIRED the openly antisemetic chief political editor yet?

On New Years’ Day 2010, Wright-Piersanti tweeted, “I was going to say ‘Crappy Jew Year,’ but one of my resolutions is to be less anti-Semitic. So… HAPPY Jew Year. You Jews.”

The previous month, during the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, Wright-Piersanti shared a picture of a car with a lit menorah on its roof and wrote, “Who called the Jew-police?”}

New York Times Editor Apologizes For Anti-Semitic, Racist Tweets

Yeah, the Times has ZERO credibility.

"All the News that Serves the Party"
Using the NY Slime as a source is never acceptable.

Has the holocaust denying NY Times FIRED the openly antisemetic chief political editor yet?

On New Years’ Day 2010, Wright-Piersanti tweeted, “I was going to say ‘Crappy Jew Year,’ but one of my resolutions is to be less anti-Semitic. So… HAPPY Jew Year. You Jews.”

The previous month, during the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, Wright-Piersanti shared a picture of a car with a lit menorah on its roof and wrote, “Who called the Jew-police?”}

New York Times Editor Apologizes For Anti-Semitic, Racist Tweets

Yeah, the Times has ZERO credibility.

"All the News that Serves the Party"
The Times has been credibilityless ever since it got is ass kicked by the National Enquirer, way back in 1979. Everybody should know about that fiasco.
Are American workers going to work for Chinese wages?

I don't think so.
1. Chinese wages are not they used to be, they have risen a great deal.

2. US companies can afford to pay higher wages now, since the corporate tax has dropped way down, as have business regulation$.

3. Also, US businesses located here, don't have to pay enormous shipping costs to send stuff halfway around the world.
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China

No he didn't, fucking liar.

You Communists are simply not capable of telling the truth, ever.

Tell me where his products are made here in America.

I'm not a liar.

Click the link to read about all the products that trump sells that are made in China or other nations.

If you're too cheap to pay to read the Washington Post, here's the same article on another site that's free:

Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas –
Tell me where his products are made here in America.

I'm not a liar.

Click the link to read about all the products that trump sells that are made in China or other nations.

If you're too cheap to pay to read the Washington Post, here's the same article on another site that's free:

Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas –
They are not Trump's products. Washington Post is a pure anti-Trump propaganda rag. They got raked over the coals for saying that Trump sells ties with the name Trump on them, which are made in China. Turns out, Trump does not sell the ties, they are not his company, they are a Chinese company. Trump merely brand licenses . IOW, the Chinese company pays Trump for the use of his name on THEIR ties.

There many examples of products that Trump does brand licensing with, and dishonest leftist media distorts this, to make it appear that Trump is outsourcing HIS products to China. They are not his products, and never were.
Classic Washington Post.
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China

No he didn't, fucking liar.

You Communists are simply not capable of telling the truth, ever.

Tell me where his products are made here in America.

I'm not a liar.

Click the link to read about all the products that trump sells that are made in China or other nations.

If you're too cheap to pay to read the Washington Post, here's the same article on another site that's free:

Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas –

The lie is that "Trump asserts he can force US Companies to leave China." That is a false statement.

As always, the lying scum of the Marxist press, and you, misrepresent what he said.
Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
As opposed to Obama and Bush forcing companies out of the US and into China.

Who’s side are you on?

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