Trump says America will no longer be taken advantage of...


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Really? By whom? Trump and the GOP are currently working hard to gut Obamacare to pay for more tax cuts for the rich. He's suggesting that foreign countries will no longer take advantage of America - but what about him taking advantage of America? Trump speaks with forked tongue - even about foreign countries taking advantage of America.

Trump says US will no longer be taken advantage of on trade - ABC

Trump says U.S. won’t be ‘taken advantage of anymore.’ Hours later, Pacific Rim nations reach deal on trade without America - The Washington Post
I would say stopping Illegal immigration deporting all these illegals that Obama welcomed in with open arms is a good sign america will no longer be taken advantage of STILL.he is connected to the zionists and they have their grip on washington.Till he at least tries to get rid of that problem,he has done nothing in my book.
Gut that Obamacare!!!
Doper ideas.

The OP is a lie, shocker. The last GOP Obamacare bill retained almost every single tax increase Obama signed into law. The tax on artificial limbs being one exception. OP these are for you :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Really? By whom? Trump and the GOP are currently working hard to gut Obamacare to pay for more tax cuts for the rich. He's suggesting that foreign countries will no longer take advantage of America - but what about him taking advantage of America? Trump speaks with forked tongue - even about foreign countries taking advantage of America.

Trump says US will no longer be taken advantage of on trade - ABC

Trump says U.S. won’t be ‘taken advantage of anymore.’ Hours later, Pacific Rim nations reach deal on trade without America - The Washington Post


Trade is most of what got him elected. He needs to focus on that to hold ground in the mid terms and to win re-election.
I would say stopping Illegal immigration deporting all these illegals that Obama welcomed in with open arms is a good sign america will no longer be taken advantage of STILL.he is connected to the zionists and they have their grip on washington.Till he at least tries to get rid of that problem,he has done nothing in my book.

When it comes to Trump vs. Obama, who’s the real deporter-in-chief?

I love how Obama started counting those caught at the border as deportees.
After listening to various news sources this evening - it sounds like Trump didn't accomplish jack shit during his 12-day Asia trip. He's a total waste. A con artist.
After listening to various news sources this evening - it sounds like Trump didn't accomplish jack shit during his 12-day Asia trip. He's a total waste. A con artist.

Well, this thread's title addresses what Trump stated that America will not be taken advantage by Asian countries........and he may be "correct" in that Trump is making the U.S. a NON-participant in Asian trade deals.

His "make America Great Again" hats were made in Vietnam and perhaps they'll soon change the mantra to "Make America Irrelevant Again."
So Trump comes home & gives this tough talk speech.

Where the fuck was this tough talk in Asia.

The Orange doughboy bent over & kissed the ass of every foreign government on his trip!!!!! He apologized that America allowed itself to be taken advantage of by the Chinese.

For Christ's sake, how do you Trumpettes believe this bullshit.

Trump is the guy than is all nice in your face & then gives you the finger when your back is turned.
After listening to various news sources this evening - it sounds like Trump didn't accomplish jack shit during his 12-day Asia trip. He's a total waste. A con artist.

Well, this thread's title addresses what Trump stated that America will not be taken advantage by Asian countries........and he may be "correct" in that Trump is making the U.S. a NON-participant in Asian trade deals.

His "make America Great Again" hats were made in Vietnam and perhaps they'll soon change the mantra to "Make America Irrelevant Again."

Would you admit it if he did?
So Trump comes home & gives this tough talk speech.

Where the fuck was this tough talk in Asia.

The Orange doughboy bent over & kissed the ass of every foreign government on his trip!!!!! He apologized that America allowed itself to be taken advantage of by the Chinese.

For Christ's sake, how do you Trumpettes believe this bullshit.

Trump is the guy than is all nice in your face & then gives you the finger when your back is turned.

If one carefully listens to Trump's recap about his Asian trip, would would discern that its yet ANOTHER self-praise of himself...You know."they laid out the red carpet for me"....or "they let me in to the Forbidden City for dinner.."

NOTHING of substance...just more Trump ego boosts for the low-self-esteem, orange clown.
So Trump comes home & gives this tough talk speech.

Where the fuck was this tough talk in Asia.

The Orange doughboy bent over & kissed the ass of every foreign government on his trip!!!!! He apologized that America allowed itself to be taken advantage of by the Chinese.

For Christ's sake, how do you Trumpettes believe this bullshit.

Trump is the guy than is all nice in your face & then gives you the finger when your back is turned.

If one carefully listens to Trump's recap about his Asian trip, would would discern that its yet ANOTHER self-praise of himself...You know."they laid out the red carpet for me"....or "they let me in to the Forbidden City for dinner.."

NOTHING of substance...just more Trump ego boosts for the low-self-esteem, orange clown.

Diplomacy is often like that, empty talk, pomp and circumstance, ect,.

You lefties only seem to be bothered by that fact when you can use it to smear a republican.

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