Trump said he would replace the kenyesian economist at the FED

I'm far more concerned that he'd try to replace the First Amendment.

Start there.

Well Obama and Hillary want to replace the Second Amendment, I think that's even more concerning for the American people.

Well no they don't, and well no it isn't.

The First Amendment is the keystone, upon which all else is built. You can't build anything without it except a dictatorship.

That's why they made it Number One.

And Rump has already declared war on it, in multiple ways.

Now, the Constitution itself has safeguards against a nutjob just taking a hacksaw to it, but that's what he wants to do. That alone should have people running for the exits. But we have a saying, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public", popularly attributed to H.L. Mencken (himself a conservative).

No doubt the OP will find this "funny" as well, but without the building block of Free Speech --- you have nothing. And it doesn't frickin' matter who is or isn't the head of the Fed, because you're already, to use the technical term, "fucked".
Actually, I don't. I agree with a lot of it...
What makes you think trump would try to attack the first amendment?
What makes you think Obama and Hillary don't/want to?

Have you been living in a cave?

--- doesn't get much more hit-over-the-head direct than that, does it??

Then before that there was the other scam about registering and/or deporting people on the basis of their religion, which is...again.... First Amendment.

Can't possibly be more obvious in its unAmericanality.

Against that, who he'd replace or not replace at the Department of Putting Things on Top of Other Things kinda pales in comparison. And it pales way more than that sickly orange skin.

actual malice? :dunno:
I'm concerned he doesn't know what Keynesian means. :ack-1:
How can you even think that after he told you this:
"I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words."

Unfortunately among those words there is no sighting of the word "humility".

That's how NPD is.
Well, Yellen is most likely a New Keynesian academically. But there is not a whole lot of difference between that and a monetarist, which is the economic theory the Fed's been following for many years. The criticism among the bankers of Yellen is that, like the Bernank , she's a dove on high unemployment. That is, she may favor jobs too much and allow inflation.

But the fact is that Keynesians, and new Keynesians for that matter, focus of fiscal, not monetary policy so much. And the Fed doesn't do fiscal. It can affect interest rates and indirectly monetary supply

Now for whatevahthefock Donald meant, who the fock knows.

Donald Trump Likes Low Interest Rates But Says He’d Replace Yellen
The problem with Trump is; he doesn't care about the middle class in that a healthy middle class creates a healthy economy. ALL of Trumps businesses have customers almost exclusively top one percent.
The problem with Trump is; he doesn't care about the middle class in that a healthy middle class creates a healthy economy. ALL of Trumps businesses have customers almost exclusively top one percent.
The problem with Trump is that in the Fortune article he's advocating the Fed base interest rates on financing the debt, rather than inflation. And that should scare the living shite out of every American.
Very interesting. I am sure some of our more die hard conservatives are pissed at Trump about his comments on transexuals this morning but I see it like he does through a businessman's lenses not a politicians. I really hope Trump does just a TINY bit of what he says. I would be happy with fixing healthcare,building the wall and ending anchor babies and fixing the fed!

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