Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.
I've been on this forum for a few years and RWer has been screaming for Fair Trade.
Until Trump became President.
RWer is a tool and FOS.

THanks. I have trouble with the lefties blurring together.

But, yes, that fits with his behavior in this thread.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

Let me put it in language you can understand

You were bitching about the Asian Economy for a few years which means...
That no President, in your opinion, knew what they were doing except enriching themselves, which you were very clear about.
In other words, you're a tool and FOS.
Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

I make a motion to invite Boss or Ding, to go over the concept of "competition".
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?
You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of
I believe we may need a (sub) committee to discuss this issue, that includes, Boss and Ding.
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?
The issue is the other way around.
Unless, of course, you benefit from slave labor.
Germany, of course, treats their workers very well and the auto industry probably gets subsidized by their government.
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?
The issue is the other way around.
Unless, of course, you benefit from slave labor.
Germany, of course, treats their workers very well and the auto industry probably gets subsidized by their government.
we can't compete with the salaries they pay their workers
1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?
The issue is the other way around.
Unless, of course, you benefit from slave labor.
Germany, of course, treats their workers very well and the auto industry probably gets subsidized by their government.
we can't compete with the salaries they pay their workers
have you looked into, Gravity Payments?
1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?
The issue is the other way around.
Unless, of course, you benefit from slave labor.
Germany, of course, treats their workers very well and the auto industry probably gets subsidized by their government.
we can't compete with the salaries they pay their workers
List of minimum wages by country - Wikipedia
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

Let me put it in language you can understand

You were bitching about the Asian Economy for a few years which means...
That no President, in your opinion, knew what they were doing except enriching themselves, which you were very clear about.
In other words, you're a tool and FOS.
Are you talking about Jina?

Let me tell you something about Jina. Bad hombres, very very bad. Currency manipulators, I'm going to do something about that...well maybe not
They did build a wall though, a big beautiful wall
You don't see many Mexicans getting into Jina
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

As current trade deals go, WE LOSE NEARLY ALL THE TIME.

Thus, by your own standards, we need to change them. Drastically.
Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

I make a motion to invite Boss or Ding, to go over the concept of "competition".

They would have no problem answering my question "no" and then we would discuss whether we have fair competition with the EU.

But, RW, can't do that. Because he knows that we do not have fair competition with the EU and he wants those jobs for American workers.

BUT, he can't admit that Trump is right, on this issue.


First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of

YOur assumption that we cannot compete on a level playing field is noted and disagreed with.
sure IF it was level BUT can we pay OUR workers what they pay theirs overseas?

Compared to Germany? Sure.
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

As current trade deals go, WE LOSE NEARLY ALL THE TIME.

Thus, by your own standards, we need to change them. Drastically.
In 2016, the total U.S. trade deficit was $502 billion. That's because it imported $2.712 trillion of goods and services while exporting $2.209 trillion. The deficit is higher than in 2013 when it was $478 billion. That's because the dollar strengthened 25 percent in 2014 and 2015.

But the deficit is less than the record $762 billion in 2006. The decrease since then means U.S. exports are growing faster than imports.

That's good for U.S. businesses and job growth. (Source: "U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services," U.S. Census Bureau, February 7, 2017.)

Source: How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

I make a motion to invite Boss or Ding, to go over the concept of "competition".

They would have no problem answering my question "no" and then we would discuss whether we have fair competition with the EU.

But, RW, can't do that. Because he knows that we do not have fair competition with the EU and he wants those jobs for American workers.

BUT, he can't admit that Trump is right, on this issue.


are you socialist?

I make a motion to invite Boss or Ding, to go over the concept of "competition".
First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

As current trade deals go, WE LOSE NEARLY ALL THE TIME.

Thus, by your own standards, we need to change them. Drastically.
I don't like losers, i like winners.
1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.

Let me put it in language you can understand

Trump is a bad hombre, very bad, bad hombre
Trump has no understanding of a global economy, trade or building economic alliances.
Trump is a moron, very dumb guy, not too smart
Trade agreements mean you have to allow both sides to win something, thinking all deals will be written on an America First agenda shows what a simpleton our president is

As current trade deals go, WE LOSE NEARLY ALL THE TIME.

Thus, by your own standards, we need to change them. Drastically.
In 2016, the total U.S. trade deficit was $502 billion. That's because it imported $2.712 trillion of goods and services while exporting $2.209 trillion. The deficit is higher than in 2013 when it was $478 billion. That's because the dollar strengthened 25 percent in 2014 and 2015.

But the deficit is less than the record $762 billion in 2006. The decrease since then means U.S. exports are growing faster than imports.

That's good for U.S. businesses and job growth. (Source: "U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services," U.S. Census Bureau, February 7, 2017.)

Source: How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

SO, a decrease in the trade deficit is good for job growth?

Just imagine if we had a FUCKING TRADE SURPLUS what that would mean for job growth.

NEWS FLASH LEFTY, losing by less is not winning!

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