Trump Quotes: Yes The Moron Actually Said These Things

My college was a criminal fraud and my hair looks funny.
And people making minimum wage are making too much money.

Republican voters love me a lot for my hilarity.
And they love me even more for my vulgarity.

Money was never a motivation for me, except as a way to keep score.
The real excitement is playing the game and buying pretty whores.

Megyn Kelly is not beautiful and she's such a bitch
Part of the beauty of me is that I am really rich

Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?
Worse than Rosie O'Donnell but at least she isn't fat.

I could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose a single vote.
As I go bankrupt and default on a million dollar bank note.

She started to breast pump in front of me. I found it disgusting.
But when I saw her ta tas I began lusting.


John McCain is no war hero let's put him out to pasture
The only reason he's a war hero is because he got captured

I'm a con man, a racist and male chauvinistic pig
And would like you all to know that I don't wear a wig

I will build a great big wall and do it so inexpensively
Nobody can build a great big wall quite as good as me.

I am rich and famous yes, I am the big cheese.
The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese

Marriage is one man and woman and I've had three divorces
And I think you all should know tiny children are not horses.

The Bible is a special thing, yes I've finally said it.
The only thing about the Bible is I've never followed it or read it

Tough shit for people who live in Flint and their nasty water
And I am a true Republican cause I want to fuck my daughter.


John McCain is a loser and he is a dunce..
I lust for my daughter and I've said it more than once..

I'm ignorant, and vulgar and I have no class.. BUT
It doesn't matter if you have beautiful young piece of as


Proof that anyone supporting the far left is insane..

BTW, Trump is not self financing his campaign so maybe if you give him some money he will let you kiss his ass crack as soon as Paul Ryan is finished.

More proof why people should denounce the far left religion as it is more dangerous than ISIS..

Are you saying Trump is far left? What a retard!

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Hilary, yet another worse than Bush vote!
Trump Quotes: Yes The Moron Actually Said These Things

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, those two are moron enough for democrats.

Obama spending debt, that's moron enough for the economy.

Feel the Bern, that's just utterly moron by itself.

You got caught in another lie liar.
Deficit shrinks by $1 trillion in Obama era | MSNBC


Do you ever worry that if you lied in person someone beat the living shit out of you liar?

FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.587 trillion deficit, the largest in history.

FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10% cut in spending.

President Obama has the largest deficits. By the end of his last budget (FY 2017), the total deficits will be $6.695 trillion for his eight years in office.

Budget Deficits by Fiscal Year
President Barack Obama: Total Projected Plus Actual Deficits = $6.695 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $503 billion projected.
  • FY 2016 - $616 billion projected.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.
  • FY 2013 - $679 billion.
  • FY 2012 - $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2011 - $1.300 trillion.
  • FY 2010 - $1.587 ($1.294 trillion plus $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget).
President George W. Bush: Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2009 - $1.16 trillion. ($1.413 trillion minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act)
  • FY 2008 - $459 billion.
  • FY 2007 - $161 billion.
  • FY 2006 - $248 billion.
  • FY 2005 - $318 billion.
  • FY 2004 - $413 billion.
  • FY 2003 - $378 billion.
  • FY 2002 - $158 billion.
President Bill Clinton: Total = $63 billion surplus, a 1% decrease.

  • FY 2001 - $128 billion surplus.
  • FY 2000 - $236 billion surplus.
  • FY 1999 - $126 billion surplus.
  • FY 1998 - $69 billion surplus.
  • FY 1997 - $22 billion.
  • FY 1996 - $107 billion.
  • FY 1995 - $164 billion.
  • FY 1994 - $203 billion.
President George H.W. Bush: Total = $1.036 trillion, a 36% increase.

  • FY 1993 - $255 billion.
  • FY 1992 - $290 billion.
  • FY 1991 - $269 billion.
  • FY 1990 - $221 billion.
President Ronald Reagan: Total = $1.412 trillion, a 142% increase

  • FY 1989 - $153 billion.
  • FY 1988 - $155 billion.
  • FY 1987 - $150 billion.
  • FY 1986 - $221 billion.
  • FY 1985 - $212 billion.
  • FY 1984 - $185 billion.
  • FY 1983 - $208 billion.
  • FY 1982 - $128 billion.
President Jimmy Carter: Total = $253 billion, a 36% increase.

  • FY 1981 - $79 billion.
  • FY 1980 - $74 billion.
  • FY 1979 - $41 billion.
  • FY 1978 - $59 billion.
President Gerald Ford: Total = $181 billion, a 38% increase.

  • FY 1977 - $54 billion.
  • FY 1976 - $74 billion.
  • FY 1975 - $53 billion.
President Richard Nixon: Total = $70 billion, a 20% increase.

  • FY 1974 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1973 - $15 billion.
  • FY 1972 - $23 billion.
  • FY 1971 - $23 billion.
  • FY 1970 - $3 billion.
President Lyndon B. Johnson: Total = $36 billion, an 11% increase.

  • FY 1969 - $3 billion surplus.
  • FY 1968 - $25 billion.
  • FY 1967 - $9 billion.
  • FY 1966 - $4 billion.
  • FY 1965 - $1 billion.
President John F. Kennedy: Total = $18 billion, a 6% increase.

  • FY 1964 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1963 - $5 billion.
  • FY 1962 - $7 billion.
President Dwight Eisenhower: Total = $15 billion, a 6% increase.

  • FY 1961 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1960 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1959 - $13 billion.
  • FY 1958 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1957 - $3 billion surplus.
  • FY 1956 - $4 billion surplus.
  • FY 1955 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1954 - $1 billion.
President Harry Truman: Total = $5 billion, a 2% increase.

  • FY 1953 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1952 - $2 billion.
  • FY 1951 - $6 billion surplus.
  • FY 1950 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1949 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1948 - $12 billion surplus.
  • FY 1947 - $4 billion surplus.
  • FY 1946 - $16 billion.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Total = $194 billion, a 186% increase.

  • FY 1945 - $48 billion.
  • FY 1944 - $48 billion.
  • FY 1943 - $55 billion.
  • FY 1942 - $21 billion.
  • FY 1941 - $5 billion.
  • FY 1940 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1939 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1938 - $0 billion (slight deficit).
  • FY 1937 - $2 billion.
  • FY 1936 - $4 billion.
  • FY 1935 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1934 - $4 billion.
President Herbert Hoover: Total = $5 billion, a 30% increase.

  • FY 1933 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1932 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1931 - $0 billion (slight deficit).
  • FY 1930 - $1 billion surplus.
President Calvin Coolidge: Total = $5 billion surplus, a 26% decrease.

  • FY 1929 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1928 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1927 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1926 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1925 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1924 - $1 billion surplus.
President Warren G. Harding: Total = $1 billion surplus, a 6% decrease.

  • FY 1923 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1922 - $0 (slight surplus).
President Woodrow Wilson: Total = $22 billion, a 775% increase.

  • FY 1921 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1920 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1919 - $13 billion.
  • FY 1918 - $9 billion.
  • FY 1917 - $1 billion.
  • FY 1916 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1915 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1914 - $0 billion.
FY 1789 - FY 1913 - $1 billion surplus. (Source: OMB, Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits: 1789–2021)

Which Presidents Rang Up the Highest Deficits?

See how the far left will lie to protect their messiah?

Do you ever worry that if you lied in person someone beat the living shit out of you liar?
How violent the liberals have become just like their violent history in the KKK democrat party when outsiders didn't agree with their propaganda. Liberal baiters at Trump rallies there to provoke violence.

Last edited:

Do you ever worry that if you lied in person someone beat the living shit out of you liar?
How violent the liberals have become just like their violent history in the KKK democrat party when outsiders didn't agree with their propaganda. Liberal baiters at Trump rallies there to provoke violence.


What violence chicken shit? You mean like when that Trump supporter sucker punched that guy?
Trump supporter charged after sucker-punching protester at North

Trump supporter is arrested for sucker-punching black ... - Daily M

Looks like the cowardly Trumpsters can't control their tempers.
Trump Quotes: Yes The Moron Actually Said These Things

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, those two are moron enough for democrats.

Obama spending debt, that's moron enough for the economy.

Feel the Bern, that's just utterly moron by itself.

You got caught in another lie liar.
Deficit shrinks by $1 trillion in Obama era | MSNBC


Do you ever worry that if you lied in person someone beat the living shit out of you liar?

FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.587 trillion deficit, the largest in history.

FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10% cut in spending.

President Obama has the largest deficits. By the end of his last budget (FY 2017), the total deficits will be $6.695 trillion for his eight years in office.

Budget Deficits by Fiscal Year
President Barack Obama: Total Projected Plus Actual Deficits = $6.695 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $503 billion projected.
  • FY 2016 - $616 billion projected.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.
  • FY 2013 - $679 billion.
  • FY 2012 - $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2011 - $1.300 trillion.
  • FY 2010 - $1.587 ($1.294 trillion plus $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget).
President George W. Bush: Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2009 - $1.16 trillion. ($1.413 trillion minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act)
  • FY 2008 - $459 billion.
  • FY 2007 - $161 billion.
  • FY 2006 - $248 billion.
  • FY 2005 - $318 billion.
  • FY 2004 - $413 billion.
  • FY 2003 - $378 billion.
  • FY 2002 - $158 billion.
President Bill Clinton: Total = $63 billion surplus, a 1% decrease.

  • FY 2001 - $128 billion surplus.
  • FY 2000 - $236 billion surplus.
  • FY 1999 - $126 billion surplus.
  • FY 1998 - $69 billion surplus.
  • FY 1997 - $22 billion.
  • FY 1996 - $107 billion.
  • FY 1995 - $164 billion.
  • FY 1994 - $203 billion.
President George H.W. Bush: Total = $1.036 trillion, a 36% increase.

  • FY 1993 - $255 billion.
  • FY 1992 - $290 billion.
  • FY 1991 - $269 billion.
  • FY 1990 - $221 billion.
President Ronald Reagan: Total = $1.412 trillion, a 142% increase

  • FY 1989 - $153 billion.
  • FY 1988 - $155 billion.
  • FY 1987 - $150 billion.
  • FY 1986 - $221 billion.
  • FY 1985 - $212 billion.
  • FY 1984 - $185 billion.
  • FY 1983 - $208 billion.
  • FY 1982 - $128 billion.
President Jimmy Carter: Total = $253 billion, a 36% increase.

  • FY 1981 - $79 billion.
  • FY 1980 - $74 billion.
  • FY 1979 - $41 billion.
  • FY 1978 - $59 billion.
President Gerald Ford: Total = $181 billion, a 38% increase.

  • FY 1977 - $54 billion.
  • FY 1976 - $74 billion.
  • FY 1975 - $53 billion.
President Richard Nixon: Total = $70 billion, a 20% increase.

  • FY 1974 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1973 - $15 billion.
  • FY 1972 - $23 billion.
  • FY 1971 - $23 billion.
  • FY 1970 - $3 billion.
President Lyndon B. Johnson: Total = $36 billion, an 11% increase.

  • FY 1969 - $3 billion surplus.
  • FY 1968 - $25 billion.
  • FY 1967 - $9 billion.
  • FY 1966 - $4 billion.
  • FY 1965 - $1 billion.
President John F. Kennedy: Total = $18 billion, a 6% increase.

  • FY 1964 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1963 - $5 billion.
  • FY 1962 - $7 billion.
President Dwight Eisenhower: Total = $15 billion, a 6% increase.

  • FY 1961 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1960 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1959 - $13 billion.
  • FY 1958 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1957 - $3 billion surplus.
  • FY 1956 - $4 billion surplus.
  • FY 1955 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1954 - $1 billion.
President Harry Truman: Total = $5 billion, a 2% increase.

  • FY 1953 - $6 billion.
  • FY 1952 - $2 billion.
  • FY 1951 - $6 billion surplus.
  • FY 1950 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1949 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1948 - $12 billion surplus.
  • FY 1947 - $4 billion surplus.
  • FY 1946 - $16 billion.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Total = $194 billion, a 186% increase.

  • FY 1945 - $48 billion.
  • FY 1944 - $48 billion.
  • FY 1943 - $55 billion.
  • FY 1942 - $21 billion.
  • FY 1941 - $5 billion.
  • FY 1940 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1939 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1938 - $0 billion (slight deficit).
  • FY 1937 - $2 billion.
  • FY 1936 - $4 billion.
  • FY 1935 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1934 - $4 billion.
President Herbert Hoover: Total = $5 billion, a 30% increase.

  • FY 1933 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1932 - $3 billion.
  • FY 1931 - $0 billion (slight deficit).
  • FY 1930 - $1 billion surplus.
President Calvin Coolidge: Total = $5 billion surplus, a 26% decrease.

  • FY 1929 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1928 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1927 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1926 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1925 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1924 - $1 billion surplus.
President Warren G. Harding: Total = $1 billion surplus, a 6% decrease.

  • FY 1923 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1922 - $0 (slight surplus).
President Woodrow Wilson: Total = $22 billion, a 775% increase.

  • FY 1921 - $1 billion surplus.
  • FY 1920 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1919 - $13 billion.
  • FY 1918 - $9 billion.
  • FY 1917 - $1 billion.
  • FY 1916 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1915 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
  • FY 1914 - $0 billion.
FY 1789 - FY 1913 - $1 billion surplus. (Source: OMB, Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits: 1789–2021)

Which Presidents Rang Up the Highest Deficits?

See how the far left will lie to protect their messiah?

As you know liar, Bush crashed the economy in 2008 and ran up spiraling debt and created ZERO private sector job.

Please increase your tobacco use liar.

It is astounding that anyone would support scumbag like Trump.

He makes fun or Carly Fiorina's face.

He admits having a sexual attraction towards his daughter.

He's a bigot.

He's a sexist.

He's ignorant.

None of the cons defended Trump's statements. The lying cons do what they always do. They lie. The deflect and change the subject like cowards and liars that they truly are.

Now avoid these statements of Trump's you cowardly cons.

Own it you losers! Own it cowards! Own it liars!
My college was a criminal fraud and my hair looks funny.
And people making minimum wage are making too much money.

Republican voters love me a lot for my hilarity.
And they love me even more for my vulgarity.

Money was never a motivation for me, except as a way to keep score.
The real excitement is playing the game and buying pretty whores.

Megyn Kelly is not beautiful and she's such a bitch
Part of the beauty of me is that I am really rich

Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?
Worse than Rosie O'Donnell but at least she isn't fat.

I could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose a single vote.
As I go bankrupt and default on a million dollar bank note.

She started to breast pump in front of me. I found it disgusting.
But when I saw her ta tas I began lusting.


John McCain is no war hero let's put him out to pasture
The only reason he's a war hero is because he got captured

I'm a con man, a racist and male chauvinistic pig
And would like you all to know that I don't wear a wig

I will build a great big wall and do it so inexpensively
Nobody can build a great big wall quite as good as me.

I am rich and famous yes, I am the big cheese.
The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese

Marriage is one man and woman and I've had three divorces
And I think you all should know tiny children are not horses.

The Bible is a special thing, yes I've finally said it.
The only thing about the Bible is I've never followed it or read it

Tough shit for people who live in Flint and their nasty water
And I am a true Republican cause I want to fuck my daughter.


John McCain is a loser and he is a dunce..
I lust for my daughter and I've said it more than once..

I'm ignorant, and vulgar and I have no class.. BUT
It doesn't matter if you have beautiful young piece of as


Well you idiot. He's obviously talking about things people are interested in. If he were the idiot you think he is he wouldn't be leading in anything.

Catch a clue moron. Grow a brain. You obviously don't have any working brain cells.


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