Trump previously held private meetings with Navy SEALs to candidly discuss Afghanistan war


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
"I want to sit down with some enlisted guys that have been there," Trump told advisers, according to the national-security journalist Peter Bergen's latest book, "Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos."

"I don't want any generals in here. I don't want any officers," Trump added. "I just want enlisted guys."

One of the first group of Afghanistan veterans to speak with Trump were US Navy SEALs who spoke critically of the war.

"It's unwinnable. NATO's a joke. Nobody knows what they're doing," the SEALs said to Trump. "We don't fight to win. The morale is terrible. It's totally corrupt."

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Here’s what he did as a civilian:

Trump also compared the senior military leaders with a consultant for a Manhattan restaurant from the late 1980s. Instead of heeding the advice of an overpaid consultant who merely suggested expanding a kitchen for renovations, Trump argued that it would have been more prudent, and cheaper, to solicit the advice of waiters from a restaurant.

Now the question is; what’s he going to be able to do now?

More @ 'They lie to you': Trump previously held private meetings with Navy SEALs to candidly discuss Afghanistan war

Do you think this stirred certain SEAL commanders to attack individuals like Chief Gallagher?
Now the question is; what’s he going to be able to do now?

More @ 'They lie to you': Trump previously held private meetings with Navy SEALs to candidly discuss Afghanistan war

Do you think this stirred certain SEAL commanders to attack individuals like Chief Gallagher?

No, Gallagher was attacked because he committed war crimes.

Afghanistan was lost in 2002, when Bush took his eye off the ball to go after Saddam.

That we've spent the last 18 years trying to fix that mistake is kind of meaningless.
It's unwinnable. NATO's a joke. Nobody knows what they're doing," the SEALs said to Trump. "We don't fight to win. The morale is terrible. It's totally corrupt."

I understand there's some historic ramifications that follow suit......~S~
Military Brass sometimes play too much politics with the times hiding the truth.........

The guys on the ground who fight the Wars don't have that at times going to the source is a better idea. The middle east is quick sand..........the more you wiggle and try to get out the deeper you get stuck into it. The Radical elements over there never stop.....and there is always more to replace them.........Leading to NEVER ENDING WAR.............a Never ending War that has cost this country 6 Trillion Dollars going to 8 Trillion dollars for long term liabilities.

We are losing the War economically, but the weapons manufacturers are making a it keeps going.

Afghanistan is just Vietnam 2.0 ... :cool:

Politicians directing the war.
No winnable strategy.
No realistic goals.
No stated end game.
No exit strategy
Once in the quicksand.......there is not getting out never ends......History over there repeating itself.......all it is.........but the weapons manufacturing industry is getting filthy our country adds more debt to the tune of 8 Trillion with future liabilities from it.

The only way to fight War is total war.......get in....kill as many as possible and get the hell out.
To invade, bomb, and occupy an entire country looking for 1 man was idiotic. ... :cuckoo:

We should have used intel and special ops solders to find and eliminate him. (which is how we finally found and killed him)

But the American public demanded blood right now. ... :cool:
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To invade, bomb, and occupy an entire country looking for 1 man was idiotic. ... :cuckoo:
Far from it..............We hit his forces and those protecting him........The Taliban.........and in the beginning we ripped them a new one......

Then we went.........we will Occupy the place......and set up Democracy there............and that is when we went.........Why is this sand sucking off my boots......then we went no big deal...........Then 18 years later we are going......why is this sand up to my neck..........
Far from it..............We hit his forces and those protecting him........The Taliban.........and in the beginning we ripped them a new one......
Until we invaded, the Taliban wasn't our enemy. In fact, they had been guests at the White House.

The real enemy was Al Qaida which only numbered about 200 fighters in Afghanistan.

The Taliban offered to arrest Osama bin Laden and turn him over to a neutral 3rd party country if we would guarantee him a fair trial.

Pres. Bush refused the offer.

So after a more than a decade of destroying an entire country, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, spending almost a trillion dollars, and the deaths of a few thousand U.S. soldiers.

We finally found Osama and killed him.

In another country. .. :cool:
Far from it..............We hit his forces and those protecting him........The Taliban.........and in the beginning we ripped them a new one......
Until we invaded, the Taliban wasn't our enemy. In fact, they had been guests at the White House.

The real enemy was Al Qaida which only numbered about 200 fighters in Afghanistan.

The Taliban offered to arrest Osama bin Laden and turn him over to a neutral 3rd party country if we would guarantee him a fair trial.

Pres. Bush refused the offer.

So after a more than a decade of destroying an entire country, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, spending almost a trillion dollars, and the deaths of a few thousand U.S. soldiers.

We finally found Osama and killed him.

In another country. .. :cool:
I don't buy that.......They allowed him to knowingly train and gave him Asylum Full well knowing what they were up to and knowing he was wanted as a terrorist in the world.

They paid a price for that support. A heavy price there..........Our problem is that we set up shop and staying there.........and then played to the profits of War Profiteering...........With wittle ole Pakistan hiding him for a very long time.........Imagine that.
99% of the so called Taliban were just poor uneducated dirt farmers who had never heard of 9/11 and couldn't find America on a map if they tried.

All they knew was that American planes were bombing their villages killing relatives, and U.S. soldiers had invaded their county.

They weren't fighting to protect bin Laden, but to protect their families. ... :cool:
99% of the so called Taliban were just poor uneducated dirt farmers who had never heard of 9/11 and couldn't find America on a map if they tried.

All they knew was that American planes were bombing their villages killing relatives, and U.S. soldiers had invaded their county.

They weren't fighting to protect bin Laden, but to protect their families. ... :cool:
In War..........the innocent die with the guilty......I'm sure there were many good people in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.........we killed them none the less..........because that is War......

Spec ops lazer tagged a very large amount of Taliban.....and our air force pounded them to dust early on...........Because their country hid a enemy of the United States..........and that is just how it is.

Our mistake was trying to build Democracies in areas that don't want it.
I hope the grunts made a point to the president that it is impossible to create and maintain a democratic form of government anywhere in the Mideast. Our strategy should be to strengthen tribal leaders who share our goals and remove those who don't.
I hope the grunts made a point to the president that it is impossible to create and maintain a democratic form of government anywhere in the Mideast. Our strategy should be to strengthen tribal leaders who share our goals and remove those who don't.

Or here's a crazy idea. Don't get involved in their fights at all. Stay on our side of the planet.

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