Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."
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This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.
Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."

Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."
Ginsberg ain't retiring until she meets Jesus. I hope she gets to meet Jesus.
Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."
He also predicted he'd erect a wall on the southern border with Mexico footing the bill and repeal and replace the ACA on day one, so, yeah.
Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."

God I hope so but I don't see how unless there's a fatal SC disease or something. I hope he gets ONE more which will cause liberals to LOSE THEIR MINDS!! :happy-1: :laugh:
If Trump can get just two in there, i'll be completely satisfied. Control of the Supreme Court is the #1 reason i supported him. The courts are running the show now. I mean, imagine if Clinton had won? She was all set to emulate her hero Merkel in Germany. She was gonna open the border flood gates. She would have stacked the Court with Left/Globalist extremists.

I honestly thank the Lord every day Trump won. He does have many faults, but the alternative would have been so much worse. If he gets just two Justices, it'll make it 6-3 against the Globalists. If he gets three Justices, it'll make it 7-2. And that means Game Over for the Democrats/Globalists for many years to come. So i'll settle for a couple Justices, but Lord i do pray he gets more.

Gee...I wonder who will retire next.

Can this withered old bag at least stay awake for official business? The rest of the Justices are laughing at her .

She's got to retire soon.....she is 84 years old.

For her to NOT be replaced during Trump's 8 year term, she will have to hang on until she is 91 years old.

Gee...I wonder who will retire next.

Can this withered old bag at least stay awake for official business? The rest of the Justices are laughing at her .

She's got to retire soon.....she is 84 years old.

For her to NOT be replaced during Trump's 8 year term, she will have to hang on until she is 91 years old.

It is pretty embarrassing. She should have retired long ago. Seeing folks desperately hang onto power this way, really is very disturbing.
HAHAHA. They do it all the time. Why do we let illegal kids in our schools? Because in 1982 the SC wrote a law requiring that. THINK

That wasn't a law SCOTUS wrote, but a decision they upheld.

For fuck's sake, do you not know the function of the three branches of government? Of course you don't! Russian propagandists don't know shit.
HAHAHA. They do it all the time. Why do we let illegal kids in our schools? Because in 1982 the SC wrote a law requiring that. THINK

That wasn't a law SCOTUS wrote, but a decision they upheld.

For fuck's sake, do you not know the function of the three branches of government? Of course you don't! Russian propagandists don't know shit.

A decision which the court hailed as the "law of the land". Reagan was prez at the time and should have called them on that.

You are the one who doesn't know the function of the courts. The constitution says courts are not allowed to write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". Note the words "all" and "congress".
HAHAHA. They do it all the time. Why do we let illegal kids in our schools? Because in 1982 the SC wrote a law requiring that. THINK

That wasn't a law SCOTUS wrote, but a decision they upheld.

For fuck's sake, do you not know the function of the three branches of government? Of course you don't! Russian propagandists don't know shit.

A decision which the court hailed as the "law of the land". Reagan was prez at the time and should have called them on that.

You are the one who doesn't know the function of the courts. The constitution says courts are not allowed to write laws. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". Note the words "all" and "congress".
The SC doesn't write laws. You're just a fucking idiot
Judges don't write laws.
That wasn't a law SCOTUS wrote, but a decision they upheld.
The SC doesn't write laws.
The board liberals seem to believe that if they repeat this lie often enough, people will believe it, and it will become The Truth. Their mentor Herr Goebbels said so, after all.
The SC doesn't write laws. If you believe that, you don't know shit.

The SC interprets law. They decide on the Constitutionality of existing law.
The SC doesn't write laws. If you believe that, you don't know shit.

The SC interprets law. They decide on the Constitutionality of existing law.

So what were they interpreting in 1982 when they ordered all 50 states to give free k -12 to illegal kids?? Show us where the constitution or some federal law can be interpreted to mandate that.

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