Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

and that AMENDING must been Acceptable if he still got his Sec Clearance Lesh .
That's the point. It was ONLY acceptable to his FATHER IN LAW.

In fact it flipped the FBI, the CIA, the Chief of Staff, and the White House Counsel all the fuck OUT
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.
They still work for the president,
But don't owe him any loyalty and don't follow his rules.

We can do this all day, you know. You think they should show fealty to the president, because...trump cult. No need to look for any deeper meaning in all this.

They have to follow his legal orders, even if they disagree with him politically. If he gives them illegal orders they have to report it.

They can't try to sabotage his agenda because they disagree with him.

They should do their fucking jobs.

But they are mostly gutless political hacks like you.
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.
--------------------------------------- when the USA run by Trump barks you widdle canooks tremble . Other wise , why the impotent anger and interest with a Great American President . We yanks simply larf at your 'trudy trudeau' DLady .
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We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Let me know when you are building a wzll up & down the East Coast.
We do it’s called coast gaurd wall
And we already have the "border patrol" wall
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Let me know when you are building a wzll up & down the East Coast.
We do it’s called coast gaurd wall
And we already have the "border patrol" wall
-------------------------------------------------- we need a bigger and better border Wall RDave .
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.
--------------------------------------- when the USA run by Trump barks you widdle canooks tremble . Other wise , why the impotent anger and interest with a Great American President . We yanks simply larf at your 'trudy trudeau' DLady .
You are confusing trembling with laughing.

According to Trump, Canada is a security risk
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.
--------------------------------------- when the USA run by Trump barks you widdle canooks tremble . Other wise , why the impotent anger and interest with a Great American President . We yanks simply larf at your 'trudy trudeau' DLady .

We just laugh in his face, like the rest of the world.

I don't see Trudeau having to pay women to have sex with him like Trump. Trudeau's father didn't have to "buy" his son an admission to a top school. But I did notice that Ivanka seemed quite taken with Trudeau when he was in Washington. She couldn't take her eyes off him.
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We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
And republicans are worried about a wall when we already have those 22 million here???Why not take care of that first?
Did you ever call a plumber to stop a leak? First thing, stop the flow. Then deal with the damage. No plumber, no person of ordinary intelligence would propose dealing with the cause of the flood last.
What you say makes some sense but with those 22 million here doing so much damage why not get them out first ?Will your plumber save a drowning lady first or fix the problem?
No one is drowning. We really have enough personnel to do both. In fact, open hunting on them and both problems will be solved.
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.

Yet you love you some Islamic Trudeau securing the services of Prostitutes. You have the moral authority of a criminal honey.
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.

Yet you love you some Islamic Trudeau securing the services of Prostitutes. You have the moral authority of a criminal honey.

Another Russian idiot. English is not your first language, and you're totally fact challenge. And I am not your "honey" you dickless wonder!
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

Trump isn't anyone's "boss". He works for the American public. That's the part that Trump cultists fail to grasp. His powers are limited, and for a very good reason - to keep a lying criminal like Donald J. Trump from destroying the country.

I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. So Trump is nothing but a shitstain asshole to me.

Yet you love you some Islamic Trudeau securing the services of Prostitutes. You have the moral authority of a criminal honey.

Another Russian idiot. English is not your first language, and you're totally fact challenge. And I am not your "honey" you dickless wonder!

You're whatever I call you sweetie. Your PM is on the way out, did he pay for your services or did you donate them?
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
Damn right! The beloved legacy wall will not prevent the Kushners from disclosing secrets to Russia and Saudia Arabia. You remember Saudia Arabia don't you? They attacked us on 9/11!

Hey moron! On 9/11 we were attacked by a terrorist organization called Al Qaeda, not Saudi Arabia. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention next time!

If can't even spell "Saudi" correctly, you shouldn't be commenting, dumbass!
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush?
Correct, to a degree. So are you condemning both or approving of both? You forgot to say.
No i supported the Iraq war, Sadaam had to be taken out. The part i didn't agree with is we didn't go in and do it and leave. To many soldiers died and got hurt for no reason. We don't fight wars to win anymore.
I don't disagree with too much of that. But disbanding the Iraqi army paved the way for isis, which, surely we agree, is no bueno.
I agree, but if we went in got right out of there. Bush could've told ISIS we would do it again if they tried. But he didn't which made us look week. I liked Bush, but he was far from perfect.

Bush? ISIS? Are you having a stroke?
There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

Republicans used to have faith in law enforcement, but now that you have a criminal President sitting in the Oval office, who has been under investigation for years, "entrenched Democratic operatives" are out to get him.

Trump, his reckless and utterly stupid obstruction of justice via Twitter, the open cesspool of lies, and the incessant abuse of the public purse, is the author of his own misfortune.

When law enforcement is used as an excuse for political fighting, it's the side that starts it that is at fault. Your side.

You just can't wait the few years until a new election, because you just can't get it through your head that your saviour lost the election.

How does a tweet "obstruct justice"?

The rest is just the partisan bleating of a statist sheep.

Baa Baa Baa, bitch.

You stupid clown! You elected an agent of the Government of Russia as your President. The rest of the government is busy doing what the Constitution requires them to do - investigate him, have a trial and remove the treasonous asshole from office.

Trump works for Russia? You better tell someone you have proof of this as no one else believes that anymore after everyone has said that there was no collusion.
Hey moron! On 9/11 we were attacked by a terrorist organization called Al Qaeda, not Saudi Arabia. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention next time!

Hey moron...15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis and Bin Laden's family was tight with the Royal Family

So there's that

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