Trump on the ropes


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public
2020 is looking like another one of those, "At least he's not....", another election that will be completely negative and most voters will likely be voting against a candidate rather for one. I'm concerned about Biden. He's hasn't shown that he's dirty another to get down in the mud with Trump. I was hoping that by now, America would be ready for some dignity, intelligence, statesmanship, and real leadership in the Oval Office.
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

Yea, he’s “on the ropes”....with a higher approval rating than the Hussein had at the same time in.

It’s going to be hilarious when Mueller serves up another big nothing burger to Congress.
Trump needs to worry about Joe "I can't believe I said that" Biden?

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public
Got to love crazy. The democrats are running on buying votes. Reparations, Medicare for all, student loan forgiveness, the new green deal and all the rest with no real idea how to pay for it. They are even using states to try and alter the election process.

They are not talking about how to keep jobs continuing. They are talking about altering the constitution. They are not talking about how to deal with North Korea and Iran. They are talking about increasing requlations that will create higher uninployment.

They are talking continual investigation with no return.

Yeah Trump and Republicans really need to worry.
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

Yea, he’s “on the ropes”....with a higher approval rating than the Hussein had at the same time in.

It’s going to be hilarious when Mueller serves up another big nothing burger to Congress.
On May 5, 2011 approximately 18 months before the 2012 election Obama's average approve rating of the 10 RCP polls was 51.5. Donald Trump's average approval rating of the RCP polls 18 months before his 2020 election day is 44.0. Trump has never had an average approval rating of 50% or higher.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

LMFAO Biden couldn't beat Trump on the best day he ever had.

Hell he's already said if elected he will do away with the tax cuts. I'm sure Americans will fall all over themselves to vote for a man making a statement like that.

Your post is pure drivel but good for a laugh and laugh I will.
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

Yea, he’s “on the ropes”....with a higher approval rating than the Hussein had at the same time in.

It’s going to be hilarious when Mueller serves up another big nothing burger to Congress.
On May 5, 2011 approximately 18 months before the 2012 election Obama's average approve rating of the 10 RCP polls was 51.5. Donald Trump's average approval rating of the RCP polls 18 months before his 2020 election day is 44.0. Trump has never had an average approval rating of 50% or higher.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Lol......RCP.....was off by a million miles on election day 2016!

Only Rasmussen nailed it!

Trump needs to worry about Joe "I can't believe I said that" Biden?

tRump should be worrying about everyone running against him. He's one of the least popular presidents ever to run for reelection. He has an average approval rating under Jimmy Carter's.
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public
2020 is looking like another one of those, "At least he's not....", another election that will be completely negative and most voters will likely be voting against a candidate rather for one. I'm concerned about Biden. He's hasn't shown that he's dirty another to get down in the mud with Trump. I was hoping that by now, America would be ready for some dignity, intelligence, statesmanship, and real leadership in the Oval Office.

We haven't had real leadership, intelligence, dignity, and statesmanship in the Oval Office since Reagan. I don't see anything changing for many years. Neither of the two major party's are going to put up real leader, they don't have to. I will vote for the best candidate, it probably won't be either a Democrat or a Republican.
"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public

With obviously fear of being pounded by Joe Biden in 2020 and Mueller expected to appear before Congress, Trump is hanging on to the ropes, just waiting for a knockout blow.

No longer do we hear of "Pocahontas" as enemy #1. Trump considers her an easy win, being a woman. But now he realizes that he has an honest to good, real foe in Biden. In fact, the way he is acting, I think he seriously expects to get beaten badly in 2020.

But what is really telling, and not at all surprising, is his current opinion that Mueller should not appear before Congress. And why is that? Is it because the Repubs in Congress are not smart enough to defend him against Democrat questions? Is it because Mueller will expose the dirty laundry, that Trump did obstruct? Other than Hannity and Kellyann, anyone else with a brain has no doubt.

So, the clock is ticking. How much longer can Trump play out his losing game, or will we have to wait for his butt kicking in 2020???

"Let people see it": Trump says Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public
Beaten? Where? In prison? This guy has to be impeached. To hell with the election. Trump has no legal right to run for president. He's a publicly convicted convict.
Trump needs to worry about Joe "I can't believe I said that" Biden?

Why you ask? Because Biden among other states can win in Penn Mich and Wisc 3 states scumpt won by 72000 total votes,,,,,,Biden isn't Hillary Dems who didn't vote for her or who hated her will vote for Biden

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