Trump on abortion and punishment for the women!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Matthews should of asked him about adultery in the OT and NT.
What are you saying, Penelope? That you are disappointed that Trump didn't say STONE THEM !?

This thread is really about the Separation of Church and state, if you would have listened to the video you'd know that. If Trump wants to create a theology government here, he won't be in power for long, except for the fricken Evans who will vote for him "no matter what".
What are you saying, Penelope? That you are disappointed that Trump didn't say STONE THEM !?

No that he doesn't know the difference between the Church and the State. He doesn't know much of anything really. I'm sure Matthews never had an abortion so Matthews should of said how about adultery, of which they were stoned over,

nothing about an abortion in the bible except how to do one.
This thread is really about the Separation of Church and state, if you would have listened to the video you'd know that. If Trump wants to create a theology government here, he won't be in power for long, except for the fricken Evans who will vote for him "no matter what".

Then let's talk about the State. The State should never be a part of the murder of its citizens, nor the deaths of the children of its citizens.

I have long talked about what the government might do. No government official can take a position on ending the life of the unborn. Take this completely out of the political arena. Second, no abortion shall be covered by any medical insurance. This is strictly between a doctor and his patient. (The unborn are not yet citizens so the government cannot intervene--but nor can it approve of it or make it easy to occur.)

For those who want to talk about punishment: First, if the government is completely removed from this issue, then punishment shouldn't be a factor. However, if it were: Nine months of jail time for the first offense. Eighteen years of jail time for the second. I'm certain everyone can figure out how I came up with these two figures.
I wonder how many abortions Trumpy has paid for in his day?
If this were so, considering how he feels about abortion today, do you think he has regrets? How many mothers who aborted the unborn do you feel may have regrets?
I wonder how many abortions Trumpy has paid for in his day?
If this were so, considering how he feels about abortion today, do you think he has regrets? How many mothers who aborted the unborn do you feel may have regrets?

He doesn't give a rip about abortions in my opinion, just a talking point for the evangelicals.
What are you saying, Penelope? That you are disappointed that Trump didn't say STONE THEM !?

No that he doesn't know the difference between the Church and the State. He doesn't know much of anything really. I'm sure Matthews never had an abortion so Matthews should of said how about adultery, of which they were stoned over,

nothing about an abortion in the bible except how to do one.
This isn't about Church and State. That clump of cells, if not aborted, grows into a human being. When a pregnant woman is killed the killer is charged for killing the woman and the baby. Is it really so hard to understand that when a woman pays to have someone yank the baby from her womb that somebody was killed? Trump understands that.

Meanwhile, your boy Matthews, who calls himself a Catholic, doesn't understand the value of human life.
What are you saying, Penelope? That you are disappointed that Trump didn't say STONE THEM !?

No that he doesn't know the difference between the Church and the State. He doesn't know much of anything really. I'm sure Matthews never had an abortion so Matthews should of said how about adultery, of which they were stoned over,

nothing about an abortion in the bible except how to do one.
This isn't about Church and State. That clump of cells, if not aborted, grows into a human being. When a pregnant woman is killed the killer is charged for killing the woman and the baby. Is it really so hard to understand that when a woman pays to have someone yank the baby from her womb that somebody was killed? Trump understands that.

Meanwhile, your boy Matthews, who calls himself a Catholic, doesn't understand the value of human life.

Matthhews although Catholic is anti abortion as he said, but legally he is pro choice. Some believe that clump of cells as you called them is not an infant, and lives off the Mom till born. Funny you can't see the difference between pro choice and well I would say pro life, but then you guys are not pro life.

When you say its illegal to abort an incest or rape then I might think you really believe, but you pick and choose. What about the man who pays for abortion?? many of those are republican, I'm sure.

You talk out some side of your mouth, and then withhold food stamps and are pro war and sanctions. I find your type hypocritical.
What are you saying, Penelope? That you are disappointed that Trump didn't say STONE THEM !?

No that he doesn't know the difference between the Church and the State. He doesn't know much of anything really. I'm sure Matthews never had an abortion so Matthews should of said how about adultery, of which they were stoned over,

nothing about an abortion in the bible except how to do one.
This isn't about Church and State. That clump of cells, if not aborted, grows into a human being. When a pregnant woman is killed the killer is charged for killing the woman and the baby. Is it really so hard to understand that when a woman pays to have someone yank the baby from her womb that somebody was killed? Trump understands that.

Meanwhile, your boy Matthews, who calls himself a Catholic, doesn't understand the value of human life.

Matthhews although Catholic is anti abortion as he said, but legally he is pro choice. Some believe that clump of cells as you called them is not an infant, and lives off the Mom till born. Funny you can't see the difference between pro choice and well I would say pro life, but then you guys are not pro life.

When you say its illegal to abort an incest or rape then I might think you really believe, but you pick and choose. What about the man who pays for abortion?? many of those are republican, I'm sure.

You talk out some side of your mouth, and then withhold food stamps and are pro war and sanctions. I find your type hypocritical.
I've said nothing about food stamps, war or sanctions. You've wondered off your own topic.

It is hypocritical to say that abortion is morally wrong then claim it is OK because it isn't illegal.

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