Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US.

Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans, and for a very specific reason. To get as many people into the country to become Democrat voters. These folks have made it clear that they will try to get into the US legally, if they can, but if that is too difficult, they have no compunctions about simply running across a lightly defended, unwalled border.

Once in the US, as always, they likewise will have no compunctions about voting in an electoral system not set up to stop them. Currently, it appears that power-mad Democrats are in full gear to try to win the 2020 elections, in ANY way they can, while Republicans are not taking the necessary steps they need.

This can't be done by the Congress, as Democrats will vote against it. It is up to Trump to get it done. OR ELSE.
Ran out of your meds again I see.

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There's no medication that can treat rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.
There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?
So you are opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's not surprising, since Democrats, liberals, leftists, and other assorted fruitcakes, have no regard for US law, and only wish to have things done that will facilitate them to grab power.

Quite amazing to see people post this way - 100% contrary to our law, and what is respectable.

As for what is "next", > nothing. Once citizenship is required, our elections will be on solid ground, and the American people will be protected from alien voting.
Ran out of your meds again I see.
You have no response to the OP, I see.

There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?
This is the result of citizens being played on all sides over the decades. Lots of overlap because of the agendas to weaken our nation. Those papers are coming one way or the other if we do not wise up. I am sorry. But only Trump if he is true at this point can slowly reverse the tanglements we have. And he has to be a surgeon to do a lot of it.
CITIZENSHIP proof in elections is out # 1 issue in America, right now. To be negligent on this, is equivalent to willfully having allowed the loss of World War II.
There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?
So you are opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's not surprising, since Democrats, liberals, leftists, and other assorted fruitcakes, have no regard for US law, and only wish to have things done that will facilitate them to grab power.

No, I am opposed to power grabs by the Fed Govt over a made up problem.

Quite amazing to see people post this way - 100% contrary to our law, and what is respectable

You are the one wanting to go contrary to our laws. The power over the elections was given to the states by design, so that they would not be controlled by an all powerful Fed Govt like you want them to be.

As for what is "next", > nothing. Once citizenship is required, our elections will be on solid ground, and the American people will be protected from alien voting.

Citizenship is already required

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The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US.

Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans, and for a very specific reason. To get as many people into the country to become Democrat voters. These folks have made it clear that they will try to get into the US legally, if they can, but if that is too difficult, they have no compunctions about simply running across a lightly defended, unwalled border.

Once in the US, as always, they likewise will have no compunctions about voting in an electoral system not set up to stop them. Currently, it appears that power-mad Democrats are in full gear to try to win the 2020 elections, in ANY way they can, while Republicans are not taking the necessary steps they need.

This can't be done by the Congress, as Democrats will vote against it. It is up to Trump to get it done. OR ELSE.

No. I'm not paying more money to the gov't over a manufactured 'crisis'. Go fuck yourself.
Ran out of your meds again I see.
You have no response to the OP, I see.

There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?
I am near certain that is the true aim of Voter ID. Because Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, then it is obvious its true purpose has to be something else. And that purpose is to force everyone to carry identity papers.

Sieg Heil!
There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?

Yes, and if you can’t or won’t provide them the consequences should be severe.

Once again you prove you are living in the wrong country. Quit trying to fuck up this country and just move to one more to your without freedom

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Once again you prove you are living in the wrong country. Quit trying to fuck up this country and just move to one more to your without freedom

Once again you prove the Left has no clue what is required to be a sovereign nation and provide basic security to the citizenry.
Once again you prove you are living in the wrong country. Quit trying to fuck up this country and just move to one more to your without freedom

Once again you prove the Left has no clue what is required to be a sovereign nation and provide basic security to the citizenry.

Perhaps you're just flat out wrong, just like every other time you post?
No, I am opposed to power grabs by the Fed Govt over a made up problem.

You are the one wanting to go contrary to our laws. The power over the elections was given to the states by design, so that they would not be controlled by an all powerful Fed Govt like you want them to be.

Citizenship is already required
YES, you ARE opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's all that requiring citizenship proof will do.

How in the world does insuring that only citizens vote, equate to a power grab ? Power grab by whom ? The American people ? (as opposed to aliens and their Democrat supporters) If so, GOOD. That is who is SUPPOSED to have the power of the US vote, and ONLY them.

It's a bit late in the going in April of 2019, to still laughably be trying to say that alien voting is a "made up problem." EARTH TO GG: Everyone has known for quite some time that Democrats have given up relying on the American people's vote, and rely on identity groups, which include everybody from anywhere in the world they can get to stuff ballot boxes with VOTES for THEM (which typically is the case with aliens whim they assist to come here)

"power over the elections given to the states" does not include allowing illegal voting by non-citizens. if it requires the US government to insure that elections are valid , then the US government absolutely needs to step in and get it under control.

Citizenship is required by law, yes, but there is no proof system to insure compliance. Not in a single one if the 50 states. Trump needs to set up a surefire complaince system, to prevent Democrats from stealing the 2020 election.

And stop putting these messages about your dopey iPhone. Nobody cares about it.

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