Trump/May enabled Saudis slaughter 29 Yemeni Chldren

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Mass burial for children killed in Yemen

Im no fan of Putin but how do we justify sanctions against Russia whilst sucking Saudi cock ?

The world needs some moral leadership.

Saudi Arabia is defending itself against Iranian imperialist aggression. ---
Lots of people are dying in Yemen because of Iranian Imperialist
aggression. You seem to ignore a big pile of dead bodies----a war that
has engulfed Yemen for MANY YEARS galvanized by Iranian imperialist
aggression. Where there is war that takes place in civilian areas----there
are civilian bodies. UN estimates are about 13000 dead in the past
three years------directly by war and 50,000 dead by virtue of war induced
famine---since 2015. The war induced cholera epidemic-----is killing people
by the scores of thousands -------IRAN. Sanaa is devastated ----Aden is |
FUNCTIONALLY in the hands of Iranian proxies
Mass burial for children killed in Yemen

Im no fan of Putin but how do we justify sanctions against Russia whilst sucking Saudi cock ?

The world needs some moral leadership.


Why would you worry about that when there are worse things to worry about? Like the war that's eventually going erupt in your own country.

You know damned well that because you people no longer have any borders and are taking in everyone who wants to live there, it's a certainty that it's eventually going to happen.
Mass burial for children killed in Yemen

Im no fan of Putin but how do we justify sanctions against Russia whilst sucking Saudi cock ?

The world needs some moral leadership.


Why would you worry about that when there are worse things to worry about? Like the war that's eventually going erupt in your own country.

You know damned well that because you people no longer have any borders and are taking in everyone who wants to live there, it's a certainty that it's eventually going to happen.

Tainted is expressing his specific propensities-----he supports Iranian
and Syrian Baathist Imperialism. As to your usage of "you people"---
who is "you people" ?
Mass burial for children killed in Yemen

Im no fan of Putin but how do we justify sanctions against Russia whilst sucking Saudi cock ?

The world needs some moral leadership.


Why would you worry about that when there are worse things to worry about? Like the war that's eventually going erupt in your own country.

You know damned well that because you people no longer have any borders and are taking in everyone who wants to live there, it's a certainty that it's eventually going to happen.

Tainted is expressing his specific propensities-----he supports Iranian
and Syrian Baathist Imperialism. As to your usage of "you people"---
who is "you people" ?

By "you people", I mean leftists, liberals, progressives, and other shitheads, no matter what country they claim.
The Saudis are bombing kids with bombs that we sell them. Why are you ok with this ?

It is just incredible. Now you can imagine what intentions the anti-Syrian terror masters have in Syria. And yet they are losing. Every "barrel bomb" made also Europe a bit safer. And the larger their propaganda efforts the smaller their military capabilities.
The Saudis are bombing kids with bombs that we sell them. Why are you ok with this ?


the Saudis are responding-----quite recklessly----but a RESPONSE
nevertheless-----to Iranian aggression. Why are you ok with the fact that
Iran has left Sanaa and Aden SWIMMING IN BLOOD-----with weapons supplied
to HOUTHI STOOGES? You enjoy stepping on the dead bodies of children?

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